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Vynnitsa national medical university named after M.I.Pyrogov
on methodical meeting of
endocrinology department
A chief of endocrinology
department, prof. Vlasenko M.V.
“_31_”_august___ 2012 y
Scientific discipline
Мodule № 1
substantial module №1
Internal medicine
Basis of Internal medicine
“Diagnostic, treatment and prophylactic basis of
main endocrinology diseases”
Topic №17: Hormone producing tumors of the
diagnostics, differential diagnosis, treatment.
Medical № 1
Vynnitsa – 2012
for the students of 4-th course of medical faculty for preparation to the practical
classes from endocrinology
1.Тopic №17: Hormone producing tumors of the adrenal glands (pheocromocytoma,
hyperaldosteronism). Clinics, classification, diagnostics, differential diagnosis, treatment.
2. Relevance of topic: The urgency of this theme is defined (determined) by insufficient awareness
of doctors, complexity of diagnostics of various hormonal-active diseases of adrenal glands.
Contemporary understanding of adrenal tumors during last years became possible because of
achievements in physiology, biochemistry and clinical medicine. For instance, we know that among
others adrenal adenoma may be the cause of hypokalemia, adrenal neoplasm may manifest with
Cushing’s syndrome and pheochromocytoma sometimes may be etiological factor of severe
The syndrome initial hyperaldosteronism (IHA) in 1955 has described Conn. Now concept
IHA unites a number (line) of relatives to clinical biochemical attributes, but various on
pathogenesis diseases in which basis production of aldosteron a bark of adrenal glands lays
excessive and independent of system renin-angiotensinum. IHA meets more often at women, than at
men (in the ratio 3:1), in the age of 30-40 years. Among suffering arterial hypertony (AH) 0,5-1,5
% make patients with IHA.
Pheochromocytoma (Ph) - a tumour chromafine tissue, secretory the superfluous quantity
(amount) of catecholamines, is found out approximately in 0,3-0,7 % of patients AH. On 1 million
patients it is supposed 20 patients. Pheochromocytoma it is described in all age groups from
newborn up to elderly, however most frequently meets in the age of 25-50 years. Although
pheochromocytomas may occur at any age, the maximum incidence is between the third and fifth
decades. Pheochromocytoma secretes catecholamine and is responsible for < 0.1 % cases of
3. Aim of lesson:
• To know the disposition of different tumors, their hormone activity and infuence on metabolic
• To be aware of clinical signs regarding adrenal neoplasms.
• To know how to establish a diagnosis of adrenal tumors and to elaborate a plan of diagnosis
confrmation and treatment.
• To learn etiology, pathogenesis, diagnostic criteria of the pheochromocytoma,hyperaldosteronism
and principles of their therapy
• To make students aware of the great importance of the problems of adrenal tumors.
4. References
4.1. Main literature
1. Endocrinology. Textbook/Study Guide for the Practical Classes. Ed. By Petro M. Bodnar: Vinnytsya: Nova Knyha Publishers, 2008.-496 p.
2. Basіc & Clіnіcal Endocrіnology. Seventh edіtіon. Edіted by Francіs S. Greenspan, Davіd G.
Gardner. – Mc Grew – Hіll Companіes, USA, 2004. – 976p.
3. Harrison‘s Endocrinology. Edited J.Larry Jameson. Mc Grew – Hill, USA,2006. – 563p.
4. Endocrinology. 6th edition by Mac Hadley, Jon E. Levine Benjamin Cummings.2006. –
5. Oxford Handbook of Endocrinology and Diabetes. Edited by Helen E. Turner, John A. H.
Wass. Oxford, University press,2006. – 1005p.
4.2. Additional literature
6. Endocrinology (A Logical Approach for Clinicians (Second Edition)). William Jubiz.-New
York: WC Graw-Hill Book, 1985. - P. 232-236. Pediatric Endocrinology. 5th edition. –
2006. – 536p.
Basic Level.
Students must know:
1. Anatomy and physiology of adrenal glands.
2. Functions of the adrenal hormones and catecholamines.
3. Diagnostic methods of the examination of adrenal glands .
Students should be able to:
1. Ask and examine the patient.
2. Interpret data of the laboratory and instrumental methods of examination
Students’ Independent Study Program.
You should prepare for the practical class using the existing text books and lectures. Special
attention should be paid to the following:
1. Pheochromocytoma. Etiology and pathogenesis Forms. Clinical signs. Diagnosis.
Differential diagnosis. Prognosis. Treatment.
2. Primary hyperaldosteronism (Conn syndrome). Pathogenesis, clinical signs, diagnosis,
differential diagnosis. Treatment. Arterial hypertension of endocrine genesis.
3. Laboratory and instrumental diagnostic of adrenal tumors.
4. Expertise of the working capacity of patients with adrenal disorders.
Short content of theme
It is a tumor of chromaffin cells that secrete catecholamines.
Etiology is unknown.
In about 80 – 90 % of cases, pheochromocytomas are found in the adrenal medulla, but may
also be found in other tissues derived from neural crest cells (e.g., tumors may be found in the
paraganglia of the sympathetic chain, retroperitoneally along the course of the aorta, in the carotid
body, in the organ of Zuckerkandl (at the aortic bifurcation) in the GU system, in the brain, and in
the dermoid cysts.
Pheochromocytoma can be found along or as a part of the syndrome of familial multiple
endocrine neoplasia (MEN syndrome) – Type II (Sipple’s syndrome: associated with medullary
thyroid carcinoma and parathyroid adenoma), Type III (associated with mucosal (oral and ocular)
neuroma and medullary thyroid carcinoma). There is a significant association (10 %) with
neurofibromatosis (von Recklinghausen’s disease) and may be found with hemangiomas (von
Hippel – Lindau disease).
1. Paroxysmal form (45 %).
2. Permanent form (50 %):
- with crisis;
- without crises.
3. Latent or silent form (nonsymptomatic).
Clinical features
is due to secretion of one or more of the catecholamine hormones or precursors:
norepinephrine (noradrenaline), epinephrine (adrenaline), dopamine.
The most prominent feature is hypertension. Additionally, tachycardia diaphoresis, postural
hypotension, tachypnea, flushing, cold and clammy skin, severe headache, angina, palpitation,
nausea, vomiting, epigastric pain, visual disturbances, dyspnea, parasthesias, constipation or
diarrhea and a sense of impending doom are common; some or all of these symptoms and signs may
occur in any patient.
Paroxysmal attacks may be provoked by palpation of tumor, postural changes, abdominal
compression or massage, induction of anesthesia, emotional trauma, β – adrenergic blocking agents,
and, rarely, micturition.
Duration of hypertensive crisis is variable, lasting from a seconds or few minutes to a days.,
but 50 % of the paroxysms last less than 15 min. Permanent form of the disease’s duration looks
like malignant hypertension. Nonsymptomatic form of the disease is rare.
Physical examination, except for the common finding of the hypertension, usually is normal,
unless performed during a paroxysmal attacks. The severity of the retinopathy and cardiomegaly is
often less extensive than might be expected for the degree of hypertension present.
1. An increased 3-h (24-h) urinary excretion of epinephrine, norepinephrine and their metabolic
products (VMA or metanephrines).
2. Increased plasma epinephrine, norepinephrine.
3. CT scanning of the abdomen for the localization of the tumor.
4. Scanning is useful for extra – adrenal tumors.
Differential diagnosis:
hypertensive disease, symptomatic hypertension.
1. Surgical removal of the tumor is the treatment of choice.
2. During crisis a combination of α- and β- adrenergic blocking agents (phentolamine (tropaphen)
2 - 4 mg every 5 - 10 min till stopping of the crisis, phenoxybenzamine 10 – 20 mg 3 – 4 times
daily, propranolol 30 – 60 mg/day) and infusion of sodium nitroprusside.
The primary hyperaldosteronism is a syndrome that is observed in the relative
clinicobiochemical signs, but differing from pathogenesis of disease (in base of which lies the
excessive and independent, on the renin-angiotensin system, production of aldosterone by adrenal
During the primary hyperaldosteronism the higher aldosterone production is caused by primary
changes in cortical adrenal substance. To the primary hyperaldosteronism ate applied the following
1. Aldosteron producing adrenal cortical adenoma - the aldosteroma (the Con's syndrome).
2. Bilateral adrenal cortical hyperplasia:
- idiopathic hyperaldosteronism (with unsuppressed aldosterone production);
- dexamethasone suppressed hyperaldosteronism.
3. Hyperaldosteronism caused by extraadrenal tumors.
On the most patient (60%) with primary hyperaldosteronism is discovered the adenoma
(aldosteroma), which, as a rule, is one - sided with nor over 4sm sizes. On 15-20% of cases the
primary hyperaldosteronism is coursed with bilateral macromodular or micronodular adrenal
cortical hyperplasia. It was showed, that in this case even there bilateral remove of suprarenal
glands doesn't initiate a hypotensive effect. There fore, it is possible, that it isn't a primary
hyperaldosteronism and it was caused by extrarenal mechanism. There fore, this
hyperaldosteronism form is named a idiopathic or pseudo-primary hyperaldosteronism.
Also there are the dexamethasone- suppressed form or primary hyperaldosteronism, in this the
aldosteron hypersecretion is suppressed by glucocorticoids (dexamethasone). It is possible also the
next variant of primary hyperaldosteronism caused by extraadrenal tumors (tumors of ovaries,
intestine, thyreoid gland).
Hypersecretion of aldosterone by the zonal glomerulosa of adrenal cortex intensifies sodium
reabsorbtion in renal tubules and potassium excretion, therefore develop the following signs:
hypematremia, hypokaliemia, hyponatruria, hyperkaliuria. Sodium retention increases the water
retention and consequently, increases volume of extrasellular fluid, causes arterial hypertension.
This leads to higher glomerular filtration and following reducing of renin secretion. Hypokaliemia
lends to development ofhypokaliemic nephropathy, diabetic alterations in myocardium, muscles.
Disease frequently is in women with 30 - 40 years age. The fundamental clinic manifestations are
concluded in three syndromes:
I. Cardiovascular syndromes:
- permanent arterial hypertension AD achieves higher level - 220 - 260/120 - 140 Hg.
Hypertonic crises are razes. A higher AP leads to appearance of excessive headaches, cardiac pains,
reducing of visual activity:
- Dystrophic alterations in myocardium (cardiac arrhythmia's, frequently - bradycardia, it may
be appear a blood circulation incompetence).
II. Neuromusculary syndrome:
- Myasthenia (more oftenly are involved muscles of limbs and neck), the myastenic attacks may
last from several minute to some hours;
- Paresthesias;
Muscularly weakness (usually with recurrent character), it is possible development
ofmuscular paralyses.
III. The potassicopenic syndrome:
- on excessive thirst;
- polyuria with nicturia;
- development of the chronic pyelonephritis owing to alkaline urinal pH and decreasing of
renal tissue resistibility to infection.
Laboratory and instrumental results
1. Total blood analysis is without characteric changes.
2. Urinalysis : hypoisosthenuria, alkaline reaction, and rarer the proteinuria.
3. Biochemical blood analysis: hypematremia, hyhypotassemia.
4. Higher level of aldosteron in blood and lower level of renin
5. ECG: bradycardia, arrhythmia, slowerring atrioventricular conduction, depressed ST interval to
down from isoline, the T - wave inversion, prolonged Q - T interval, pathologic V - wave. These
changes of ECG are caused by hypokaliemia and hypematremia.
6. USE and computed tomography of the suprarenal glands show the adenoma or adrenal
hyperplasia presence.
7. The adrenal scanning with using of the 9 - iodocholesterol which is tilted by 131I, discoveries an
isotope accumulation asymmetry in suprarenal grants during tumor presence.
The tolerance diagnostic test:
The tolerant diagnostic tests are based on stimulation or suppression of the renin - angiotensin aldosterone system. During 10 days before examination it is canceled the all medical therapy, at
first of all, the hypotensive, diuretic preparations.
Verospiron is canceled before 2-4 weeks to examination. It there is a higher blood pressure, then
it is possible to use only Clophelinum and Dibazolum.
The examined patients are on the diet number 10 with higher contents of sodium (160 - 180
mmole/day) and fluid until -1,5 liters per day.
Diet controlling is fulfilled owing to examination of sodium excretion with urine per day (it must
be 150-180 mmole).
The one- hour walking test
On this probe phone in the most healthy and people and patients with arterial hypertension and
secondary hyperaldosteronism there is a stimulation of renin production. Growthing of renin level
in blood plasma is Img (ml per hour and more over).
On the base of this test there are distinguished the patients with secondary hyperaldosteronism.
For demarcation of the patients with primary (tumoral) and idiopathic (hyperplastic)
hyperaldosteronism in who's the growthing of renin level in blood after 1 hour of week remains
lower than 1 mg/ per hour, are conductor the supplementary tests.
The four- hours walking test
Probe is grounded on stimulating of walk on the renin- angiotensin- aldosterone system with taking
into account of circadian cycles and dependence on aldosterone and hydrocarbon secretion from
ACTH- secretion. The most higher secretion of ACTH is in early morning, then it gradually reduces
to evening.
Activation of the renin- angiotensine- aldosterone system on the 4- hours walking phone leads to
increasing of aldosterone concentration in plasma in 1,5 - 2 ones in all patients with primary
hyperaldosteronism, except ones with aldosteroma, in whose the aldosterone level in blood remains
unchanged or reduced, because of in tumor cells aldosterone secretion independes on the renin angiotensine- aldosterone system and ACTH.
Test methods: blood is taken in 8 hours of morning on an empty stomach (patient is lining on the
bed), then in noon after 4 - hours walking in moderative tempo, this manipulation is repeated. The
basal aldosterone level in blood is higher if it is more over 120-140 mg/ml.
Desoxicotricosterone test
It is based on hampering of aldosterone secretion during use of desoxicorticosterone, because of it
increase the extra cellular fluid volume, that suppresses the renin -angiotensin aldosterone system
activity. This test discoveries the decreasing of aldosterone concentration more than 30- 50% in
comparing with result before desoxicorticosterone using in all patients with hyperaldosteronism,
except patients with aldosteroma.
The test methodic: oil solution ofDOCA is intramusculary injected over 10 mg x 2 ones per day
during three days. Examination of aldosterone contains in blood plasma is conducted in the morning
in rest state before DOCA use and on the fourth day after injection. Probe is fulfilled under the AP
and ECG monitoring. Of the blood pressure level is higher than 230/130 Hg, then this probe is
Test with oval use of sodium chloride
In patients with primary hyperaldosteronism the use of sodium chloride over 10 mg per day
during 5 days leads to acute decreasing of potassium level in blood. This probe is used for
discovering ofnormokaliemic forms of disease.
Test with Verospiron
To patient, who was on diet containing not lower than 6 mg of sodium chloride, is prescribed
Verospiron over 100 mg x 4 ones per day during 3 days. Increasing of potassium concentration in
blood on the fourth day, more over than on the 1 mmole/1, relates about hyperproduction of
aldosterone. During aldosteroma there is a reducing in blood of aldosterone level and activity of
renin of plasma, but in some patients these rates may don't change.
Test with using of Furosemide
To prescribe to patient orally 0,08 gm of Furosemide and in three hours is controlled
concentration of aldosterone and renin in blood. Increasing of aldosterone and reducing of renin
relates about primary hyperaldosteronism.
Differential diagnosis
In table there is a differential diagnosis with hypertonic disease and chronic glomerulonephritis.
Primary hyperaldosteronism
Hypertonic disease
myasthenia Is characteric
Excessive thirst
Is characteric
Isn't characteric
Polyuria with nicturia
Is characteric
Isn't characteric
Is typic
Isn't typic
Aldosterone level in blood
Always is higher
Usually is normal
Isn't characteric
Renin level in blood
Is decreased
Test with Verospiron
Potassium concentration in blood Negative
grouching after 4 days of
Verospiron use
Test with Furosemide
Aldosterone and renin levels in Negative
blood become more higher in 3
hours after 0,08 gm Furosemide
Computed tomography
May be normal,
sometimes is lower
Enlargement of one of both Suprarenal glands have a normal
suprarenal glands
sizes 1
Differential diagnostics of primary hyperaldosteronism with chronic glomerulonephritis
Primary hyperaldosteronism
Connections with streptococcal There are an indications on to acute
infection are absent. There are not glomerulonephritis,
indications on to the had stander with streptococcal infection
acute glomerulo-nephritis
Aren't typic or there are a only Typical renal edemas which are
excessive edemas of face
Nephrotic syndrome
Isn't characteric
Arterial hypertension
Isn't stabile, poorly corrigated
Is less stabile, and corrugated with
prepa- different
rations, except - Verospiron preparations
Isn't characteric
Higher ESR
Chronic glomerulonephritis
Is characteric
Is characteric
toleration, Leads to significant increasing of Aldosterone concentration in blood
test with Furosemide
aldosterone level in blood
is comparing with initial result
Computed tomography Enlargement of
ofsuprarenal glands
suprarenal glands
USE of kidneys
bosk Suprarenal glands have a normal
Size of both kidneys are normal
Kidneys are redused
Example of diagnosis formulation
The primary hyperaldosteronism (aldosteroma of the right suprarenal gland), symptomatic
arterial hypertension of III stage, myocardial dystrophy; Blood circulation incompetence is II - A;
hypopotassiemic kidney.
Primary Hyperaldosteronism Therapy
Primary hyperaldosteronism is the syndrome characterised by the excessive production of
aldosterone by the adrenal cortex which becomes idependent from the renin-angiotensine system.
Its sympthoms are similar despite the difference ofpathogenesis. Therapeutic programme
• Surgical operation
• Pre-operative preparation:
• medical diet
• potassium preparations therapy
• aldosterone antagonists therapy
• arterial hypertension management
• pre-and postoperative corticosteroid therapy
• Conservative therapy
Surgical operation
If the diseases reason is the adrenal aldosterone-producing adenoma (aldosteroma)
unilateral adrenalectomia (tumour resection) is performed.
If aldosteronism is caused by the bilateral micro- and macronuclear hyperplasion of adrenal
cortex, bilateral adrenalectomia is performed.
Some specialists consider that the cases of adrenal cortex bilateral hyperplasion can be
treated conservatively with the aldosterone antagonists. Surgical operation should be prescribed
after the conservative therapy failure only.
Pre-operative preparation
Medical diet.
Potassim-containing food recommended (bakedpotatoes, meat, oranges, plums, tomatoes,
carrot juice, raisins, apricots, peaches, cacao, doughnuts, buckwheat. Salt is limited. The same
concerns salty food.
Therapy with potassium preparations
10% solution of potassium chloride is recommneded to compensate hypokahaemia. It is
taken by two spoonfulls 3-4 times a day with fruit or tomato juice. The course is 7-10 days.
If the kalium deficiency can't be compensated by peroral preparations, intravenous infusions
of 4% potassium chloride are needed (10 ml solved in 500-600 ml of glucose, infusion speed rate30-40 drops per minute).
Therapy with aldosterone antagonists
Aldosterone antagonists monitor sodium and potassium metabolism and decrease the
sympthoms of hypokaliaemia rate.
The most popular aldosterone antagonists is spironolactone (verospirone, aldactone), 200400 mg daily. The pre-operational therapy also includes verospirone in 1-3 months courses for
mineral level normalisation and hypertension management.
Triamterne can be used as verospirone substitute which is prescribed in cases of poor
tolerancy of the latter one in doses of 40 mg per day.
Arterial hypertension management
Spironolactone causes hypertension rate decrease and further blood pressure normalisation
in many patients, unless it happens nifedipine can be used (10-20 mg- 3 times a day), lomire (2.5
mg -3 times a day) or clofeline (clonidine, hemitone- 0.075 mg- 3 times a day) can be used also.
Spironolactone acts as the hypotensive agent due to the inhibition of APE (Stimpel, 1985).
If it proves ineffective , additional individual doses of capotene (1.25-75 per day) can be suggested.
The purpose of the pre-operational period is the blood pressure normalisation.
Acute adrenal insufficiency can be managed by the i/m injections of 100-150 mg of
hydrocortisone. If there is the intra-operational blood pressure fall, hydrocortisone hemisuccinate is
administered intravenously. 30-60 mg of prednisolone injected intravenously is the alternative.
The post-operational period management includes i/m injections of 30 mg of hydrocortisone
acetate each 4-6 hours with a tendency to dose decrease depending on the patients condition, BP
level, and the rate of adrenal insufficiency sympthoms.
The patients after the hemilateral adrenalectomia due to aldosteroma with one intact adrenal
gland usually have no postoperative adrenal insufficiency because of its activity.
Substitutional corticosteroid therapy (as in case of primary chronic adrenal insufficiency) is
prescribed to the patients after the bilateral adrenalectomia or the hemiectomia with the subtotal
resection of the other one. The reason for such operations is the adrenal cortex bilateral
Conservative therapy
• Bilateral
hyperaldosteronism according to Biglieri&Baxters classification)
• Aldosterone-producing glucocorticoido-supressed adrenal cortex adenoma
• Inoperable , metastasing adrenal carcinoma
During bilateral hyperplasion of adrenal cortex (idiopathic hyperaldosteronsm with nonsupressed
non-determined hyperaldosteronism with
aldosterone secretion selective supression) the surgical treatment is not always indicated. It is
effective in 40% of cases only, 60% don't get any relief of arterial hypertension. So, the
conservative therapy of bilateral adrenal cortex hyperplasion can be the alternative to surgical
Conservative therapy includes potassium diet, salt cancelled, spironolactonic programme.
Aldosterone antagonists are effective during the therapeutic courses only. Threfore, spironlocatone
therapy should be constant (up to 400 mg per day). It may cause impotency and hynekomastia in
males due to its anti-androgenic activity (supression oftestosterone production by the principle
ofconcurent antagonism).
Aldosteron-producing glucocorticoido-supressed hyperaldosteronism ism treated with
dexamethasone and doesn't need surgical invasion. The dexamethasone dose is 0.75-1 mg per day.
It normalises the blood pressure, potassium metabolism and aldosterone secretion rate.
Patients with primary hyperaldosteronism are usually invalids of the 11 group. They stay
invalid even after the operation for 6-12 months. They are dyspanserised at this period and are
examined by the endocrinologist once per month. Blood levels of potassium and sodium are
controlled once per month. Constant control of blood pressure is needed.
They start working in 12 months after the complete convalescence.
If the sympthoms stay after the operation patients become partially valid (II invalid group)
depending on these sympthoms rate.
Once an adrenal adenoma is diagnosed by the above endocrine testing, it can be lateralized by CT
scan in 80 % of cases. In the 20 % of patients in whom the CT scan fails to fnd the adenoma, adrenal
vein catheterization is the next step used. Alternatively, an adrenal iodocholesterol scan may be
done; the patient must be given dexamethasone to reduce uptake by the normal adrenal. Once the
adenoma is localized, the patient is given spirono-lactone in doses of 200400 mg/day to normalize
the serum potassium and improve the blood pressure. Once the serum potassium is normal, the dose
of spironolactone may usually be reduced 50 %. If the patient is not ‘prepared’ for surgery,
postoperative hypotension and hyperkalemia may occur due to prior suppression of the reninangiotensin system.
Tests and Assignments for Self-assessment.
Multiple Choice.
Choose the correct answer/statement:
1. Which of these hormones is not produced by adrenal cortex:
A. Hydrocortisone.
B. Aldosterone.
C. Epinephrine.
D. Dehydroisoandrosterone.
2. What is the most prominent feature of pheochromocytoma:
A. Weight loss.
B. Hypertension.
C. Nausea.
D. Hyperpigmentation.
Answer: 1 – C. 2 – B.
Real-life situations to be solved:
Patient N., 36 years, complains on periodical (1 time during 5-6 month) attacks of headache
with heartbeat, lack of breath, pain in the heart region and abdomen, feeling of excitement and
fear. He notices sweating, salivation, sometimes vomiting, polyurea after attacks. Between attacks
he feels well. Objectively during attack: pale, cold and moist skin, pupils are dilated, pulse is
130/min, blood pressure is 260/160 mm Hg. In general blood analysis: leukocytosis, erythrocytosis,
lymphocytosis, eozynophilia. What is your diagnosis?
Answer: Pheochromocytoma, paroxysmal form.
A 45-year-old farmer, presented with a 2-week history of proximal muscle weakness. He
described this weakness as not being able raise his arms to comb hair. Past medical history was
signifcant for hypertension of 5 years’ duration treated with hydrochlorothiazide, KCl prazo-sin,
and propranolol. He had been told that he had “a low blood chemical due to his medications” for
which KCl had been prescribed. There was no family history of weakness, but both of his parents
took antihypertensive medication. On examination, he was a plethoric, obese. His weight is 90 kg,
height – 170 cm; pulse – 68, regular. His BP was 180/120 sitting and standing. Eye exam revealed
normal optic disks, mild arteriolar-venous nicking, and no retinal hemorrhages or exudates. He had
a protuberant abdomen without hepatosplenomegaly and normal genitalia. There was no centripetal
obesity. The skin showed no striae. Mental status, sensory, deep tendom refexes, and cerebellar
exams were normal. Serum electrolytes: Na+ 143 mEq/l; K+ 2.0 mEq/l; Cl– – 106 mEq/l. What is your
Answer: Hyperaldosteronism.
Students Practical Activities.
Work 1 : Students’ group is divided into 2 sub-groups, that work near the patients’ bed: ask the
patients on organs and systems, take anamnesis of the disease , anamnesis of life, make objective
exam. With the teacher’s presence. In the class-room they discuss the patients, learn data of
laboratory and instrumental exam. of these patients.
1.To group the symptoms into the syndromes.
2.To find out the leading syndrome and make differential diagnosis.
3.To formulate the diagnosis.
4.To make a plan of treatment.
Methodological recommendation prepared assistant, c.m.s. Chernobrova O.I.
It is discussed and confirm on endocrinology department meeting
" 31 " august 2012 y. Protocol № 1.