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Molecular Biosciences 305: The Diversity of Prokaryotic Organisms
Lecture 25
[Consetta Helmick]
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Title: The Diversity of Prokaryotic
Instructor: Consetta Helmick
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Slide Title: The Diversity of Prokaryotic Organisms
The Diversity of Prokaryotic Organisms
Lecture two the diversity of prokaryotic organisms. Eventually in this section we will be talking
about metabolism and the different pathways that bacteria use and the only pathway that
eukaryotic cells use. But to understand this we also have to look at the diversity of prokaryotic
organisms. They are so adaptable we can find them at a variety of temperatures, pH, oxygen
requirements, and now in a number of different places where they can use different food
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Diversity of Prokaryotes
 Scientists just beginning to understand vast diversity of microbial life
 Only ~6,000 of estimated million species of prokaryotes described
 950 genera
 Vast majority have not been isolated
 New molecular techniques aiding in discovery, characterization
[Image of a prokaryote]
Scientists have just begun to understand the vast diversity of microbial life. Only 6,000 of an
estimated million species of prokaryotes have been described, 950 genera. The vast majority
have been isolated but because of new molecular techniques aiding in the discovery of
characteristics of these organisms our numbers will increase greatly. Plus we will be able to use
these organisms in a number of beneficial ways for human medicine, genetic information, a
variety of things that could be very important.
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Diversity of Prokaryotes
 Prokaryotes are metabolically diverse
 Numerous approaches to harvest energy to produce ATP
[Table 11.1]
If we look at table 11.1 we’ll see there is a vast number of organisms that are categorized based
again on their nutritional needs. Prokaryotes are metabolically diverse so there are numerous
ways or approaches that these organisms can use to harvest energy and to produce ATP. This
table plus the rest of these lectures would be very wise to understand again for maybe future
test questions.
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Anaerobic Chemotrophs
 Atmosphere anoxic for first ~1.5 billion years that prokaryotes inhabited earth
 Early chemotrophs likely used anaerobic respiration
- Terminal electron acceptors like abundant CO2 or S
 Others may have used fermentation
- Passed electrons to organic molecule like pyruvate
 Today anaerobic habitats common
 Aerobes contribute by depleting O2
 Mud, tightly packed soil limit diffusion of gases
 Aquatic environments can become limiting
 Human body (especially intestinal tract)
- Also anaerobic microenvironments in skin, oral cavity
The first category we will talk about is the anaerobic chemotrophs. You’ve got to realize 1.5
billion years ago there wasn’t a lot of oxygen probably in the earth. And these organisms had to
learn how to adapt without oxygen. So we have a number of true anaerobes. So the early
chemotrophs likely used anaerobic respiration. Their terminal electron acceptor probably was
again carbon dioxide or sulfur. Many of them probably did a process of fermentation. They
were able to pass electrons to organic molecules like pyruvate. Today’s anaerobes actually
habitate a number of different areas. They are areas where there is a deplete of oxygen. An
example is mud, tightly packed soil which has limited diffuse of gas. Aquatic environments can
become very, very limited. The human body, think about your own intestinal tract. There isn’t a
lot of oxygen down in your large intestine. Now remember you have about 500 species of
organisms living in the large intestine itself. You also have a variety of anaerobic organisms that
live in the skin and the oral cavity. So these organisms have adapted a beautiful way to produce
energy, survive, metabolize, and again doing it without the presence of oxygen.
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Anaerobic Chemotrophs
 Anaerobic Chemolithotrophs (continued…)
 Methanogens are group of methane-producing archaea
- Oxidize H2 gas to generate ATP
o Alternatives include formate, methanol, acetate
- CO2 as terminal electron acceptor
o Smaller energy yield than other electron acceptors
- Very sensitive to O2
- Sewage, swamps, marine sediments, rice paddies, digestive tracts
- Cows produce ~10 ft3/day
4 H2
→ CH4 + 2 H2O
(energy source)
(terminal electron acceptor)
[Images of chemotrophs]
Another group of our anaerobic chemotrophs is our anaerobic chemolithotrophs. These are our
methanogen organisms. These are the organisms that produce methane. Our archaea species
are involved in this. They can oxidize hydrogen gas to generate ATP. Alternate forms include
formate, methanol, and acetate. Carbon dioxide is the terminal electron acceptor. Very small
yields of oxygen compared to other electron acceptors but these organisms seem to do just
fine. They are extremely sensitive to oxygen, will die in the presence of oxygen. We find them in
areas such as sewage, swamps, marine sediment, rice paddies, again digestive tracts. The
rumen of a cow is loaded with organisms that produce again methane or methane gas. So what
we have is cows can produce 10 cubic foot of methane per day by again using the food that the
cows have eaten, then they use again the carbon dioxide as the terminal electron acceptor and
one of the byproducts is methane gas.
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Anaerobic Chemotrophs
 Anaerobic Chemoorganotrophs – Respiration
 Chemoorganotrophs oxidize organic compounds (e.g., glucose) to obtain energy
- Anaerobes often use sulfur, sulfate as electron acceptor
 Sulfur- and Sulfate-Reducing Bacteria
- Produce hydrogen sulfide (rotten-egg smell)
- H2S is corrosive to metals
- Important in sulfur cycle
- At least a dozen recognized genera
o Desulfovibrio most studied
o Gram-negative curved rods
- Some archaea
organic compounds
CO2 + H2S
(energy source)
(terminal electron acceptor)
Another category of our anaerobic chemotrophs are anaerobic chemoorganotrophs respiration.
Chemoorganotrophs oxidize organic compounds, such as glucose, to obtain energy.
Anaerobically they also use sulfur. Sulfur can be their electron acceptor. Sulfur and sulfatereducing bacteria. These organisms produce hydrogen sulfide and this is what gives that rottenegg smell. So if you have ever been to a geyser there is probably again sulfur reducing bacteria
living in that geyser. The sulfuric acid is also corrosive to metals. This particular organism is very
important to the sulfur cycle. If you think about it sulfur is required for protein folding, correct
structure of protein, disulfide bonds, and again has also been recognized as a genera. So the
desulfovibrios have been studies, they are gram-negative curved rods, some of them are also
found in the archaea species; are groups which are the organisms that withstand very high
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Anaerobic Chemotrophs
 Anaerobic Chemoorganotrophs – Fermentation
 Numerous anaerobic bacteria ferment
- ATP via substrate-level phosphorylation
- Many different organic energy sources, end products
lactic acid
(energy source)
(terminal electron acceptor)
 Clostridium are Gram-positive, endospore-forming rods
- Common in soils; vegetative cells live in anaerobic microenvironments created
by aerobes consuming O2
- Endospores tolerate O2, survive long periods of heat, drying, chemicals,
o Germinate when conditions improve
- Diverse metabolism; some cause diseases
The anaerobic chemoorganotrophs can also do fermentation. Numerous anaerobes bacteria
ferment. ATP is obtained via substrate-level phosphorylation. Many different organic energy
sources have different end products. So if you go from glucose to pyruvate to lactic acid. And if
we think about lactic acid we talked about a number of products that are produced from lactic
acid fermentation in our previous section. The clostridium species are gram-positive. They are
endospore-forming rods, very common in soils. This endospore stage can withstand long term
survivability in very harsh environments. It can survive without the presence of oxygen.
Clostridium species are actually true anaerobes. They will die in the presence of oxygen. The
endospores that are produced again we mentioned before have been found in mummy tombs.
You put them into the right environment, they come back to life. They can withstand long
periods of heat, drying, chemicals, and even irradiation. When conditions improve, when the
organism knows it’s time to come back to life, germination will occur and we get a diverse
metabolic activity occurring and some of these can cause disease such as frost bite, gangrene,
clostridium difficilis is one we are having problems with now in intestinal diseases.
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Anaerobic Chemotrophs
 Anaerobic Chemoorganotrophs – Fermentation
 Lactic Acid Bacteria: produce lactic acid
- Most can grow in aerobic environments; only ferment
- Lack catalase
- Streptococcus inhabit oral cavity; normal microbiota
o Some pathogenic (e.g., β-hemolytic S. pyogenes)
[Images of cocci]
Anaerobic chemoorganotrophs again fermentation lactic acid bacteria. These organisms
produce lactic acid. So we go from glucose to pyruvate to lactic acid. Most can grow in aerobic
environments and only ferment. They lack catalase. Streptococcus inhabits your mouth, it is a
normal flora organism. Some pathogen organisms such as Beta-hemolytic Streptococcus
pyogenes is also a lactic acid producer. And this is the organism that would again cause strep
throat. The two illustrations again are showing you the classic cocci structure of these
organisms that we find in very long chains.
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Anaerobic Chemotrophs
 Anaerobic Chemoorganotrophs – Fermentation
 Lactic Acid Bacteria (continued…)
- Lactococcus species used to make cheese, yogurt
- Enterococcus inhabit human, animal intestinal tract
- Lactobacillus rod-shaped, common in mouth, vagina
o Break down glycogen deposited in vaginal lining
o Resulting low pH helps prevent vaginal infection
o Also present in decomposing materials
o Important in production of fermented foods
[Image of chemotrophs]
As we mentioned in section two when we talked about food production lactic acid bacteria.
Lactococcus species again used to make cheese, yogurt. Enterococcus inhabits the human and
animal intestinal tract. Lactobacillus are rod-shaped, common in the mouth and vagina. They
break down glycogen, deposit it the vaginal lining and again can lead to lowering the pH of that
area which can prevent vaginal infections. So it is a very nice relationship with this organism.
Also present in decomposing material. Important in the production of fermented foods such as
sour kraut, pickles, these type of items because of again the lactic acid production.
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Anoxygenic Phototrophs
 Earliest photosynthesizers likely anoxygenic phototrophs
 Use hydrogen sulfide or organic compounds (not water) to make NADPH; do not
generate O2
 Modern-day phylogenetically diverse
- Live in bogs, lakes, upper layers of mud
- Little or no O2, but light penetrates
- Different photosystems that plants, algae, cyanobacteria
o Use unique bacteriochlorophyll
o Absorb wavelengths that penetrate deeper
6 CO2
12 H2S
→ C6H12O6 + 12 S + 6 H2O
(carbon source)
(electron source)
Because of the diversity of our prokaryotes a number of them can also be phototrophic.
Photosynthesis producers or use the process of photosynthesis to produce their food products
and again their energy. So the earliest photosynthesizers were likely called anoxygenic
phototrophs. They probably used hydrogen sulfide or an organic compound, not water, to make
NADPH but did not generate oxygen. Modern day again diversity we find these organisms live in
bogs, lakes, upper layers of mud where there is little or no oxygen but light can penetrate.
Different photosystems than plants, algae, and cyanobacteria. They use a unique
bacteriochlorophyll to absorb wavelengths and eventually again through the process of
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Anoxygenic Phototrophs
 Purple Bacteria
 Purple Sulfur Bacteria (continued…)
- Representatives include Chromatium, Thiospirillum, Thiodictyon
[Images of bacteria]
A group of the anoxygenic phototrophs are purple bacteria, purple sulfur bacteria. Represented
in this group of organisms we find the chromatium and the thiodictyon organisms. A lot of times
if you have been around a bog or a lake that has that pretty purple color to it we always assume
it is algae but more than likely it is actually purple sulfur bacteria that is present in that
particular area.
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Anoxygenic Phototrophs
 Purple Bacteria (continued…)
 Purple Non-Sulfur Bacteria
- Moist soils, bogs, paddy fields
- Preferentially use organic molecules instead of H2S as source of electrons
- Lack gas vesicles
- May store sulfur; granules form outside cell
- Remarkably diverse metabolism
o Many use H2 or H2S (like purple sulfur bacteria)
o Most can grow aerobically in absence of light using chemotrophic
- Representatives include Rhodobacter, Rhodopseudomonas
The purple non-sulfur bacteria, again these are ones that we find in soils, bogs, paddy fields.
Preferably use organic molecules instead of hydrogen sulfide as a source of their electrons.
They lack gas vesicles and oxygen would probably be damaging. They store sulfur, granules
form outside the cells. Remarkable diversity in metabolism. Many use again hydrogen or
hydrogen sulfide like purple sulfur bacteria. They can grow aerobically in the presence of light
using chemotrophic metabolism. So a number of these organisms are ones that we find are
called Rhodobacteria or Rhodopseudomonas.
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Anoxygenic Phototrophs
 Green Bacteria
 Gram-negative; typically green or brownish
 Green Sulfur Bacteria:
- Habitats similar to purple sulfur bacteria
- Form granules outside of cell
- Accessory pigments located in chlorosomes
- Lack flagella
- May have gas vesicles
- Strict anaerobes
- None are chemotrophic
- Representatives include Chlorobium, Pelodictyon
[Image of bacteria]
Another category of our anoxygenic phototrophs is the green bacteria. These are typically a
gram-negative; typically a green or literally a brownish color. Green sulfur bacteria habitats
similar to the purple sulfur bacteria so bogs, stagnant areas. They also form granules outside of
the cell. They have an accessory pigment located in the chlorosomes. They lack a flagella, many
have gas vesicles, they are strict anaerobes, none are chemotrophs, and organisms that
represent this group are called the Chlorobiums or the Pelodictyon.
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Oxygenic Phototrophs
 Cyanobacteria (continued…)
 Morphologically diverse
 Unicellular: cocci, rods, spiral
 Multicellular: filamentous associations: trichomes
- May be in sheath
- Motile trichomes glide as unit
 May have gas vesicles for vertical movement in water
[Images of phototrophs]
Another group of the oxygenic phototrophs are the cyanobacteria. These are some of the most
morphologically diverse organisms. They can be unicellular, they can be cocci, they can be rods,
they can be spirals. They can be multicellular. They can have a filamentous type appearance to
them. They can have a sheath, they can have trichomes glide that act as units. Many have gas
vesicles for vertical movement in water.
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Oxygenic Phototrophs
 Cyanobacteria (continued…)
 Large numbers can accumulate in freshwater habitats
- Called a bloom
- Sunny, hot weather can lyse cells, create scum
 Photosystems like those in chloroplasts of algae, plants, which evolved from
ancestral cyanobacteria
 Also have phycobiliproteins
- Absorb additional wavelengths
[Image of a bloom]
The cyanobacteria again can accumulate in large numbers in fresh water habitats. And when we
have large numbers of cyanobacteria again we always assume it is algae but it is not. This is
called a bloom. Sunny, hot weather can lyse cells; it can create scum. If you have ever been to
the river in July when it is hot and the water is very stagnant you might find this slimy
component actually in the water. Photosystems like those in chloroplasts of algae plants which
evolved from ancestral cyanobacteria. So the cyanobacteria was actually ahead of the plants
when it came to the process of photosynthesis.
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Oxygenic Phototrophs
 Cyanobacteria (continued…)
 Nitrogen-fixing cyanobacteria critical ecologically
- Incorporate N2 and CO2 into organic material
o Form usable by other organisms
- Nitrogenase destroyed by O2, must be protected
o Anabaena form specialized heterocysts
o Lack photosystem II
o A. azollae fixes N2 in special sac of fern
o Synechococcus fix N2 in dark
[Image of heterocyst]
From an ecological standpoint cyanobacteria is probably extremely diverse because they can
also do nitrogen fixing. They can incorporate nitrogen and carbon dioxide into organic material.
This form is unusable for other organisms. Nitrogenase destroyed by oxygen must be protected.
So our anabaena form specialized in heterocysts, they lack photosystem II, even though we see
with photosynthesis we have photosystem II, photosystem I. These organisms again have
developed a very specific way of fixing nitrogen and being a photosynthetic organism without
the same processes that we would see in a plant.
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Aerobic Chemolithotrophs
 Aerobic chemolithotrophs gain energy by oxidizing reduced inorganic chemicals
 Sulfur-oxidizing bacteria: Gram-negative rods, spirals
- Energy from oxidation of sulfur, sulfur compounds including H2S, thiosulfate
- Important in sulfur cycle
- Filamentous and unicellular lifestyles
Copyright © The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. Permission required for reproduction or display.
1 ½ O2
H 2O →
(energy source)
(terminal electron acceptor)
Our aerobic. Remember the term aerobic means requires oxygen. So we have our aerobic
chemolithotrophs. Our aerobic chemolithotrophs gain oxygen by oxidating reduced inorganic
chemicals. Sulfur oxidizing bacteria, they are usually a gram-negative rod, they can be spiral.
Energy from oxidation is sulfur, sulfur compounds including again hydrogen sulfide or
thiosulfate. Important in the sulfur cycle. You will be going through nutrient cycles in a little bit.
Remember sulfur is an important component for protein folding, disulfide bonds in any life
form. These can also be filamentous and unicellular lifestyles. If we look at the illustration
below we have sulfur as again our electron terminal which is going to produce water and then
hydrogen sulfide.
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Aerobic Chemolithotrophs
 Aerobic chemolithotrophs (continued…)
Filamentous Sulfur Oxidizers
- Beggiatoa, Thiothrix: sulfur springs, sewage-polluted waters, surface of marine
and freshwater sediments
- Store sulfur as intracellular granules
- Beggiatoa filaments move by gliding motility
- Thiothrix filaments immobile; progeny cells detach, move via gliding motility
[Images of chemolithotrophs]
Some of our aerobic chemolithotrophs again as sulfur oxidizers have a variety of unique
structures. They are found in sulfur springs, again that gas, that rotten-egg smell, sewage
polluted waters, surfaces of marine and fresh water sediments. They can store sulfur as an
intracellular granule inside the cell itself. Some of them have filaments that they can use for
movement by gliding through material.
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Aerobic Chemolithotrophs
 Aerobic chemolithotrophs (continued…)
 Unicellular Sulfur Oxidizers
- Acidithiobacillus: terrestrial and aquatic habitats
- Oxidize metal sulfides, can be used for bioleaching
o E.g., oxidation of gold sulfide produces sulfuric acid; lower pH converts
metal to soluble form
- Can oxidize sulfur in fuels to sulfate; removal helps prevent acid rain
- Can produce damaging acid runoff as low as pH 1.0
[Image of terrain]
We also have unicellular sulfur oxidizers that are used in a variety of ways. Our acidithiobacillus,
these are organisms that are terrestrial and inhabit aquatic habitats. They oxidize metal
sulfides. So they can be used for what is called bioleaching. We use a number of organisms to
leach out gold, mercury by using again these organisms. So the oxidation of gold sulfide
produces sulfuric acid. Lower pH converts metal to a soluble form. The oxidized sulfur is fuel to
sulfate; removal helps prevent acid rain. It can produce damaging acid runoff as low as again pH
1. So in areas where we use this organism for bioleaching there has been a huge controversy on
the destruction that is occurring to natural habitats.
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Aerobic Chemolithotrophs
 Aerobic chemolithotrophs (continued…)
 Nitrifiers are diverse group of Gram-negatives
- Oxidize inorganic nitrogen compounds for energy
- Concern to farmers using ammonium nitrogen
- Can deplete water of O2 if wastes high in ammonia
- Two groups; usually grow in close association
o Ammonia oxidizers: Nitrosomonas, Nitrosococcus
Copyright © The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. Permission required for
reproduction or display.
1 ½ O2
NO2- + H2O + 2 H+
(energy source)
(terminal electron acceptor)
o Nitrite oxidizers: Nitrobacter, Nitrococcus
Copyright © The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. Permission required for
reproduction or display.
½ O2
NO3(energy source)
(terminal electron acceptor)
The next area of aerobic chemolithotrophs is very important to farmers. They are very
important to plants in general. These are the nitrifiers. They are a very diverse group of gramnegatives. They oxidize inorganic nitrogen compounds for energy. Concerns to farmers using
again ammonium nitrate. They can deplete water of oxygen if waste is high in ammonium. Two
groups usually grow in close association, our ammonia oxidizers, our nitrosomonas and our
nitrococcus, and our also nitric oxidizers which are our nitrobacter and our nitrococcus.
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Aerobic Chemolithotrophs
 Aerobic chemolithotrophs (continued…)
 Hydrogen-Oxidizing Bacteria
- Aquifex, Hydrogenobactera among few hydrogen-oxidizing bacteria that are
obligate chemolithotrophs
- Thermophillic; typically inhabit hot springs
- Some Aquifex have maximum growth at 95oC
- Deeply branching in phylogenetic tree, believed one of earliest bacterial forms
to exist on earth
o O2 requirements low, possibly available early on in certain niches due to
photochemical processes that split water
Copyright © The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. Permission required for
reproduction or display.
½ O2
→ H 2O
(energy source)
(terminal electron acceptor)
Another of our aerobic chemolithotrophs is our hydrogen oxidizing bacteria. Aquifex again are
among the few hydrogen-oxidizing bacteria that are obligate chemolithotrophs. They are
usually found in hot springs. They can be found in temperatures as high as 95 degrees
Centigrade. They have a deeply branching phylogenetic tree believed to be one of the earliest
forms of bacteria that existed on the earth. Oxygen requirements are low possibly because of
available oxygen at certain times during their development was not available due to
photochemical processes that split water. So we have hydrogen plus our electron acceptor
again producing water.
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Aerobic Chemoorganotrophs
 Aerobic chemoorganotrophs oxidize organic compounds for energy
organic compounds
→ CO2 + H2O
(energy source)
(terminal electron acceptor)
 Some inhabit specific environments, others ubiquitous
 Obligate Aerobes
 Micrococcus: Gram-positive cocci
- Found in soil, dust particles, inanimate objects, skin
- Pigmented colonies
- Tolerate dry, salty conditions
[Image of cocci]
Our aerobic chemoautotrophs oxidize organic compounds for energy. So we have an organic
compound, oxygen is going to be our final electron acceptor, we are going to produce carbon
dioxide and water as byproducts and the production of energy. These inhabit some very specific
environments. Some are ubiquitous, we find them everywhere. We have our obligate aerobes
and our most common species is micrococcus. It is a gram positive coccus found in soils, dust
particles, innate objects, skin. They have pigmented yellow colonies. They can tolerate dry, salty
conditions. If any of you have ever set up bacterial cultures and you get an air contaminant,
little, tiny yellow colonies, more than likely that is micrococcus.
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Aerobic Chemoorganotrophs
 Obligate Aerobes
Mycobacterium are acid-fast bacteria
 Mycolic acid in cell wall prevents Gram-staining
 Special staining used; resist destaining
 Generally pleomorphic rods
 Notable pathogens: M. tuberculosis, M. leprae
 More resistant to disinfectants, differ in susceptibility to antimicrobial drugs
 Related Nocardia species also acid-fast
Another aerobic chemoautotroph is the obligate aerobes is mycobacterium. Mycobacterium
again are acid-fast bacteria. They have a mycolic acid in the cell wall that prevents gram
staining. So you have to use a special procedure to stain for them called acid-fast because you
have to actually etch the mycolic acid in the cell wall to get the stain in. They have a
pleomorphic shape which means they are not a true gram-positive or, excuse me, cocci or rod.
They have unusual shapes. A number of them can cause disease but we have notable
pathogens Mycococcus tuberculosis causes tuberculosis, Mycococcus leprae which causes
leprosy. Most are resistant to disinfectants because again that tough mycolic acid in the cell
wall. Different susceptibility to antimicrobial drugs. Other related species in this area are
nocardia species which is also acid-fast.
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Aerobic Chemoorganotrophs
 Obligate Aerobes (continued…)
 Pseudomonas: Gram-negative rods; oxidase positive
 Motile by polar flagella; often produce pigments
 Most are strict aerobes; no fermentation
 Extreme metabolic diversity important in degradation
- Ability sometimes from plasmids
 Widespread: soil, water
 Most harmless
 Some pathogens:
P. aeruginosa common opportunistic pathogen
[Image of petrie dishes]
Another aerobic chemoorganotroph is our obligate aerobes is pseudomonas. Pseudomonas is a
gram-negative rod, oxidase positive, it is motile by a polar flagella, often produces pigment,
most are strict aerobes, no fermentation is going to occur. A lot of metabolic diversity
important in these organisms. Sometimes they can gain a plasmid. They are found widespread
in soil, water. Most are harmless, some are pathogenic. Pseudomonas aeruginosa is our most
common one that is an opportunistic organism. This is an organism that we are having a lot of
issues with in hospitals. We have a lot of issues with this organism in burn victims because once
it gets into the correct environment it starts releasing those exotoxins, makes the host its
environment and causes a huge amount of damage. So this is one we are still trying to figure
out how to combat in a number of situations.
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Aerobic Chemoorganotrophs
 Obligate Aerobes (continued…)
 Family Enterobacteriaceae: enterics or enterobacteria are Gram-negative rods typically
found in intestinal tract of humans, other animals; some thrive in soil
 Facultative anaerobes that ferment glucose
 Normal intestinal microbiota include Enterobacter, Klebsiella, Proteus, most E.
coli strains
 Those that cause diarrheal disease include Shigella, Salmonella enteric, and some
E. coli strains
 Life-threatening systemic diseases include typhoid fever (Salmonella enterica
serotype Thyphi) and bubonic and pneumonic plague (Yersinia pestis)
 Lactose fermenters termed coliforms
Another obligate aerobe is in the family Enterobacteriaceae. These are enterics or
enterobacters. They are gram-negative rods typically found in the intestinal tract of humans
and other animals but they can thrive in soil also. They can be a facultative anaerobe that
ferments glucose. Facultative anaerobe means that it can be alive in the presence or lack of
oxygen. It can usually flip either way. Normal intestine organisms includes Enterobacter,
Klebsiella, Proteus, and most of our E. coli strands. Those that cause diarrhea specifically are
going to be Shigella, our Salmonella species, and a number of our E. coli strands. They can
produce life-threatening systematic diseases including typhoid fever, bubonic plague, again
Yersinia pestis and again the 0157 strain of E. coli.
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Ecophysiological Diversity
[Table 11.2]
Besides again organisms needing specific food sources, carbon sources, or specific electron
acceptors at the end of their energy metabolism we have a number of organisms that we find in
very ecophysiological diverse areas. So we have organisms that thrive in terrestrial
environments, aquatic environments. So we are going to be going over a number of these.
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Thriving in Terrestrial Environments
 Soils pose variety of challenges
 Wet and dry, warm and cold, abundant to sparse nutrients
 Bacteria that from a resting stage
 Endospore-formers most resistant to environmental extremes
- Bacillus, Clostridium most common
- Gram-positive rods
- Bacillus include obligate and facultative anaerobes
- Some medically important: B. anthracis
[Images of bacteria]
Organisms that can thrive in soil, a terrestrial environment. Soil is probably one of the most
harsh environments you ever want to think about. Sometimes there is not a lot of water, drastic
pH changes depending on oxygen, probably not a lot of food either. So organisms that thrive in
soil have developed again over time to adapt to their environment. Because again those
challenges. It can be wet, dry, warm, cold, abundant to sparse and again nutrients. A lot of the
organisms we find in soil might be in a resting stage endospore producers. Our Clostridium
species and our Bacillus species. Most of these organisms can be gram-positive rods. Bacillus
can be an obligate or facultative anaerobe. A number of them are medically important. Bacillus
anthracis, the organism that causes anthrax, Clostridium again botulinum, Clostridium tetani,
Clostridium perfringens. These are all organisms again that can be medically important.
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Thriving in Terrestrial Environments
 Bacteria that form a resting stage (continued…)
 Myxobacteria: group of aerobic Gram-negative rods that includes Chondromyces,
Myxococcus, Stigmaterlla
 Favorable conditions: secrete slime layer, form swarm
 Nutrients depleted: cells congregate into fruiting body
- Cells differentiate, form dormant microcysts
- Microcysts resist heat, drying, radiation
 Degraders of complex organic substances
[Images of bacteria]
We also have other organisms again bacteria in the resting stage in soils. We have our
myxobacteria, a group of aerobic gram-negative rods that include again Myxococcus and
Stigmaterlla. Favorable conditions again when things are good, life is good, they will secrete a
slime layer. They will form a swarming type growth on surfaces of the dirt, people, again or
nutrient plates. When they are nutrient depleted they will again conjugate into what are called
fruiting bodies. Cells differentiate, form dormant microcysts. Microcysts resist heat, drying, and
radiation. So and degraders of complex organic substances. So again a very interesting
organism that we find in soil that has adapted beautifully to that harsh environment.
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Thriving in Terrestrial Environments
 Bacteria that form a resting stage (continued…)
 Streptomyces: aerobic Gram-positive bacteria
 Growth resembles fungi: form mass of branching hyphae called mycelium
 Chains of spores (conidia) develop at tips
 Conidia resistant to drying; easily spread by air currents
 Produce extracellular enzymes; also geosmins, medically useful antibiotics
including streptomycin, tetracycline, erythromycin
[Image of bacteria]
Other organisms that can thrive in soil are the streptomycin species. These are an aerobic grampositive bacteria. Their growth resembles fungi, forms a mass with branching hyphae called
mycelium. Chains of spores can develop at the tips. Resistant to drying, spread by air currents,
produce extracellular enzymes. Very helpful in antibiotics. A lot of our antibiotics came from
our streptomycin species including streptomycin, tetracycline, and erythromycin.
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Thriving in Terrestrial Environments
 Bacteria That Associate with Plants (continued…)
 Rhizobia: Gram-negative rods that often fix nitrogen
 Includes Rhizobium, Sinorhizobium, Bradyrhizobium, Mesorhizobium,
 Live in nodules on roots of legumes
 Plants synthesize leghemoglobin, which binds and controls O2 level to yield
microaerobic conditions
Allows bacteria to fix nitrogen
[Images of rhizobia]
Other soil organisms have wonderful associations with plants. Plants have to have nitrogen but
they cannot fix atmospheric nitrogen. Plants produce proteins, carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, and
nitrogen. So a lot of our soil bacteria work in association with the nodules on the roots of plants
to fix the nitrogen. So rhizobia species are gram-negative rods that often fix nitrogen. These
organisms live in the nodules of the roots of usually legumes. Legumes are things like garbanzo
beans, chick peas, peas, lentils, these types of plants. A lot of times around on the Palouse
you’ll see rotational crops where they’ll plant wheat, barley, and then peas or lentils or
garbanzos. What they are doing is they are allowing these plants to put nitrogen back into the
soil for the next crop to actually use the nitrogen and recharging the soil with these organisms.
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Thriving in Aquatic Environments
 Aquatic environments lack steady nutrient supply
 Sheathed bacteria form chains of cells within tube
- Sheaths protect, help bacteria attach to solid objects
- Often seen streaming from rocks in water polluted by nutrient-rich effluents;
may clog pipes
- Include Gram-negative rods Sphaerotilus, Leptothrix
- Motile swarmer cells exit open end of sheath, move to new surface, attach
[Image of sheathed bacteria]
There is a wide variety of organisms that live in aquatic environments. Like I said before
sometimes you get that slimy things that look like algae blooms but it is really bacteria. So these
organisms again can live in these areas. They can live in aquatic environments that lack a stead
nutrient supply. These are sheathed bacteria. They form chains of cells within tubes, the sheath
pocket. It helps the bacteria attach to solid objects. Often seen streaming from rocks in water
polluted areas by nutrient rich effluence. Again they clog pipes. You may see this again in down
from sewage treatment plants or again areas where pollutants are very, very high. They include
the gram-negative rods. These are motile swarmer cells exit open ended at the sheath, move to
new surface, and then again attach. Talk about a fascinating system for motility of these
particular organisms.
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Thriving in Aquatic Environments
 Bacteria That Derive Nutrients from Other Organisms
 Bdellovibrio: highly motile Gram-negative curved rods
 Prey on E. coli and other Gram-negatives
 Strikes forcefully; prey propelled short distance
 Parasite attaches, rotates, secretes digestive enzymes; forms hole in cell wall of
[Image and diagram of Bdellovibrio]
And we also have other aquatic organisms that derive nutrients from other organisms. It is
almost a parasitic relationship if you think about it. They prey on E. coli and other gramnegative organisms. They are usually a highly motile gram-negative curved rod. The striking
force is that they can prey, their prey can propel short distances. They almost have like a
parasitic attack. They rotate, secrete digestive enzymes, form holes in the cell wall of prey, and
then feed on them. We don’t think a lot of times of bacteria being parasitic. We think of them
causing diseases but actually attacking other bacteria for food, like I said, is an amazing system.
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Thriving in Aquatic Environments
 Bacteria That Derive Nutrients from Other Organisms
 Bioluminescent bacteria: Photobacterium, Vibrio
 Symbiotic relationship with certain fish, squid
 Help with camouflage, confuse predators and prey
 Gram-negative rods (Vibrio are curved rods)
 Facultative anaerobes; not all are bioluminescent
- Some pathogenic: V. cholera; V. parahaemolyticus
[Images of bacteria and a fish]
We also have other aquatic organisms that can derive nutrients from other organisms. We’ve
got bioluminescent bacteria, some of our vibrio species. It is a symbiotic relationship with
certain fish and squid. Help with camouflage, confuse predators and prey. It is a gram-negative
rod, vibrios are curved, they are a facultative anaerobe, some are pathogenic. Vibrio cholera
causes cholera but when they are in a relationship with these animals, fish and squid, they emit
a wonderful defense mechanism for these fish.
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Thriving in Aquatic Environments
 Bacteria That Move by Unusual Mechanisms
 Spirochetes: group of Gram-negatives with spiral shape
 Flexible cell wall
 Endoflagella or axial filament contained within periplasm allows corkscrew-like
 Able to move through viscous environments like mud
 Spirochaeta thrive in muds, anaerobic waters
 Leptospira are aerobes; some free-living, others inhabit animals
- L. interrogans causes leptospirosis
[Image of spirochetes]
We also have aquatic organisms or bacteria that move by unusual mechanisms, our
spirochetes. These are gram-negative organisms with a spiral shaped structure to them. They
have a flexible cell wall. They have an endoflagella or axial flagella which actually looks like
somebody took a piece of thread and threaded it through the cell wall of the organism itself.
They have a corkscrew like motion. Their ability to move through thick environments like mud,
they can move through tissue, a number of these can be pathogenic. We find them in muddy
areas, anaerobic waters. They can also again produce leptospira, which is an aerobe, in some
free-living and others inhabit animals. They can cause leptospirosis which is a pathogen of
humans and a number of animals.
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Thriving in Aquatic Environments
 Bacteria That Form Storage Granules
 Spirillum: Gram-negative spiral-shaped microaerophilic bacteria
 S. volutans stores phosphate as volutin granules
- Metachromatic granules
 Sulfur-Oxidizing, Nitrate-Reducing Marine Bacteria
 Some store sulfur (energy source) and nitrate (terminal electron acceptor),
which may not coexist
 Thioploca species form long sheaths; cells shuttle between sulfur-rich sediments
and nitrate-rich water
 Thiomargarita namibiensis cells have nitrate storage vacuole occupying ~ 98% of
cell; cell diameter can reach ¾ mm
Other aquatic environment adaptations is that we have bacteria that form storage granules.
The spirillum, gram-negative, spiral shaped microaerophilic bacteria. They can store phosphate.
They can store metachromatic granules. A number of our sulfur-oxidizing, nitrate-reducing
marine bacteria store some sulfate, sulfur again for energy source and nitrate terminal electron
acceptor. They have a wonderful way of adapting to their environment. Some of them form
long sheaths, the cells shuttle between sulfur-rich sediments and nitrate-rich sediments. So you
talk about an organism that can switch its final electron acceptor from sulfate to nitrate. They
are just like I said unbelievable. Some of them have nitrogen or nitrate storage capability that
can occupy up to 98 percent of the cell. The cells can reach huge diameters because again all
the storage of the nitrates.
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Archaea That Thrive in Extreme Conditions
 Characterized Archaea thrive in extremes
 High heat, acidity, alkalinity, salinity
 Methanogens are exception
[Table 11.4]
As we continue with our diversity of prokaryotes we also have to talk about organisms that can
thrive in extreme conditions, the Archaea. These organisms have been found in high heat,
acidity, alkalinity, and salinity. If we look at table 11.4 it gives us the categories of organisms
that we are going to find in the Archaea area and some of the extreme areas that they will be
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Archaea That Thrive in Extreme Conditions
 Extreme Halophiles: salt lakes, soda lakes, brines
 Most can grow in 32% NaCl; require at least 9% NaCl
 Produce pigments; seen as red patches on salted fish, pink blooms in salt water
 Aerobic or facultatively anaerobic chemoheterotrophs
 Some obtain additional energy from light via bacteriorhodopsin, which expels
protons from cell
- Proton gradient can drive flagella, ATP synthesis
 Variety of shapes: rods, cocci, discs, triangles
 Includes Halobacterium, Halorubrum, Natronobacterium, Natronococcus
[Image of halophile environment]
In this category we have our extreme halophiles. These are found in salt lakes, soda lakes,
brine. Most can grow in up to again 32 percent sodium chloride. Some require at least 9
percent sodium chloride just to exist. Some can produce pigments seen as red patches on
salted fish, pink blooms in salt water ponds. They can be aerobic, facultative anaerobes,
chemoheterotrophs. Some obtain additional energy from light. Some have a photo gradient
that can drive the flagella. ATP synthesis, a variety of shapes: rods, cocci, discs. So there are a
number of organisms that fall into this category and again adapted to extreme, extreme salty
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Archaea That Thrive in Extreme Conditions
 Extreme Thermophiles
 Found near volcanic vents and fissures that release sulfurous gases, other hot
- Believed to closely mimic earth’s early environment
 Others in hydrothermal vents in deep sea, hot springs
 Methane-Generating Hyperthermophiles
- Methanothermus species grow optimally at 84oC, as high as 97oC
- Oxidize H2 using CO2 as terminal electron acceptor
We also have our extreme thermophiles. These are organisms that we find in volcanic vents
down in the ocean. These are organisms that we find in volcanoes. They release sulfurous gas
and other hot vapors. They are believed to closely mimic the earth’s early environment. Others
can be found in hydrothermal vents, in deep seas, hot springs. We have methane generating
hyperthermophiles. Organisms like this can be found in the geysers at Yellowstone. They
oxidize hydrogen using carbon dioxide as the terminal electron acceptor. They can be found in
temperatures of 84 degrees Centigrade up to 97 degrees Centigrade. A number of these
organisms right now are being studied because of their ability to produce enzymes at such high
temperatures where we would think proteins would be denatured. So this is a huge area of
exploration right now in a lot of research areas.
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Archaea That Thrive in Extreme Conditions
 Extreme Thermophiles (continued…)
Sulfur-Reducing Hyperthermophiles
- Obligate anaerobes; oxidize organic compounds, H2
- Sulfur as terminal electron acceptor; generate H2S
- Sulfur hot springs, hydrothermal vents
- Pyrolobus fumarii from “black smoker” 3,650 m deep in Atlantic Ocean; grows
between 90-113oC
- Pyrodictium occultum cannot grow below 82oC; 105oC is optimum
- “Strain 121” grows at 121oC; related to Pyrodictium
[Image of thermophiles]
Also with our extreme thermophiles we have sulfur reducing myperthermophiles. These are
obligate anaerobes. They oxidate organic compounds such as hydrogen. Sulfur is the terminal
electron acceptor; generates hydrogen sulfide. We are going to find these in sulfur hot springs,
hydrothermic vents. A lot of these like I said are found in a lot of extremely, extremely harsh
extreme temperatures. And like I said before these organisms that are being looked at right
now because of their adaptability in such extreme areas.
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Archaea That Thrive in Extreme Conditions
 Extreme Thermophiles (continued…)
 Nanoarchaea: Nanoarcheota is new phylum
- Nanoarchaeum equitans grows as 400 nm spheres attached to sulfur-reducing
hyperthermophile Ignococcus, presumably parasitizing
 Sulfur Oxidizers: Sulfolobus species at surface of acidic sulfur-containing hot
- Obligate aerobes
- Oxidize sulfur compounds
- Generate sulfuric acid
- Thermoacidophilic: grow above 50oC and pH 1-6
[Image of thermophile terrain]
Also with our extreme thermophiles we have our sulfur-oxidizers. These are organisms that
again are found in sulfur containing hot springs. The thing about these organisms too is they
generate sulfuric acid. Besides being in extremely high temperatures they can grow in pHs
anywhere between 1 and 6 pH. They are an obligate aerobe. So again hot springs, places like
this, you are going to find these organisms. Later on we will be talking about using sulfur,
nitrogen, nitrate, a number of different elements again for the electron acceptor for these
organisms in extreme environments.