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Biology 11 Unit 3
NAME: __________________________Block: ____
Evolution Worksheet #1
1) What was the name of the boat Darwin sailed on?
2) What were some of the things Darwin realized about the number and variety of living
species while he was on the voyage?
3) Where are the Galapagos Islands located?
4) List some of the ways tortoises and birds differ among the islands of the Galapagos?
5) What is a fossil?
6) What did Darwin wonder about kangaroos and rabbits?
7) Who was James Hutton and what did he say about geological processes?
8) What were the two ways Charles Lyell’s book Principles of Geography influenced
9) How did Hutton’s and Lyell’s views of Earth differ from that of most people of their time?
Biology 11 Unit 3
10) What was Lamarck’s hypothesis?
11) What part(s) of Lamarck’s hypothesis were wrong? Why were they wrong?
12) What part of Lamarck’s hypothesis was correct?
13) Who was Thomas Malthus and what did he say that influenced Darwin?
14) What is artificial selection?
15) What are two examples of organisms produced through artificial selection?
16) Why is there a “Struggle for Existence” in nature and what makes some organisms
successful, and others not?
17) What did Darwin mean about an individual when he used the term “fitness”?
18) What is an adaptation and why do successful ones help organisms survive?
Biology 11 Unit 3
19) What are the three kinds of adaptation?
20) Explain what Darwin meant when he used the term “Survival of the Fittest.”
21) How is Natural Selection different from Artificial Selection?
22) What is “Descent with Modification”
23) How can studying fossils help understand evolutionary theory?
24) What are Homologous Structures and what are some examples?
25) What are Analogous Structures and what are some examples?
26) What is a Vestigial Organ? Give two examples.
27) Sum up Darwin’s Theory in 5 main points. (hint – see P. 386)
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Biology 11 Unit 3
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28) List and explain four examples that support the Theory of Evolution.
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29) What was the name of the book Darwin published that made him famous?
30) In what year did he publish it?
31) What part of his book made people angry with Darwin? Why?
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