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IB Psychology: possible exam questions, new syllabus,
first examination 2011
Biological level of analysis (2.1, 2.2, 2.3)
SAQ: With reference to one empirical study explain how environmental factors
can affect one physiological process.
The command term “explain” invites you to give a detailed account
including reasons or causes. In this question, you need to include a relevant
empirical study to show a possible link between environmental factors and a
physiological process.
ERQ: Discuss the extent to which genetic inheritance influences behaviour with
reference to relevant research studies.
This question uses the command term “discuss’ which means that you
should present a balanced view that includes a number of arguments that
address the way in which genetic factors influence behaviour. You should
present evidence from research and you should arrive at a conclusion based on
the arguments presented.
Cognitive level of analysis (3.1, 3.2, 3.3)
ERQ: Evaluate a model or a theory of one cognitive process (e.g. memory,
perception, language, decision making), with reference to research studies.
ERQ: Discuss how social or cultural factors affect one cognitive process.
ERQ: Discuss the reliability of one cognitive process (e.g. remembering,
forgetting, attention)
ERQ: To what extent can case studies of patients with brain damage provide
insight into memory processes?
You should include more than one case study.
ERQ: Explain the use of technology in investigating the relationship between
cognitive factors and behaviour (e.g. EEG, fMRI, computer simulations).
ERQ: Explain the interaction between cognitive and biological factors in emotion.
ERQ: Discuss differences between people’s beliefs about happiness and what
psychological research shows?
ERQ: To what extent is it possible to increase one’s happiness level?
ERQ: Evaluate the role of culture in happiness.
ERQ: To what extent is it possible to use research about happiness to increase
Sociocultural level of analysis (4.1, 4.2, 4.3)
SAQ: Explain the use of one research method at the sociocultural level of
SAQ: Describe one error in attribution.
ERQ: With reference to research discuss two errors in attributions.
SAQ: With reference to one research study explain social learning theory.
ERQ: With reference to two studies, evaluate research on conformity.
ERQ: Examine the role of two cultural dimensions on human behaviour.
ERQ: To what extent can psychology contribute to the reduction of prejudice?
ERQ: Does prejudice always lead to discrimination?
ERQ: To what extent is prejudice mostly biologically based or learned?
Abnormal psychology: concepts of normality (5.1, 5.2, 5.3)
ERQ: With reference to research, examine the concepts of normality and
EAQ: Discuss the validity and reliability of diagnosis.
ERQ: Discuss the interaction of biological, cognitive, and sociocultural factors in
abnormal behaviour.
ERQ: Describe symptoms and prevalence of one psychological disorder.
Evaluate the use of one approach to the treatment of the disorder.
ERQ: Why are there gender differences in depression?
ERQ: To what extent are eating disorders a western phenomenon?
Health psychology: (7.1, 7.2, 7.3)
ERQ: Describe two stressors. Discuss two physiological, psychological, or social
aspects of stress.
ERQ: Outline two factors related to the development of obesity. Discuss one
prevention strategy or one treatment for obesity.
SAQ: Describe one model or one theory of health promotion.
ERQ: With reference to research discuss the effectiveness of one health
promotion strategy.