Download Liquid Solid 1 mL 1 cubic centimeter (cc) 454 g 1 pound (lb) 5 mL 1

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Document related concepts
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1 mL
1 cubic centimeter (cc)
454 g
1 pound (lb)
5 mL
1 Teaspoon (tsp)
30 g
1 oz
15 mL
1 Tablespoon (Tbsp) or 3 tsp
1 kg
2.2 lb
30 mL
1 fluid oz (fl oz) or 2 Tbsp or 6 tsp
240 mL
1 cup or 8 fl oz
480 mL
1 pint or 2 cups or 16 fl oz
960 ML
1 quart (qt) or 2 pints (pt) or 4 cups or 32 fl oz
3840 mL
1 gallon or 4 qt or 8 pt
3 tsp = 1 Tbsp
2 Tbsp = 1 fl oz
1 pint = 2 cups
1 qt = 4 cups
1 cup = 8 fl oz
Common Abbreviations
bid =
2 times daily
q = every
SL = sublingual
tid =
3 times daily
qh = every hour
BUC = buccal
qid =
4 times daily
q2h = every two hours
qam = every morning
PR = per rectum
q4h = every four hours
qpm = every evening
U = units
q8h = every eight hours
q2o = every 2 hours
PO = by mouth
qs = a sufficient quantity
q3o = every 3 hours
prn = as needed
gtt = drop
TOP = topical
hs =
at bedtime
qhs = every bedtime
IV = intravenous
ac =
before meals
ud = as directed
IM = intramuscular
pc = after meals
DAW = dispense as written
INH = inhalant
OD = right eye
OS = left eye
OU = both eyes
AD = right ear
AS = left ear
AU = both ears
T2T = Take 2 Tablets
stat = immediately
NKA = no known allergy
Sig = directions
(Think Ocular for eye and Auditory for ear and U for unity (working together). Think Sinister for left
because left-handed people were once thought to be sinister.)
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