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International Journal of Environmental Research and Development.
ISSN 2249-3131 Volume 4, Number 3 (2014), pp. 219-226
© Research India Publications
Operational Power Plants Based Impacts on Biodiversity to
Assess Ecosystem Degradation in UP (India)
Meena Kumari Yadav1 and Dr. Surendra Kumar Yadav2
Principal, Government School, Siwal, Meerut (U.P)
Associate Professor (Environmental Sciences), University Department of
Engineering & Technology (SCRIET), CCS University, Meerut-250004 (UP), INDIA.
E-mail: [email protected]
Large number of thermal power plants in UP (India) has changes air
composition, water quality and environmental conditions that
consequently affected biodiversity, wildlife and migration of birds in
the region. Biodiversity is a measure of the health of ecosystems and is
influencing due to climate change. Location-specific approaches may
be less useful for protecting migratory species. National Action Plan
on Climate Change (NAPCC) must address properly the issue of power
generation, renewable energy and energy efficiency. Future energy
infrastructure investment decisions, expected to total over 20 trillion
dollars between 2005 and 2030, will have long-term impact on green
house gases (GHGs) emissions because of the long lifetimes of energy
plants and other infrastructure capital stock. The widespread diffusion
of low-carbon technologies may take many decades, even if early
investments are made attractive. Initial estimates show that returning
global energy-related CO2 emissions to 2005 levels by 2030 would
require a large shift in the pattern of investment. Increasing public
awareness is one of the most important ways to conserve biodiversity.
This can be accomplished through educational programs, incentive
programs, and volunteer monitoring programs. Various organizations
and conferences that research biodiversity and associated conservation
strategies help to identify areas of future research, analyze current
trends in biodiversity conservation and management.
Keywords: Power plant; air quality; biodiversity; conservation.
Meena Kumari Yadav et al
1. Introduction
Power plants are necessary for the increasing demand of power/ electricity but
operations of these plants have changed air and water quality. The electricity sector in
India had an installed capacity of 232.164 GW as on 2013, and non-renewable power
plants constitute 87.55% of the installed capacity, and renewable power plants
constitute the remaining 12.45% of total installed capacity [1-2]. India generated 855
BU (855 000 MU i.e. 855 TWh) [3] electricity during 2011–12 fiscal. In terms of fuel,
coal-fired plants account for 57% of India's installed electricity capacity, compared to
South Africa's 92%; China's 77%; and Australia's 76%. After coal, renewable
hydropower accounts for 19%, renewable energy for 12% and natural gas for about 9%
[4-5]. Total per capita consumption of power in India is 778 kWh [6]. The
International Energy Agency estimates India will add between 600 GW to 1200 GW of
additional new power generation capacity before 2050 [7]. Indian coal is of low
calorific value and high ash content. On average, Indian coal has a Gross Calorific
Value (GCV) of about 4500 Kcal/kg, whereas the quality elsewhere in the world is
much better; for example, in Australia, the GCV is 6500 Kcal/kg approximately [8].
The high ash content in India's coal affects the thermal power plant's potential
emissions. Therefore, India's Ministry of Environment & Forests has mandated the use
of beneficiated coals whose ash content has been reduced to 34% (or lower) in power
plants in urban, ecologically sensitive and other critically polluted areas, and
ecologically sensitive areas. The Ministry of Environment and Forests has published a
technical guidance manual to help project proposers and to prevent environmental
pollution in India from thermal power plants as this sector has many environmental
issues [9-12]. The installed capacity of Thermal Power in India, as of 31 October 2012,
was 140206.18 MW which is 66.99 [13] of total installed capacity.
Uttar Pradesh (India) has large number of thermal power plants. Lack of clean and
reliable energy sources such as electricity is, in part, causing about 80 crore (800
million) people in India to continue using traditional biomass energy sources – namely
fuelwood, agricultural waste and livestock dung – for cooking and other domestic
needs [14]. Traditional fuel combustion is the primary source of indoor air pollution in
India, causes between 300,000 to 400,000 deaths per year and other chronic health
issues. India’s coal-fired, oil-fired and natural gas-fired thermal power plants are
inefficient and offer significant potential for greenhouse gas (CO2) emission reduction
through better technology. Compared to the average emissions from coal-fired, oilfired and natural gas-fired thermal power plants in European Union (EU-27) countries,
India’s thermal power plants emit 50% to 120% more CO2 per kWh produced [15].
2. Climate Chabge Impacts
Plants and animals are sensitive to fluctuations in temperature and climate. In the past,
climate has varied considerably within short time scales. Evidence from fossils and
paleobiological studies have indicated that these periods of rapid climate change have
been associated with mass extinction events. We are currently in a period of high
climatic variability. Operation of power plants have changed climatic conditions and
Operational Power Plants Based Impacts on Biodiversity to Assess Ecosystem
speeding up the rate of global warming. This is a direct result of the increase in
production of greenhouse gases, such as CO2 (carbon dioxide), CH4 (methane) and
oxides of nitrogen due to the burning of fossil fuels. Moreover, incomplete combustion
from vehicles and release of anthropogenic chemicals called chlorofluorocarbons
(CFCs) into the atmosphere has degraded the stratospheric ozone layer around the
Earth, which shields the planet from harmful ultraviolet radiation. Increasing water
temperatures will radically alter the ecology of freshwater ecosystems and wetlands,
leading to increased phytoplankton, changes in distribution of invertebrate and fish
species and the loss of coldwater species (like lake trout) altogether. Studies on the
effects of global warming point to two major facts: the speed of change is much more
accelerated than in the past, which may pose a serious threat to slow-growing
communities which cannot respond quickly, and which may shrink the range of plants
that need cooler environments. Secondly, global warming may increase the frequency
of climatic disturbances such as fires, disease, insects, storms, etc.
3. Threats for Biodiversity
Biodiversity is sum of all the different species of animals, plants, fungi, and microbial
organisms living on Earth and the variety of habitats in which they live. Each species is
adapted to its unique niche in the environment, from the peaks of mountains to the
depths of deep-sea hydrothermal vents, and from polar ice caps to tropical rain forests.
Humans have long depended on biodiversity resources for food, medicines, and
materials as well as for recreational and commercial purposes such as fishing and
tourism. Aquatic organisms also rely upon the great diversity of aquatic habitats and
resources for food, materials, and breeding grounds. Factors including overexploitation
of species, the introduction of exotic species, pollution from urban, industrial, and
agricultural areas, as well as habitat loss and alteration through damming and water
diversion all contribute to the declining levels of aquatic biodiversity in both
freshwater and marine environments. As a result, valuable aquatic resources are
becoming increasingly susceptible to both natural and artificial environmental changes.
Thus, conservation strategies to protect and conserve aquatic life are necessary to
maintain the balance of nature and support the availability of resources for future
generations. Air and water pollution, sedimentation and erosion, and climate change
also pose threats to aquatic biodiversity [16-17].
Thermal power plants’ spatial locations at different locations in Uttar Pradesh
(India) have affected biodiversity and migration path of birds in the State of UP. Figure
exhibits locations for major thermal power plants and important forms of pollutants
includes: (i) poisonous pollutants: agrochemicals, metals, acids and phenol cause
mortality, if present in a high concentration and affect the reproductive functionality of
fish [18-19]; (ii) suspended solids: it affects the respiratory processes and secretion of
protective mucus making the fish susceptible to infection of various pathogens; (iii)
sewage and organic pollutants: they cause deoxygenation due to eutrophication
causing mortality in fishes; (iv) thermal pollution: it cause increase in ambient
temperature and reduce dissolved oxygen concentration leading to death of some
Meena Kumari Yadav et al
sensitive species. These factors affect the aquatic biodiversity directly or indirectly.
Excessive mortality of organisms due to any of these factors may lead to two types of
effects: (a) extinction of the species / populations (b) reduction of population size.
4. Biodiversity Conservation Approach
India has about 27% of earth's bird species along with 1.2 Billion people in just over 3
million km2. Aquatic conservation strategies support sustainable development by
protecting biological resources in ways that will preserve habitats and ecosystems. In
order for biodiversity conservation to be effective, management measures must be
broad based. Central Pollution Control Board (CPCB) is executing a nation-wide
programme of ambient air quality monitoring known as National Air Quality
Monitoring Programme (NAMP). CPCB through its air quality monitoring programme
on various pollution control activities and there is continuous monitoring of Sulphur
Dioxide (SO2), Nitrogen Dioxide (NO2), Respirable Suspended Particulate Matter
(RSPM) and Suspended Particulate Matter (SPM) etc. in many areas in the country to
determine status and trends of ambient air quality, ascertain whether the prescribed
ambient air quality standards are violated, identify non-attainment cities, to obtain the
knowledge and understanding necessary for developing preventive and corrective
measures; to understand the natural cleansing process undergoing in the environment
through pollution dilution, dispersion, wind based movement, dry deposition,
precipitation and chemical transformation of pollutants generated for pollution control
strategies. The quality of data is of critical importance. In order to ensure the quality of
data, regular calibration, servicing and repair of the field device is must; and for that
CPCB has initiated the project entitled “Calibration and Evaluation of Ambient Air
Quality Monitoring Stations in India”. Aquatic areas that have been damaged or
suffered habitat loss or degradation can be restored with reasonable efforts.
Bioregional management is a total ecosystem strategy, which regulates factors
affecting aquatic biodiversity by balancing conservation, economic, and social needs
within an area. This consists of both small-scale biosphere reserves and larger reserves.
Watershed management is an important approach towards aquatic diversity
conservation. Rivers and streams, regardless of their condition, often go unprotected
since they often pass through more than one political jurisdiction, making it difficult to
enforce conservation and management of resources. However, in recent years, the
protection of lakes and small portions of watersheds organized by local watershed
groups has helped this situation. Plantation of trees in the catchment area of water body
prevent soil erosion and subsequently reduce the problem of siltation in water body
resulting in better survival of aquatic organisms. Regulatory measures must be taken
on wastewater discharge in the water body to conserve biological diversity.
Operational Power Plants Based Impacts on Biodiversity to Assess Ecosystem
Fig. 1: Spatial locations of various thermal power plants in UP (India)
Table 1: Different power plants with their installed capacities (MW) in UP (India).
Power Station
Obra Thermal Power Station
Anpara Thermal Power Station
Panki Thermal Power Station
Parichha Thermal Power Station
Harduaganj Thermal Power Station
Singrauli Super Thermal Power
Meena Kumari Yadav et al
Rihand TPP
National Capital TPP
Feroz Gandhi Unchahar TPP
Tanda TPP
Rosa Thermal Power Plant
Rihand Nagar Sonebhadra
Vidyutnagar Gautam Budh
Vidyutnagar Ambedkar
5. Conclusions
Biodiversity management strategies through creation of partnership by involving
governmental, commercial organizations, navy and military, NGOs, local populations
and general public are important. More effective legislation, including biodiversity
aspects into all relevant laws, designation of legislation support of biodiversity
conservation must be part for sustainability. Scientific approach for formalization of
decision-making procedure, looking for biodiversity indicators, cadastre of
biodiversity, development of monitoring etc are addition support system for
biodiversity conservation strategies. Ecosystem models have applications in a wide
variety of disciplines, such as natural resource management, eco-toxicology and
environmental health, agriculture, biodiversity and wildlife conservation. The climate
change affects biological processes such as metabolism, nutrient requirements and
biochemical activities quickly react to them. The behavioural response like migration
and geographic distribution of birds are changed. Reproductive physiology and
breeding behaviour of animals are directly affected by photoperiods, temperature and
precipitation. Changes in atmospheric CO2 and methane can affect plant species and
indirectly animal species. The entire food web is affected and becomes imbalanced.
There is need to explore uses of bio-energy & bio-fuels and imposition of ban on coalbased industries with immediate effect. Use of clean energies like solar and wind
power for running industries and household lights must be encouraged through
subsidies by Government. Capture of CO2 from air through speedy forest development
programs. Both ex-situ and in-situ conservation strategies for biodiversity must be
incorporated in planning by Government.
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