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American History
April 6th/7th
April 8th/9th
April 10th/13th
April 14th/15th
Term 4
Lessons & Assignments
Topic: America Enters the War (1) Japanese Aggression in Asia (2) The
Bombing of Pearl Harbor (3) The United States Declares War (4) General
Douglas McArthur (5) Bataan Death March
Text: United States History, pgs. 452-459
Study Guide: Chapter 14:3
Topic: World War II (1) America Mobilizes for Defense (2) Island Hopping (3)
The Manhattan Project (4) The Battle of Midway (5) The A-Bomb (6) Japan
Text: United States History, pgs. 466-491
Study Guide: Chapter 15:1 & 15:3
Topic: World War II and the Home front (1) GI Bill of Rights (2) Executive
Order 9066 (3) Japanese Internment Camps (4) Koremastsu v. The United
States (1944) (5) Japanese American Citizens League
Text: United States History, pgs. 473-479
Study Guide: Chapter 15:2
Topic: The Cold War Begins (1) satellite nations (2) Truman Doctrine
(3) containment (4) Marshall Plan (5) The Berlin Airlift (6) NATO
Text: United States History, pgs. 510-516
Study Guide: Chapter 16:1
Class Activity: “WW2 Conferences”
Video Activity: “The Berlin Airlift”
April 16th/17th
Ch. 14 & 15 Study Guide Due
Quiz #1
Topic: The Korean War (1) Communist China (2) 38th Parallel (3) limited war
(4) command economy v. capitalist economy (5) SEATO (6) ceasefire
Text: United States History, pgs. 518-523
Supplemental Reading: Melanie Kirkpatrick-“The Bible in the Birds Nest”
Study Guide: Chapter 16:2
Map Activity: “Four Stages of the Korean War”
Supreme Court Briefing a Case
Choose one of the following cases, read the case, and then complete the
assignment using the briefing a case template.
1. Roe v. Wade (1973)
2. Miranda v. Arizona (1966)
American History
Term 4
3. Mapp v. Ohio (1961)
4. District of Columbia v. Heller (2008)
5. Texas v. Johnson (1989)
April 20th/21st
Topic: The Cold War Expands (1) arms race (2) mutually assured destruction
(3) John Foster Dulles (4) brinkmanship (5) Suez Canal Crisis (6) Iron Curtain
(7) The Eisenhower Doctrine (8) Central Intelligence Agency (9) NASA
Text: United States History, pgs. 524-529
Study Guide: Chapter 16:3
Class Activity: The Butter Battle Book
Topic: The 1950’s (1) GI Bill of Rights (2) baby boom (3) Taft-Hartley Act
(4) The Fair Deal (5) suburbs (6) car culture (7) The Interstate Highway Act
(8) The Sunbelt (9) nuclear family (10) rock-in-roll (11) Dr. Spock
Text: United States History, pgs. 546-565
Supplemental Reading:
Study Guide: Chapter 17:1-3
April 24th/27th
April 28th/29th
April 30th-May 1st
Ch. 16 Study Guide Due
Quiz #2
Topic: Civil Rights (1) urban renewal (2) de jure v. de facto segregation
(3) Thurgood Marshall (4) Brown v. The Board of Education (5) The Little
Rock Nine (6) Montgomery Bus Boycott (7) Rosa Parks (8) Martin Luther
King Jr.
Text: United States History, pgs. 567-587
Supplemental Reading:
Study Guide: Chapter 17:4 & 18:1
Topic: The Civil Rights Movement (1) sit-in’s (2) freedom riders (3) James
Meredith (4) The March on Washington (5) I Have a Dream (6) Civil Rights
Act of 1964
Text: United States History, pgs. 589-599
Supplemental Reading:
Study Guide: Chapter 18:2
Topic: Challenges of Civil Rights (1) Freedom Summer (2) Voting Rights Act
of 1965 (3) 24th Amendment (4) Malcolm X (5) Black Panthers (6) Nation of
Text: United States History, pgs. 600-609
American History
Term 4
Supplemental Reading:
Study Guide: Chapter 18:3
May 4th/5th
Presidential Issues Paper
Topic: The Kennedy Administration (1) The Election of 1960 (2) Fidel Castro
(3) “flexible response” (4) The Peace Corps (5) Alliance Progress (6) The Bay
of Pigs Invasion (7) Cuban Missile Crisis (8) The Berlin Wall
Text: United States History, pgs. 616-622
Supplemental Reading:
Study Guide: Chapter 19:1
Video Activity: Thirteen Days
May 6th/7th
May 8th/11th
Ch. 17 & 18 Study Guide Due
Quiz #3
Topic: The New Frontier (1) deficit spending (2) The Space Race (3) The
Kennedy Assassination (4) The Warren Commission (5) Apollo 11
Text: United States History, pgs. 623-628
Supplemental Reading:
Study Guide: Chapter 19:2
Topic: Johnson’s Great Society (1) The Civil Rights Act of 1964 (2) The War
on Poverty (3) The Election of 1964 (4) Medicare and Medicaid (5) Rachel
Carson (6) Immigration and Nationality Act of 1965
Text: United States History, pgs. 629-637
Supplemental Reading: Robert Rector- “How the War on Poverty was Lost”
Study Guide: Chapter 19:3
Class Activity: 1965 Alabama Literacy Test
Topic: Origins of Vietnam War (1) Ho Chi Minh (2) French Indochina (3)
domino theory (4) SEATO (5) Vietcong (6) Gulf of Tonkin Resolution (7)
napalm (8) hawks v. doves
Text: United States History, pgs. 644-655
Supplemental Reading: Mark Moyar- “JFK and the Seeds of Disaster in
Vietnam” & Margie Mason-“AP Napalm Girl Turns 40”
Study Guide: Chapter 20:1 & 20:2
May 14th/15th
Congressional Bill/Resolution
Topic: American Opposition to the War (1) “The Living Room War”
(2) credibility gap (3) The Tet Offensive (4) The Election of 1968 (5) SDS
(6) President Richard Nixon (7) Vietnamization (8) The My Lai Massacre
(9) Kent State (10) The Paris Peace Accords (11) The War Powers Act
American History
May 18th/19th
Term 4
Text: United States History, pgs. 656-671
Supplemental Reading:
Study Guide: Chapter 20:3 & 20:4
Topic: Nixon and the Cold War (1) realpolitik (2) Henry Kissinger (3) Zhou
Enlai (4) Strategic Arms Limitation Treaty (5) détente
Text: United States History, pgs. 672-675
Supplemental Reading:
Study Guide: Chapter 20:5
May 20th/21st
May 22nd/26th
Ch. 19 & 20 Study Guide Due
Quiz #4
Topic: The Counterculture (1) generation gap (2) communes (3) The Beatles
(4) The Hippy Movement (5) Woodstock (6) Timothy O’Leary and LSD
(7)The ERA (8) Cesar Chavez (9) American Indian Movement (8) Earth Day
(9) The Clean Air Act (10) The EPA
Text: United States History, pgs. 682-703
Supplemental Reading: Damien Schiff-“The Endangered Species Act Turns
Forty” & Nigel Holmes-“Nuclear Nation”
Study Guide: Chapter 21
Topic: Watergate (1) stagflation (2) OPEC (3) affirmative action (4) 25th
Amendment (5) executive privilege (6) Nixon resigns (7) Presidential
Text: United States History, pgs. 710-718
Supplemental Reading:
Study Guide: Chapter 22:1
Supplemental Reading Assignment
May 29th-June 1st
Topic: The Ford & Carter Years (1) pardon (2) amnesty (3) Christian
Fundamentalists (4) The “Me” Generation (5) televangelists (6) Helsinki
Accords (7) SALT II (8) Iran (9) Camp David Accords
Text: United States History, pgs. 719-731
Supplemental Reading:
Study Guide: Chapter 22:2 & 22:3
Topic: Conservatism (1) Ronald Reagan (2) liberalism v. conservatism (3)
New Right (4) Moral Majority (5) supply-side economics (6) budget deficits
(7) Keynesian Economics (8) AIDS (9) The Rehnquist Court
Text: United States History, pgs. 740-749
Supplemental Reading: William Galston-“Reagan and the Roots of US
American History
Term 4
Study Guide: Chapter 23:1
Ch. 21 & 22 Study Guide Due
Quiz #5
Term Assignments
1. Presidential Issue Paper- Choose a president of the United States who served during the 20th or
21st century and write a two page paper organized in the following way:
a. Biography-Write a short four to five sentence summary of their political service prior to
becoming president of the United States. Include their party affiliation and an
accomplishment they achieved while serving in political office before they became
b. Domestic Issue-Chose a domestic issue the person promoted or made into law during
their presidency. Make sure to state the name of the legislation, a short explanation of
what the issue was, how the issue influenced people living in the country, and the
impacts of the issue on the future of the country. Your summary of the issue must
include a quote about the issue from the president you chose.
c. Foreign Issue- Chose a foreign issue the person promoted during their presidency. Make
sure to state the name of the issue, a short explanation of what the issue was and why
the president took the stance he did, how the issue influenced people living in the
country the issue dealt with, the impacts of the issue on the future of the country, and
how the issue influenced life in the United States. Your summary of the issue must
include a quote about the issue from the president you chose.
2. Congressional Legislation-Pretend you are a member of the United States Congress and want a
social, economic, or political change to happen in the United States. Using the examples given
in class write a bill or resolution that would fix the problem. Include a one page, typed paper
that explains why you choose that particular issue, how your proposed change will improve life
in the United States, what individual changes people will have to make in their personal lives in
order to be a part of the solution to the problem.
3. Supreme Court Briefing Case-Choose a Supreme Court case and complete the briefing a case
4. Supplemental Reading Assignment-Chose three of the supplemental readings provided in the
term and respond to each in an 8-12 sentence paragraph.