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Rise of the Nazi Party in Germany
Name: _________________________
Please Begin:
1. Yellow journalism was based on
a. anti-imperialist beliefs
b. Christian missionary efforts
c. rumors and militarism
d. research and evidence
2. Which of the following most directly contributed to the rapid American victory in the Spanish-American
a. poison gas
b. modernized navy
c. trench warfare
d. yellow journalism
3. Which of the following lands were obtained by the US as a result of the Spanish-American War?
a. Puerto Rico
b. Spain
c. Hawaii
d. Alaska
4. President Theodore Roosevelt’s "Big Stick" Policy was used by the United States to
a. control the Western Hemisphere
b. expand its colonial empire in Africa
c. isolate itself from European conflicts
d. settle a dispute between Russia and Japan
5. Which overseas action clearly demonstrates the use of Theodore Roosevelt’s "Big Stick" foreign policy?
a. purchase of Alaska from Russia
b. U.S. declaration of war against Germany in 1917
c. seizure of the Hawaiian Islands
d. U.S. military support of the Panamanian revolt
In your History notebook, please set up (in whatever way works the best for you) the following topics:
Totalitarianism and the Nazi Party
Economic Policies
Nazi Imperialism
The Nazi Swastika
The Aryan Race
Adolf Hitler
Totalitarianism and the Nazi Party
 Totalitarianism is when a government tries to
control every aspect of its people’s lives
“National Socialism will use its
own revolution for establishing a
new world order.”
-Adolph Hitler
 Hitler renamed the
German Worker’s Party the
National Socialist German
Worker’s Party (NAZI)
 By 1932 Hitler’s Nazi Party was the largest party
in Germany
 When Hitler became the
dictator of Germany, the
Nazi Party controlled
churches, universities,
schools, and the government
 Hitler renamed Nazi
Germany "the Third Reich"
and started his own Nazi
police called the SS – they
were the state police, which meant they were
controlled by the government
Economic Policies
 Hitler used the economic depression to gain popularity
through promises of nationalism and militarism
 Wealthy Germans
thought that the Nazis
could save Germany
from economic disaster
 Middle class
Germans thought the
Nazis could save
Germany from the
 Hitler created many
jobs and started to
rebuilt the German
This propaganda poster was used to convince the
German people that the Nazi party would rebuild the
German economy
 Unemployment
decreased under Nazi
rule. Many factory jobs
were created to produce
supplies to fuel German
 Hitler rebuilt the
Nazi economy which
made Germans trust
and adore him
Nazi Imperialism
 Hitler wanted to control more than just Nazi Germany
 He wanted Germany to be the center of an empire like
ancient Rome
 Nazi Germany made new alliances with Italy and Japan;
they called
themselves the
Axis Powers
 Germany
invaded other
countries to
build their
lebensraum which
means “living
 Germany took over land in Austria, Czechoslovakia,
Poland, Denmark, Norway, the Netherlands, Belgium,
France, Greece, and Yugoslavia
 Germany took over almost ALL of Europe by 1940
The Nazi Swastika
History of the Symbol:
It is an ancient religious symbol found in Eastern Religions. It is still widely used in Hinduism,
Buddhism and Jainism. However, due to its association with Nazism it is no longer accepted in the
Western world.
The Nazi Party and the Swastika:
 The Nazi Party adopted the swastika in 1920. This was
used on the party's flag, badge, and armband.
 When Hitler created a flag for the Nazi Party, he sought
to incorporate
both the swastika
and the colors
red, white, and
black, which were
the colors of the
flag of the old
German Empire.
 On March
14, 1933, shortly
after Hitler's
appointment as
Chancellor of Germany, the NSDAP flag was hoisted
alongside Germany's national colors. It was adopted as the sole national flag on September 15,
To the Nazi’s, the Swastika = the struggle for the victory
of the Aryan man
Today, this symbol is
outlawed in Germany
because of the horrors
it represents
The Aryan Race
 The Nazis used the term "Aryan race" to refer to what they saw as being a
master race of people of northern European descent (generally blond hair
and blue eyed, always white) .
 The Nazi wanted their Aryan race to be “pure”. In order to do that they
made laws that controlled who was allowed to have children. Here are some
examples of the laws:
o banned interracial dating and
o mandatory sterilization (surgeries
that stop people from
children) of mentally ill and mentally
deficient people
o the execution of the institutionalized
mentally ill people
 This led to the mass killings of anyone that was not considered part of the
Aryan Race. Example is the murder of 6 million Jews.
A depiction of the "pure Aryan"
family on the cover of the 1938
calendar published by Neues Volk, the
magazine of the Nazi Party's Race
Political Office.
English Translation of the poster on the right:
60,000 Franks - This is what this person
suffering from hereditary defects costs the
Community of Germans during his lifetime
Fellow Citizen, that is your money, too
(Hint: This poster is promoting the killing or
sterilization of anyone with disabilities
because they use up too much government tax
Adolf Hitler
Adolf Hitler was responsible for starting World War II and for killing more than 11 million people during the
Also Known As: Führer (Father) of the Third Reich
Hitler as an Artist: Hitler dreamed of becoming an artist, so in 1907 he applied to the
painting school at the Vienna Academy of Art. He did not pass the entrance exam so he
spent the next four years in Vienna, Switzerland thinking about politics…
Hitler Serves in WWI: Hitler quickly proved to be a courageous soldier. In 1918, a gas attack
caused him to go temporarily blind. While in the hospital, Hitler heard that WWI ended and
that Germany lost. He felt anger and feelings of betrayal.
Hitler Comes to Power in Germany: By July
1932, Hitler had enough support to run for
president of Germany. After legally gaining
power in Germany, Hitler quickly began
gaining more power by killing people that
disagreed with him. He also used propaganda
that strengthened German pride by blaming
all their problems on Communists and Jews.
Adolf Hitler
Hitler Starts World War II: Hitler quickly took
– April 30 - 1945
over Austria and Poland in 1939, which led to
the beginning of World War II. During this war he would kill over 6 million Jews and many
others that he felt were not part of the “Aryan Race”.
The End of Hitler: After writing his last will and political testament on April 29, 1945, Adolf
Hitler and his bride Eva Braun committed suicide together in their bunker.
Hitler wrote a book about his thoughts
about a new Germany, which was titled
Mein Kampf or My Struggle.
Unit 4 – Build Up to WWII
Lesson 3 – Rise of the Nazi Party in Germany
Exit Ticket
Name: _________________________
Having evaluated the political, ideological and racial stances of the Nazi Party:
Identify AND explain the 2-3 most important features of the Nazi Party THEN describe how these
factors allowed the Nazi Party to rise to power in Germany during the 1930s.
_______ /10
Persuasive Paragraph Checklist
 Construct an assertion based on the topic (2pt)
 Provide context for your argument (2pt)
 Provide specific evidence (2pts)
 Explain your evidence (2pts)
 Draw an overall conclusion based on your assertion (2pts)
Unit 4 – Build Up to WWII
Lesson 3 – Rise of the Nazi Party in Germany
Name: _________________________
Directions: Use the chart below to answer the following questions in complete sentences.
Soviet Union
Adolf Hitler
Benito Mussolini
Joseph Stalin
Nazi (National Socialist)
Communist; state
owns everything,
controls economy
Control of
Less than total
Some freedom, but not for
Catholicism was state
religion; free choice
Religion suppressed
Millions killed; Jews and
Romani particularly, and many
non-Germans, and minorities
were signaled out for terror.
Murder rare; about 4,000
Secret police
imprisoned and
killed over 20 million
Political Party
Dates in Power
Unifying Idea
Use of Terror
Regime – a type of government rule
1. Which traits were shared by all three regimes during the 1930’s?
2. What trait was unique to the totalitarian regime in the Soviet Union compared with other regimes?
3. Using background knowledge, explain why were an estimated 20 million Soviet citizens were imprisoned
under Stalin.
4. In a police state, who do the police obey?
5. Which trait was unique to the regime of Germany compared with the others in the 1930’s?
6. What surprised you the most about what you learned in today’s gallery walk?