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World History Chapter Eight Agenda
Monday – 1-18-16
Tuesday – 1-19- 16
o 9.1 - The Earliest Americans
o 9.2 - Early Mesoamerican Civilizations
Wednesday – 1-20-16
o 9.3 - Early Civilizations of the Andes
o 16.1 - North American Societies
o 16.2 - Maya Kings and Cities
Thursday – 1-21-16
o 16.3 - The Aztecs Control Central Mexico
o 16.4 – The Inca Create a Mountain Empire
Friday – 1-22-16
o In class assignment due at the end of class
Monday – 1-25-16
o Notebook Check
o 19.1 – Europe Explores the East
Tuesday – 1-26-16
o 20.1 - Spain Builds an American Empire
o 20.2 – European Nations Settle North
Wednesday- 1-27-16
o 20.3 – The Atlantic Slave Trade
o 20.4 – The Columbian Exchange and Global
Thursday 1-28-16
o Chapter Eight Review
Friday 1-29-16
o Chapter Eight Test
Note: Listed above are the readings for this chapter. The needed chapters are uploaded to the chapter folder. Questions will
be asked about the readings at instructor’s discretion. Please do your assigned reading on the indicated day.
Ayllu - A form of community organization whereby small groups of people work together for the common good. The Inca Empire would
be based upon this organizational form.
Aztec Empire - A highly complex pre-Columbian Indian civilization located in modern-day Mexico City, noted for its expansion
through military conquest and tribute over conquered peoples, the development of an accurate yearly calendar, and a tradition of human
sacrifice. It would be the first large-scale Indian civilization to be conquered by Spanish conquistadors.
Chinampas - Often referred to as "floating gardens," a method of agriculture practiced by the Aztec in which artificial islands were used
to grow crops on shallow lake beds.
Inca Empire - A pre-Columbian Indian civilization located in the Andes Mountains of South America, noted for its development of a
socialistic, complex government bureaucracy, advancements in engineering, including stone roads that stretched over 10,000 miles, and the
development of new food crops such as the potato.
Maya - A pre-Columbian Indian civilization located on the Yucatan Peninsula of Mexico that predated the Inca and Aztec. They are
noted for the development of a highly accurate calendar based upon astronomical observation, and developing the most advanced writing
system in pre-Columbian America.
Mita - A form of labor tribute practiced in the Inca Empire whereby all able-bodied citizens were required to work for the state for a
certain number of days every year.
Pre-Columbian empires - Indian Empires that existed in the Americas before and at the time of Columbus' arrival.
Quipu - An accounting device used by the Inca; it was comprised of a set of knotted strings used to record data.
Terraced farming - A technique used to farm sloped land in which the land is cut to form steps, thereby reducing runoff and soil
Atlantic Slave Trade - The slave trade that was practiced in the 16th through the 19th centuries in which African slaves were captured
and marched to the west coast of Africa and transported across the Atlantic Ocean for sale in the Americas.
Columbian Exchange - The global transfer of plants, animals and diseases that occurred during the European colonization of the
Columbus, Christopher - An Italian explorer who sailed for Spain in 1492. He was seeking a westward water route to East Asia but
landed in the West Indies instead.
Conquistadors - Spanish explorers, soldiers, and fortune hunters who took part in the conquest the Americas in the 16th century.
Cortes, Hernando - Spanish conquistador who led the conquest of the Aztec Empire.
da Gama, Vasco - A Portuguese explorer who commanded the first ships to sail directly from Europe to India by sailing south and east
around Africa, making Portugal the first European country to reach Asia by way of an all water route.
Encomienda system - A system of settlement practiced by the Spanish in the Americas whereby the government granted land to a
Spanish settler that included the right to utilize Indian laborers.
Magellan, Ferdinand - A Portuguese explorer who sailed for Spain seeking a westward route to the "Spice Islands" of Indonesia. His
expedition (1519-1522) would became the first to sail across the Pacific and complete the first circumnavigation of the Earth.
Middle passage - The voyage across the Atlantic Ocean that brought captured Africans to the West Indies, and later to North and
South America to be sold as slaves.
Montezuma - Leader of the Aztec Empire at the time of its Spanish conquest.
New France - The areas of North America claimed by France; consisting primarily of modern-day Canada, the Great Lakes and the
Mississippi River.
New Netherland - The area along the Hudson River Valley in modern-day New York claimed by the Dutch, as well as the settlement at
New Amsterdam, modern-day New York City.
Pizarro, Francisco - Spanish conquistador who led the conquest of the Inca Empire.
Prince Henry - A son of the king of Portugal who was a key figure in the early development of European exploration. He established a
school for navigators and was instrumental in leading Portugal's efforts to establish a string of trading posts along the west coast of Africa.
Guiding Questions
How did previous civilizations influence the development of the Mayans, Aztecs and Incas?
What similarities did the Maya, Inca and Aztec civilizations share?
What were the technological feats of Mesoamerican and Andean societies?
How did these developments shape their lives?
What impact did the fall of the Byzantine Empire have on European exploration?
How does the expression "God, Glory, and Gold" summarize the motives of the European explorers?
What technologies led to the Age of Exploration, and where did they originate?
What are examples of foods that diffused between the new and old worlds as a result of the Columbian Exchange?
How does the Columbian Exchange illustrate diffusion?
What were the factors that enabled the Spanish to defeat the Aztecs?
How did Europeans take advantage of people and resources during the Transatlantic Slave Trade?
Supporting Questions
9.1 – 9.2
How do scientists know the first Americans were hunters?
What were the main differences between hunter-gatherer societies and those based primarily on agriculture?
How did the Olmec’s location contribute to the development of their civilization?
How did the Olmec influence the Zapotec civilization?
9.3 – 16.1 – 16.2
What do scholars believe the Nazca lines represent?
How did the Nazca and Moche develop rich farmland?
Why were Native American societies in North America so diverse?
What were the three things that most Native Americans in North America had in common?
What were three major achievements of the Maya civilization?
16.3 – 16.4
10. How did the Aztecs build and control their empire?
11. Why did the Aztecs sacrifice human beings to their gods?
12. How did Incan religion reinforce the power of the state?
What factors helped spur European exploration?
What role did Portugal’s Prince Henry play in overseas exploration?
What was the significance of Dias’s voyage? da Gama’s voyage?
Why were the Dutch so successful in establishing a trading empire in the Indian Ocean?
20.1 – 20.2
17. What were three goals of the Spanish in the Americas?
18. Why did Popé lead a rebellion against the Spanish?
19. What did the Europeans mostly grow in their Caribbean colonies?
20.3 – 20.4
What factors led European colonists to use Africans to resupply their labor force?
What were several ways in which enslaved Africans resisted their treatment in the Americas?
Why was the introduction of corn and potatoes to Europe and Asia so significant?
What was the economic policy of mercantilism?
Additional Resources