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The Vegetarian Nutrition
Resource E-Book
Originally Published May 2002
All Resources Verified June 2004
Editor, Chad T. Kimball, AzoGroup
Acknowledgment is given to the following reviewers and compilers:
Elizabeth Hill, RD
Desire' Stapley, RD, LD
Reed Mangels, PhD, RD, LD, FADA
I Was Shocked and Embarrassed When I Discovered How
Many Hidden Animal Ingredients I've Consumed
with My "Vegetarian" or "Vegan" Diet
This is What Vegetarians and Vegans often say When They See
our list of Hidden Animal Ingredients.
In July-August 2004 we will be introducing our "Avoiding
Animal Ingredients Kit" -- The most comprehensive guide to
avoiding animal ingredients on the Internet today, including:
-How to Avoid Over 200 Hidden Animal Ingredients in Food and
Everyday Items (like shampoo, household cleaners, beer, etc..)
-How to "DE CODE" mysterious chemical names on product
-How to identify Vegetarian and Vegan items at fast food chains
and popular restaurants
-How to obtain Vegetarian items on common Airlines
-Where to obtain specialty Vegetarian and Vegan cooking
-Form letters for requesting more Vegan and Vegetarian options
at your local restaurants, grocery stores, and fast food chains.
Also includes many lists of hundreds of items, including:
-Specific "animal-free" menu items at common restaurants.
-A glossary of over 200 Hidden Animal Ingredients
-Companies that participate in animal testing
-Companies that DO NOT test on animals
-Specific household products that contain animal ingredients, or
were produced through animal testing, and how to avoid them.
And much more...
Go to if you
would like to receive an email announcement when this book is
Table of Contents:
A. General Information on Vegetarian Nutrition
1. Articles and Pamphlets
2. Books
3. Magazines and Newsletters
4. Web Resources
B. Vegetarian Diets and Disease Prevention and Treatment
1. Articles and Pamphlets
2. Books
3. Web Resources
C. Vegetarian Diets for Special Populations
1. Vegetarianism During the Lifecycle
a. Resources for Pregnancy and Lactation
b. Resources for Infants and Children
c. Resources for Adolescents
d. Resources for Older Americans
e. Resources for Athletes
D. Soyfoods
1. Books
2. Web Resources
E. Vegetarian Cooking and Foods
1. Books
2. Web Resources
F. Resource Centers
1. Articles and Pamphlets
Eating Well the Vegetarian Way
American Dietetic Association
Web site:
Summary: Describes various forms of vegetarianism and provides guidelines for
planning healthful vegetarian meals that meet the needs of children and adults. Includes
recommended cookbooks and readings.
Ordering Information:
Phone: (800) 877-1600 ext. 5000
Mail a check or money order with your order form to:
American Dietetic Association
General Account
Suite 6067
75 Remittance Drive
Chicago, IL 60675-6067
Mail a purchase order or credit card order with order form to:
American Dietetic Association
120 South Riverside Plaza, Suite 2000
Chicago, IL 60606-6995
Fact Sheets on Vegetarian Nutrition
Vegetarian Nutrition Dietetic Practice Group
Web site:
Summary: 20 fact sheets on many aspects of vegetarianism including calcium, zinc,
vitamin B12, pregnancy, infants, children, teens, athletes, fats, isoflavones, and dining out.
Ordering Information:
Send your credit card information or a check for $25.00 (for a complete set) or $2.00 (per
sheet) payable to: ADA / DPG#14. Mail to:
Kristine Duncan, MS, RD
1307 Sudden Valley
Bellingham, WA 98229
Phone: 360-714-1096
E-mail: [email protected]
Making the Change to a Vegetarian Diet
Vegetarian Nutrition Dietetic Practice Group
Web site:
Summary: This fact sheet provides 6 steps for changing from an omnivorous to a
vegetarian diet. It also includes tips to ensure that the vegetarian diet is a healthful one.
Also available in Spanish.
Contact Information:
Vegetarian Nutrition DPG
c/o Carol Coughlin, RD
191 Baldwin Street
Leicester, MA 01524
Phone: 508-892-3164
E-mail: [email protected]
Position of the American Dietetic Association: Vegetarian Diets
American Dietetic Association (ADA)
Web site:
Summary: The American Dietetic Association's position paper on vegetarian nutrition.
This technical paper includes a food guide pyramid for vegetarian meal planning and a
table of food sources of key nutrients.
Ordering Information:
E-mail request with name, address and position title to:
[email protected]
Vegetarianism in a Nutshell; Veganism in a Nutshell
The Vegetarian Resource Group
Web versions:;
Summary: These pamphlets contain basic information on vegetarian and vegan nutrition
and foods.
Ordering Information:
The Vegetarian Resource Group
P.O. Box 1463
Baltimore, MD 21203
Phone: (410) 366-8343
E-mail: [email protected]
2. Books
Becoming Vegan: The Complete Guide to Adopting a Healthy Plant-based Diet
Brenda Davis, RD and Vesanto Melina., MS, RD
Summertown, TN: Book Publishing Company. 2000. 282 pp.
ISBN: 1570671036
Summary: This outstanding guide to vegan diets thoroughly covers basic nutrition topics
for vegans, provides a vegan food guide, addresses the needs of children and pregnant
women, and discusses topics like overweight, eating disorders, and the veg an athlete.
Being Vegetarian for Dummies
Suzanne Havala, MS, RD.
Cleveland, OH: IDG Books Worldwide. 2001. 336 pp.
ISBN: 0764563351
Summary: This book provides an easy-to-understand look at vegetarian diets including
nutrition issues, practical tips, menu planning, recipe modification, pregnancy, infants
and children, teens, and athletes.
Simply Vegan: Quick Vegetarian Meals, 3rd ed.
Debra Wasserman; Nutrition Section by Reed Mangels, PhD, RD
Baltimore, MD: The Vegetarian Resource Group. 1999. 224 pp.
ISBN: 0931411203
Summary: This book features a nutrition section that briefly discusses key nutrients in
the vegan diet. It also includes over 160 quick and easy recipes.
Vegan & Vegetarian FAQ: Answers to Your Frequently Asked Questions
Davida Gypsy Breier; Nutrition Section by Reed Mangels, PhD, RD
Baltimore, MD: The Vegetarian Resource Group. 2001. 272 pp.
ISBN: 0931411246
Summary: Hundreds of answers on everything from food ingredients to vegetarian
nutrition to vegetarian cooking.
The Vegetarian Way: Total Health for You and Your Family
Virginia Messina, MPH, RD and Mark Messina, PhD
New York, NY: Crown Trade Paperbacks. 1996. 390 pp.
ISBN: 0517882752
Summary: This authoritative and comprehensive handbook provides information on all
aspects of vegetarian nutrition including nutrient sources and nutritional needs for
vegetarians of all ages. Includes recipes, menus, food guides, and cooking tips .
3. Magazines and Newsletters
Loma Linda University Vegetarian Nutrition & Health Letter
Web site: (Includes selected articles from previous
issues and subscription information.)
Summary: This newsletter, with 10 issues per year, is published by Loma Linda
University. It provides information about the latest scientific developments in vegetarian
nutrition as well as information about vegetarian foods and cooking.
Vegetarian Journal
Web site: (Includes selected articles from previous issues and
subscription information.)
Summary: This quarterly magazine is published by The Vegetarian Resource Group. It
includes practical tips for vegetarian meal planning, articles relevant to vegetarian
nutrition, recipes, and natural food product reviews.
4. Web Resources
Eating Well the Vegetarian Way
University of Michigan Dining Services
Web site:
Summary: This fact sheet includes information about various nutrients for vegetarians,
health benefits of vegetarian diets, healthy snack ideas, a sample menu, and a food guide.
Food Guides
Nutrispeak: Vesanto Melina, RD
Web site:
Summary: Vegan and Vegetarian Pyramids, based on the U.S. Food Guide, and the
Vegan Rainbow and the Vegetarian Rainbow, based on the Canadian Food Guide.
Health and Nutrition
The Vegetarian Society of the United Kingdom
Web site:
Summary: This site includes a very complete listing of resources and fact sheets on
many aspects of vegetarian nutrition including basic nutrition, protein, fats and
cholesterol, calcium, iron, vitamin B12, and zinc.
Nutrition Matters, Inc.: Mark Messina, PhD, Virginia Messina, MPH, RD
Web site:
Summary: Ask the Experts page with questions and answers on vegetarian nutrition.
Plant-based Diets: Fact and Fiction
Seventh-day Adventist Dietetic Association
Web site:
Summary: Myths and realities about a vegetarian diet.
The Traditional Healthy Vegetarian Diet Pyramid
Oldways Preservation & Exchange Trust
Web site:
Summary: A food guide pyramid for vegetarians. Includes additional information
including characteristics of healthy vegetarian diets, different forms of vegetarianism, and
health benefits and potential complications of a vegetarian diet.
Update on Calcium: Do Vegetarians Need Less?
Loma Linda University Vegetarian Nutrition & Health Letter, February 1999.
Web site:
Summary: This article provides information on calcium needs of vegetarians and good
sources of calcium.
Vegan Outreach
Web sites:;
Summary: Well-referenced collection of nutrition information for vegans. Includes
information on health benefits, meal planning ideas, and nutritional issues of which
vegans should be aware, focusing on recommended daily intakes of important nutri ents.
Vegetarian Basics 101
Vegetarians in Paradise: A Los Angeles Vegetarian Monthly Web Magazine
Web site:
Summary: Provides information on types of vegetarians, getting started in
vegetarianism, foods, protein sources, and benefits of vegetarianism
Vegetarian Diets
American Heart Association
Web site:
Summary: Defines different types of vegetarianism and provides nutritional information
related to vegetarian diets.
Vegetarian Food Guide
Loma Linda University
Web site:
Summary: Vegetarian food guide pyramid and supporting information including
principles of healthful vegetarian diets.
Vegetarian Nutrition
Food and Nutrition Information Center, USDA
Web site:
Summary: Links to web resources on many aspects of vegetarianism.
Vegetarian Resource Group
Web site:
Summary: This web site contains a wealth of information on vegetarian nutrition
including nutrients like iron, calcium, protein, and vitamin B12 as well as reprints of
nutrition-related articles from Vegetarian Journal.
College of Family and Consumer Sciences, University of Georgia
Web site:
Summary: Basic information on vegetarian nutrition. Includes a sample menu and listing
of additional resources.
A Vegetarian's Guide to Healthy Eating
Wegmans Food Markets, Inc.
Web site:
Summary: Provides information on vegetarian diets including key nutrients, cooking and
shopping tips, FAQs, life-cycle issues.
Vitamin B12 in the Vegan Diet
The Vegetarian Resource Group
Web site:
Summary: Provides information on vitamin B12 sources and recommendations.
What Every Vegan Should Know about Vitamin B12
The Vegan Society
Web site:
Summary: Brief statement on vitamin B12 sources and recommendations for intake
followed by an extensive technical review of information on vitamin B12.
alphabetical order) (Also see Section A. General Information on Vegetarian Nutrition)
1. Articles and Pamphlets
"American Heart Association Calls for Eating Fish Twice Per Week-What's A
Vegetarian To Do?"
Vegetarian Journal, September/October 2001: 23(4).
Web Version:
Summary: Article reviews nutritional aspects of omega-3 fatty acids and provides
vegetarian options for obtaining these nutrients.
Heart Healthy Diets the Vegetarian Way
The Vegetarian Resource Group
Web versions:
Summary: This pamphlet, available in English and Spanish, provides information on
cooking, shopping, and eating out to reduce risk of heart disease. Also discusses fat and
cholesterol in a vegetarian diet.
Ordering Information:
The Vegetarian Resource Group
P.O. Box 1463
Baltimore, MD 21203
Phone: (410) 366-8343
E-mail: [email protected]
2. Books
Delicious Food for a Healthy Heart
Joanne Stepaniak
Summertown, TN: Book Publishing Company. 1999. 172 pp.
ISBN: 1570670773
Summary: This book includes more than 120 low-fat recipes and features sections on the
connection between a vegetarian diet and heart disease risk, recommendations for
reducing risk of heart disease, and all sorts of cooking tips. It also provides 14 days of
menus and an explanation of less common ingredients.
Everyday Cooking with Dr. Dean Ornish: 150 Easy, Low-Fat, High Flavor Recipes
Dean Ornish, MD
New York, NY: HarperCollins. 1997. 368 pp.
ISBN: 0060928115
Summary: Cardiac researcher Dean Ornish, MD presents 150 low-fat, low-cholesterol
vegetarian recipes.
Vegetarian Homestyle Cooking: a Guide to Heart-Healthy Lowfat Eating
Jeanne Tibero, MS, RD
Mankato, MN: Appletree Press Inc. 1998. 256pp.
ISBN: 1891011006
Summary: This book provides information about the hows and whys of vegetarian diets
and the connection to heart health. It includes recipes, two weeks of sample menus,
nutritional analysis for recipes, and an appendix that provides additional pract ical
Weight Watchers Versatile Vegetarian
Weight Watchers International, Inc.
New York, NY: Hungry Minds, Inc. 2001. 184 pp.
ISBN: 0028618521
Summary: Collection of 150 vegetarian recipes that can be used with exchange lists or
the Weight Watchers weight loss program.
3. Web Resources
Web site: - do search for "vegetarian"
Summary: Information about the latest research on cancer and vegetarian diets.
Reducing Cholesterol Without Drugs
Loma Linda University Vegetarian Nutrition & Health Letter, January, 2001.
Web site:
Summary: Reprint of an article that explains dietary factors that can reduce risk of heart
Tips for Eating Health Food and Vegetarian
American Heart Association
Web site:
Summary: Chart containing ways to reduce the fat from foods commonly eaten by
Vegetarian Diets During Cancer Treatment
Vegetarian Nutrition Dietetic Practice Group, Issues in Vegetarian Dietetics
Donna Paglia, MS, RD
Web site:
Summary: How vegetarian diets can be modified to be used during cancer treatments
such as chemotherapy.
Vegetarian Diets in the Treatment of Rheumatoid Arthritis
Vegetarian Nutrition Dietetic Practice Group, Issues in Vegetarian Dietetics
Kristine Duncan, MS, RD
Web site:
Summary: Review of research on vegetarian diets in treatment of rheumatoid arthritis.
Vegetarian Resource Group
Web site:
Summary: Information on vegetarian diets in diabetes and on heart healthy vegetarian
diets as well as reprints of health-related articles from Vegetarian Journal.
Vegetarian Society of the United Kingdom
Web site:
Summary: Information on various health conditions including allergy, celiac disease,
cancer, diabetes, diverticular disease, gall stones, heart disease, hypertension, kidney
disease, obesity, osteoporosis, and rheumatoid arthritis and the vegetaria n diet.
(Also see Section A. General Information on Vegetarian Nutrition)
1. Vegetarianism During the Lifecycle
a. Resources for Pregnancy and Lactation
Pregnancy Information Sheet
Vegetarian Society of the United Kingdom
Web site:
Summary: Information on key nutrients, exercise, and other health issues during
The Vegan Diet During Pregnancy and Lactation
The Vegetarian Resource Group
Reed Mangels, PhD, RD
Web site:
Summary: This article, originally published in Vegetarian Journal, examines weight gain
and nutrient needs in pregnancy, discusses morning sickness, provides sample meal
plans, and presents recommendations for breast-feeding.
Vegan Nutrition in Pregnancy and Childhood
The Vegetarian Resource Group
Web site:
Summary: This pamphlet provides information on vegetarian diets in pregnancy and
lactation. Includes information on nutritional needs and a sample meal plan.
Ordering Information:
The Vegetarian Resource Group
P.O. Box 1463
Baltimore, MD 21203
Phone: (410) 366-8343
E-mail: [email protected]
Vegetarian Diets During Pregnancy
Vegetarian Nutrition Dietetic Practice Group, Issues in Vegetarian Dietetics.
Reed Mangels, PhD, RD
Web site:
Summary: Information on weight gain and energy and nutrient needs for vegetarian
pregnancy. Includes a food guide.
Vegetarian Diets for Pregnancy
Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine
Web site:
Summary: Meal planning guide, sample menu, and nutrition information for pregnant
vegetarians. Also includes information on vegetarian diets during breast-feeding.
Womb Service (Nutrition for Pregnant Vegetarians)
Vegetarian Times, July 01 2000.
Suzanne Havala, MS, RD
Web source:
Summary: Information on key nutrients for pregnant vegetarians.
b. Resources for Infants and Children
Ask Brenda - Vegan Nutrition Tips
Veg Family
Web site:
Summary: Questions and answers about vegan infants and children. Answers are
provided by Brenda Davis, RD.
Eating Wisely: Raising a Vegetarian Child
New Beginnings, Vol. 17 No. 4 July-August 2000, 1999 pp. 131-133, 151
Melanie Wilson
Web site:
Summary: Practical information on vegetarian children. Includes information on sources
of specific nutrients.
From Animal Crackers to Wild West Beans: Easy and Fun Vegetarian Recipes for
Healthy Babies and Children
Carol Timperley
Chicago, IL: Contemporary Publishing. 1998. 144 pp.
ISBN: 0809230224
Summary: A book of recipes and food ideas for vegetarian babies and toddlers.
Honest Pretzels and 64 Other Amazing Recipes for Cooks Ages 8 and Up
Mollie Katzen
Berkeley, CA: Tricycle Press. 1999. 192 pp.
ISBN: 1883672880
Summary: Vegetarian recipes for children ages 8 years and older
Kids Can Cook: Vegetarian Recipes
Dorothy R. Bates and Suzanne Havala
Summertown, TN: Book Publishing Company. 2000. 176 pp.
ISBN: 1570670862
Summary: This cookbook features simple recipes that children can prepare. Kitchen
safety tips and a brief nutrition section are also included.
Pretend Soup and Other Real Recipes: A Cookbook for Preschoolers and Up
Mollie Katzen and Anne Henderson
Berkeley, CA: Tricycle Press. 1994. 95 pp.
ISBN: 1883672066
Summary: Vegetarian recipes for younger children.
Vegan Diets for Children
Vegetarian Nutrition Dietetic Practice Group, Issues in Vegetarian Dietetics.
Carol M. Coughlin, RD
Web site:
Summary: Nutritional considerations for vegan infants, children, and adolescents.
Vegetarian Baby and Child Magazine
Web site: (Includes selected articles from previous
issues and subscription information.)
Summary: This magazine, with 6 issues per year, focuses on issues related to vegetarian
babies and children. Nutrition information, recipes, and practical advice are included.
The Vegetarian Child: A Complete Guide for Parents
Lucy Moll
New York, NY: Perigee. 1997. 224 pp.
ISBN: 0399522719
Summary: This book is written in question-and-answer format and addresses vegetarian
pregnancy, infants, toddlers, preschoolers, grade-schoolers, and teens. It includes meal
planning ideas and recipes.
Vegetarian Diets: Advantages for Children
Physician's Committee for Responsible Medicine
Web site:
Summary: Nutrition information and tips on feeding children vegetarian diets.
The Vegetarian Family
Wyeth Nutritionals
Web site:
Summary: Questions and answers about feeding vegetarian infants including questions
about breastfeeding, supplements, and introduction of solid foods.
Vegetarian Resource Group
Web site:
Summary: Resources on feeding vegan children, healthy fast food for pre-schoolers,
school lunch, and vegan infants. Also includes food guides for infants and children,
Vegetarian Society of the United Kingdom
Web site:
Summary: Information on vegetarian infants and children including a suggested food
Kids' Health for Parents, The Nemours Foundation
Web site:
Summary: Pros and cons of a vegetarian diet for children, advice for specific age groups
including infants and toddlers.
c. Resources for Adolescents
A Teen's Guide to Going Vegetarian
Judy Krizmanic
New York, NY: Puffin. 1994. 144 pp.
ISBN: 0670851140
Summary: This is a guide to vegetarianism written for teens. It addresses important
nutrients, parental concerns, and provides simple recipes and a list of resources.
*Care and Feeding of Teenage Vegetarians
Loma Linda University Vegetarian Nutrition & Health Letter, June/July, 1999.
Carol M. Coughlin, RD
Summary: Features a diet checklist for vegetarian teens, a food guide, information on
eating disorders and teen athletes.
The Teen's Vegetarian Cookbook
Judy Krizmanic
New York, NY: Viking Press. 1999. 192 pp.
ISBN: 0140385061
Summary: Easy to prepare recipes for teenage vegetarians. Includes basic information
on vegetarian nutrition, an ingredient glossary, and tips for college-age vegetarians.
Vegetables Rock! A Complete Guide for Teenage Vegetarians
Stephanie Pierson
New York, NY: Bantam Books. 1999. 222 pp.
ISBN: 0553379240
Summary: Includes nutrition information for teenage vegetarians, ideas for eating out,
cooking tips, and 60 basic recipes.
Vegetarianism for Teens
Jane Duden
Mankato, MN: Capstone Press. 2001. 64 pp.
ISBN: 0736807128
Summary: Written for pre-teens. Contains basic information on vegetarianism including
a definition of vegetarianism, historical information, nutrition information, meal
planning, tips for eating out, and a glossary.
Vegetarian Nutrition for Teenagers
The Vegetarian Resource Group
Web version:
Summary: This pamphlet, available in English and Spanish, provides information on
vegetarian diets for teenagers.
Ordering Information:
The Vegetarian Resource Group
P.O. Box 1463
Baltimore, MD 21203
(410) 366-8343
E-mail: [email protected]
d. Resources for Older Americans
*Diet and Cognitive Function
Loma Linda University Vegetarian Nutrition and Health Letter, February, 2002
Summary: Information on how diet affects the risk of cognitive decline including
Alzheimer's disease and vascular dementia.
4 Week Vegetarian Menu Set for Meals on Wheels Sites
Vegetarian Journal's Foodservice Update, Volume V, Number 4 Autumn 1997
Web Source:
Summary: 4 weeks worth of menus for use by the Meals on Wheels Program.
*Meeting Nutritional Needs During the Golden Years
Loma Linda University Vegetarian Nutrition & Health Letter, September, 1999
Summary: Vitamin D, vitamin B12, calcium, protein, and fluids needs for older people.
Nutritional Rx for Aging: What you Need to Know About Vitamins and Minerals
Vegetarian Times, February 01 1997.
Carol M. Coughlin, RD
Web Source:
Summary: Information on plant-based diet for older people including a discussion of
anti-oxidants and key foods.
A Senior's Guide to Good Nutrition
The Vegetarian Resource Group
Suzanne Havala, MS, RD
Web site:
Summary: Information on special nutritional needs of older people, use of supplements,
common diet-related complaints, meal preparation, and food assistance programs.
2. Resources for Athletes
Eat Better, Perform Better: Sports Nutrition Guidelines for the Vegetarian
The Vegetarian Resource Group
Enette Larson, MS, RD
Web site:
Summary: Guidelines for pre-event meals, eating during and after competition, the role
of supplements, and practical recommendations.
*Nutrition and Exercise
Loma Linda University Vegetarian Nutrition and Health Letter, February, 2001.
Bryan Haddock, DrPH, ACSM-HFI
Summary: An examination of protein, carbohydrate, and fat needs of athletes and fitness
D. SOYFOODS (in alphabetical order)
1. Books
The Complete Soy Cookbook
Paulette Mitchell
New York, NY: Macmillan. 1998. 270 pp.
ISBN: 0028614577
Summary: Includes a description of soyfoods and information about soyfoods and
health. 150 recipes use a variety of ingredients, including different types of tofu, tempeh,
and soybeans (dry, canned, and fresh).
More Soy Cooking: Healthful Renditions of Classic Traditional Meals
Marie Oser
New York, NY: John Wiley & Sons. 2000. 307 pp.
ISBN: 0471377619
Summary: Cookbook featuring recipes for soup, salads and dressings, desserts, entrees,
side dishes, and pasta and pizzas, all using soy products. Each recipe includes a
nutritional analysis.
Soy Desserts: 101 Fun and Fabulously Healthy Recipes
Patricia Greenberg
New York, NY: Regan Books. 2000. 166 pp.
ISBN: 0060393947
Summary: Includes 101 recipes with nutrient analysis for desserts using soy products soy milk, tofu, soy yogurt, and soy cheeses. It also includes helpful sections on buying,
storing, and baking with soy products.
Soy of Cooking: Easy to Make Vegetarian, Low-fat, Fat-free and Antioxidant-rich
Gourmet Recipes
Marie Oser
New York, NY: John Wiley & Sons. 1998. 264 pp.
ISBN: 0471347051
Summary: This cookbook includes 172 recipes with nutrient analysis using soy
products. It also has definitions for soy products, cooking techniques, and information on
including soyfoods in a diabetic diet.
2. Web Resources
Is Soy Safe to Eat?
Loma Linda University Vegetarian Nutrition & Health Letter
Web site:
Summary: Reprint of an article that originally appeared in Vegetarian Nutrition &
Health Letter, September, 2000, that examines the safety of soyfoods, use of soy in
chronic disease, and soyfoods for children.
Soy and Human Health Q & A
University of Illinois
Web site:
Summary: Answers to frequently asked questions about soy by a nutrition researcher.
United Soybean Board
Web site:
Summary: Comprehensive web site on soy. Includes a various fact sheets on soy and the
thyroid, soy and cancer, and soy and heart disease and a soy glossary.
U.S. Soyfoods Directory
Indiana Soybean Board
Web site:
Summary: Descriptions of soyfoods, the companies that make and distribute them,
nutritional information, recipes, and research information about the health benefits of
E. VEGETARIAN COOKING AND FOODS (in alphabetical order)
1. Books
Joy of Cooking. All About Vegetarian Cooking
Irma S. Rombauer, Marion Rombauer Becker, Ethan Becker
New York, NY: Scribner. 2000. 128 pp.
ISBN: 0743202090
Summary: Cookbook includes more than 100 recipes as well as photographs and text to
describe cooking techniques. Also includes information on menu planning and
suggestions for purchasing and storing food.
Lorna Sass' Complete Vegetarian Kitchen: Where Good Flavors and Good Health
Lorna Sass
New York, NY: William Morrow & Co. 2002. 494 pp.
ISBN: 0060007745
Summary: With more than 250 recipes, an extensive glossary of ingredients, information
on cooking beans, grains, fruits, vegetables, and soy products, this book has been called
an encyclopedia of whole foods.
Madhur Jaffrey's World Vegetarian
Madhur Jaffrey
New York, NY: Random House. 2002. 758 pp.
ISBN: 0517596326
Summary: A comprehensive collection of more than 650 meatless recipes from around
the world. Also includes information on less familiar ingredients and techniques as well
as an extensive glossary.
Meatless Meals for Working People: Quick and Easy Vegetarian Recipes, 3rd ed.
Charles Stahler and Debra Wasserman
Baltimore, MD: The Vegetarian Resource Group. 2001. 192 pp.
ISBN: 093141122X
Summary: The focus of this book is on vegetarian recipes that can be prepared quickly
and easily. Includes information about vegetarian items at fast food and chain restaurants.
Nutrient analysis included.
Moosewood Restaurant New Classics
Moosewod Collective
New York, NY: Clarkson Potter/Publishers. 2001. 495 pp.
ISBN : 0609802410
Summary: 350 recipes for home style favorites feasts and everyday feasts including
nutrient analysis. Contains some recipes using fish.
Vegan Meals for One or Two
Nancy Berkoff, RD
Baltimore, MD: The Vegetarian Resource Group. 2001. 216 pp.
ISBN: 0931411238
Summary: Recipes designed to serve 1 or 2 people. Includes a brief nutrition section,
shopping tips, food safety advice, a food guide, and sample menus. Nutrient analysis
Vegetarian Cooking for Dummies
Suzanne Havala, MS, RD
New York, NY: Hungry Minds, Inc. 2001. 336 pp.
ISBN: 076455350X
Summary: A thorough reference on vegetarian cooking. Includes information on
ingredients, equipment, adapting recipes, and basic cooking techniques. Also includes
more than 100 recipes with nutritional analyses.
Vegetarian Cooking for Everyone
Deborah Madison
New York, NY: Broadway Books. 1997. 742 pp.
ISBN: 0767900146
Summary: This book features comprehensive information about ingredients and
techniques as well as more than 800 recipes.
The Vegetarian 5-Ingredient Gourmet
Nava Atlas
New York, NY: Broadway Books. 2001. 262 pp.
ISBN: 076790690X
Summary: More than 250 recipes using 5 ingredients or less. This book includes many
suggestions for kitchen short-cuts and provides ideas for menu planning. Nutrient
analysis included.
The Vegetarian Gourmet's Easy International Recipes
Bobbie Hinman
Chicago, IL: Surrey Books. 2001. 488 pp.
ISBN: 1572840420
Summary: This book includes more than 350 recipes from South and Central America,
Eastern Europe, Italy, the Middle East, and the Far East. Recipes use easy-to-find
ingredients and have been adapted for convenience in many cases. Nutrient analysi s
Vegetarian Times: Complete Cookbook
The Editors of Vegetarian Times
New York, NY: MacMillan: A Simon & Schuster Macmillan Company. 1995. 506 pp.
ISBN : 0026217457
Summary: Over 600 meatless dishes, information on vegetarian diet and cooking
techniques including a glossary of vegetarian ingredients.
Vegetarian Times: Vegetarian Entertaining
The Editors of Vegetarian Times
New York, NY: MacMillan: A Simon & Schuster Macmillan Company. 1996. 194 pp.
ISBN : 0028613244
Summary: Menus from around the world for all occasions. Nutrient analysis included.
2. Web Resources
Fabulous Facts and Flavorful Foods
Loma Linda University
Web site:
Summary: Vegetarian shopping list, shopping tips, substitutions, and recipes.
In a Vegetarian Kitchen with Nava Atlas
Web site:
Summary: Easy-to-follow vegetarian recipes and useful cooking tips.
Recipes Around the World
International Vegetarian Union (IVU)
Web site:
Summary: Close to 1,800 vegan recipes in a searchable database.
The Road to Vegetarianism
Vegetarians in Paradise
Web Site:
Summary: Provides information on many alternative foods for vegetarians including
meat, dairy, and egg alternatives.
Vegetarian Glossary
Vegetarian Times
Web site:
Summary: Definitions for many foods commonly eaten by vegetarians.
Vegetarian Recipes
Web site:
Summary: Hundreds of vegetarian recipes, sorted by category with nutritional
information provided. Also includes FAQs about vegetarian cooking and an ingredient
Vegetarian Times
Web site:
Summary: Hundreds of vegetarian recipes in a searchable database. Includes nutritional
F. RESOURCE CENTERS (In alphabetical order)
Vegetarian Nutrition Dietetic Practice Group
Web site:
c/o American Dietetic Association
120 South Riverside Plaza, Suite 2000
Chicago, IL 60606-6995
Phone: (800) 877-1600 ext. 4815
The Vegetarian Resource Group
Web site:
P.O. Box 1463
Baltimore, MD 21203
Phone: 410-366-8343
E-mail: [email protected]
Vegetarian Society of the United Kingdom
Web site:
Parkdale, Dunham Rd.
Altrincham, Cheshire WA14 4QG
Phone: 0161 925 2000 (staffed M-F, 08.30-17.00 hrs)
E-mail: [email protected]
Copyright 2004
From Food and Nutrition Information Center, National Agricultural Library/USDA