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1-Behavior Classical Conditioning:
Classical conditioning is the process of associating two stimuli with the result of learned response.
In the context of consumer behavior classical conditioning is little bit different, like it is the process
in which a consumer associate a specific product with related feelings. The process is consisting of
different following steps.
Step-1: Before Conditioning
This is the initial step which depends upon the natural occurrence of stimulus and in result eliciting
a response. Like for the feeling of hunger (Un- conditional response) a delicious food (Unconditioned stimulus) is required for a consumer in any fast food franchise.
Step-2: During conditioning
During the second phase of the classical conditioning process, the previously neutral response is
repeatedly paired with the unconditioned stimulus. For example when in the fast food franchise the
smell of food will come again and again, consumer will fell hunger. So the smell of food (unconditioned stimulus) becomes conditioned stimulus.
Step-3 After conditioning
In this step when association developed b/w UNS & CS, the resulted response becomes conditioned
response. Where the conditioned response is learned response. For example when the consumer
goes for fast food, the entrance of fast food franchise will be conditioned response.
2-operant Conditioning:
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