Download Kennel Cough Kennel cough, as the name implies, is an infectious

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Kennel Cough
Kennel cough, as the name implies, is an infectious disease causing a severe or harsh
cough and is easily transmitted between dogs with relatively close contact, or
sharing the same airspace.
As with many of these diseases there are a number of bugs involved, but one of the
main ones (Bordatella bronchiseptica) is closely related to the bug which causes
Whooping Cough in children. Kennel Cough is not transmissible to humans.
Kennel cough causes a sharp continuous cough which can persist for a few weeks
and can have a serious impact on a dogs well being, particularly older or otherwise
debilitated animals.
It can be treated with antibiotics but often a long course may be needed to shift it
It is possible to vaccinate dogs against Kennel Cough. The vaccine generally consists
of a small volume of liquid which is dropped or squirted into the dog’s nostril. The
vaccine comes in contact with the lining of the nasal chambers and generates a local
immunity there (the normal point of entry of Kennel Cough organisms into the
body). The vaccine is reasonably effective and protection generally lasts one year.
Many kennel owners will request that dogs are vaccinated before they take them in,
particularly if they have ever experienced an outbreak and had to deal with owners
whose dogs picked up Kennel Cough while under their care. In these cases
vaccination will fulfill two roles: it will reduce the chance of a dog bringing Kennel
Cough into a kennels, and it will reduce the chance of him picking it up if exposed
while in there.
Even if you are not requested to do so, it is a good idea to have your dog vaccinated
for Kennel Cough at least 3 days before leaving it in a kennels. Also many people
who show dogs will have them vaccinated before attending shows.