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MTH 108 Class 20 Notes
9.5- Business and Economics Applications
Suppose a business manufactures a single product.
1. The total cost of production can be thought of as a function C, where C  x  is
the cost of producing x units.
2. The revenue or money the business takes in from the sale of x units can be
thought of as a function R( x) .
3. The total profit is the money taken in less the money spent. Mathematically,
this can be represented as: P  x   R  x   C  x  .
Suppose a business makes chairs. For one year the business pays $90,000 in fixed
costs to run its operation. In addition it costs the business $150 to produce each
chair, and each chair sells for $400.
(a) Find the total cost, C  x  , of producing x chairs.
This is C ( x)  90000  150 x .
(b) Find the total revenue, R( x) , from the sale of x chairs.
This is R  x   400 x .
(c) Find the total profit from the production and sale of x chairs.
This is P  x   400 x   90000  150 x   250 x  90000 .
(d) Determine the profit that the business will realize from the production and sale
of 400 chairs.
This is given by P  400  250  400   90000  10000 . Thus, the company will
earn a profit of $10000 from the production and sale of 400 chairs.
(e) How many chairs must the company produce and sell to break even?
For this question we are looking for an x such that P  x   0 . So, we solve
250x  90000  0  250 x  90000  x  360 . Thus, the company must make
360 chairs to break even.
A particular factory manufactures car engines. The factory’s profit from
manufacturing and selling x car engines in a given week is given by:
P( x)  100 x2  13000 x  300000 .
(a) Determine the profit that the factory will realize in a week if it manufactures and sells 110
car engines.
Solution: The profit will be P 100  100 110  13000(110)  300000  80000 . So, the
factory would lose $80000 if it manufactured and sold 110 car engines in a week.
Graded Example:
(b) How many car engines must the factory manufacture and sell per week to break even?
Solution: We must solve:
P( x)  0  100 x 2  13000 x  300000  0  100  x 2  130 x  3000   0
100  x  30  x  100   0  100  0 or x  30  0 or x  100  0
 x  30,100.
So, the factory can manufacture and sell 30 car engines and break even, or the factory can
manufacture and sell 100 car engines and break even.
As the price of a product varies, so too does the amount of the product that will
sell. We define demand of a product as a function D( p) . The function takes the
price of the product as an input and spits out how much of the product will be
demanded at that price.
As the price of a product varies, so too does the amount of the product made
available. We define supply of a product as a function S ( p) . The function takes
price of the product as input and spits out how much of the product will be
available from sellers at that price.
Usually, we think of demand as decreasing as price goes up, and we think of
supply as increasing as price goes up. The point of intersection between a supply
and demand function is called the equilibrium point. At this point the amount that
the seller will supply is the same as the amount the consumer will buy.
The demand for an Xbox 360 (in millions) given its price in dollars is
D( p)   p  95 . The supply for Xbox 360’s (in millions) given its price in
dollars is: S ( p) 
p 5.
(a) What will be the demand for Xbox 360’s if the price is $120?
This is given by D(120)  83 . Thus, 83 million Xbox 360’s will be demanded
at a price of $120.
(b) What will be the supply of Xbox 360’s if the price is $120?
This is given by S (120)  23 . Thus, 23 million Xbox 360’s will be supplied
at a price of $120.
(c) Find the equilibrium point of the demand and supply functions for the Xbox
p  95 and S 
p  5 (Note: We are omitting the
function notation.) For the equilibrium point we want to know when D  S .
So, we must solve the system:
 D   10 p  95
p 5
S 
D  S
which is easy to solve with substitution. So, we solve:
 D   10 p  95 
D   p  95
p 5  
  p  95 
S 
D  7 p  5
D  S
 1
 7
 30   p  95   30  p  5   3 p  2850  7 p  150  10 p  3000  p  300.
 10
 30
We know that D  
(300)  95  65 which immediately
implies that S  65 . So, the equilibrium point is (300,65) (since (300,65)
will be on the graph of both D(p) and S(p)). This means that the equilibrium
price for an Xbox 360 is $300 and the equilibrium quantity is 65 million units.
We note that when p  300 , D  
Note: If time permits the instructor will also illustrate this problem
Note: The system of three equations was actually unnecessary in the above
problem. In particular, one could reason that since supply must equal
demand for the equilibrium point we must have  p  95 
p  5 . In fact
this is the approach the book takes on page 680 to a similar problem.
This application section marks the end of Chapter 9 (we don’t go through 9.3 and 9.4 in MTH
108). So, to end this class we will begin chapter 10.
10.1- Radical Expressions, Functions, and Models
We begin chapter 10 with a basic, though important question regarding square roots.
Question to the Class:
How many real number square roots does 4 have?
Answer: The number 4 actually has two real number square roots. In particular, both 2 and -2
are square roots of 4, since when they are multiplied by themselves we get 4.
The answer to the above question may be somewhat surprising because one is so
used to hearing that “the square root of 4 equals 2.” The next definition will clear
some of this confusion.
The principle square root of a nonnegative number is its nonnegative square root.
The symbol “
” is called a radical sign and is used to indicate the principle
square root of the number over which it appears.
Note: Oftentimes, when one sees 4 , he or she says “the square root of 4”. In actuality this is
a slight abuse of language because 4 means the “principle square root of 4”. This means that
4  2 (since 2 is the only nonnegative square root of 4).
The number 25 actually has two square roots: 5 and -5. However, in this problem
we are asked for the principle square root. So, we have that 25  5 .
Graded Example:
(a) Find 169 .
Solution: The solution is 169  13 .
(b) Find
Solution: The solution is
625 25
196 14
(c) How many real square roots does the number -1 have?
Solution: If we multiply any real number by itself, we get a nonnegative real number. So, -1 has
0 real square roots.
Recommended Homework: 9.5- 9-27 odd
Read 10.1