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Study Guide Lab Exam 3
1. Blood flow (DQ) = π(ΔP)r4/8nl
2. Increase in delta P (difference in pressure at 2 ends) and radius of tube increases blood flow. Change
in pressure brings small change but change in radius brings bigger change (r4).
3. Increase in length of tube and increase in viscosity = n decreases rate of flow.
4. Pathological conditions responsible for increasing viscosity: Major shifts in the viscoelasticity of
blood have been found to be associated with such pathologies as myocardial infarction, peripheral
vascular disease, cancer and diabetes. 2 main factors to increase viscosity of blood are increase in
hematocrit (polycythemia) and decrease in temperature = hypothermia. Blood is not ideal fluid due
to presence of formed elements. Its viscosity increases at low velocities = low flow states.
Cholesterol-LDL also increases viscosity of blood.
5. NE increases Heart rate by binding to Beta 1 receptos but Ach decreases it by acting on muscarinic
receptors. Spinal nerves carry sympathetic nerve fibers to heart and vagus nerve carries
Parasympathetic nerve fibers. Sympathetic division release NE and Parasympathetic division
releases Ach.
6. Sympathetic stimulation (rapid action potentials) causes vasoconstriction of blood vessels in viscera
and skin but vasodilation of blood vessels in skeletal muscles. Low firing of action potentials of
Sympathetic division has the reverse effect.
7. Temperature increases the heart rate of frog.
8. Concentration of ions needs to be within optimal limit. Excess of Ca2+ increases the heart rate but
excess of Na+ and K+ decrease the heart rate.
9. Atropine increases heart rate and Pilocarpine is its antagonist and decreases HR by stimulating
release of Acetycholine.
10. Digitalis lowers heart rate but increases stroke volume and acts as heart stabilizer.
11. What is the full form of ECG? What do P, QRS and T waves represent?
12. You measured ECG data with 3 electrodes. Learn the placements of 3 electrodes and 3 cables (white,
black and red) on subject’s body. You measured the pulse waves by wrapping pulse transducer
around anterior side of index finger of subject. You collected 4 sets of data arms relaxed, arms
raised, and hand in cold and after exercise. Learn in which conditions ECG and pulse waves
increased or decreased.
13. Understand the meaning of terms (Ch1
Delta T, Ch1
BPM, Ch1
p-p, Ch40
used in Data Analysis point 1. Channel 1 data belongs to ECG and channel 40 data belongs to pulse.
14. In first table R-R interval Delta T records time for 1 cardiac cycle and BPM records heart rate. Same is
true for Pulse interval and pulse rate.
15. In the 2nd table QRS amplitude represents the height of QRS wave and tells you about strength of
ventricular systole. Similarly amplitude of Pulse wave tells you about strength of pulse wave.
16. In table 3 time interval between R and pulse wave tells you the time taken by blood to reach from
heart to index finger.
17. I will ask you questions from the review questions in phsyioEx or biopac exercises.
18. Study the introduction on cardiac cycle and heart sounds. Understand meaning of technical terms
like atrial diastole, atrial systole, ventricular diastole = (Isovolumetric relaxation, ventricular filling),
ventricular systole = (Isovolumetric contraction, ventricular ejection).
19. Study the Wigger’s diagram on page 493. This figure depicts that stroke volume SV = EDV – ESV. End
diastolic volume is amount of blood present in ventricle at end of ventricular diastole. ESV volume is
amount of blood left in ventricle after ventricular ejection of blood into aorta.
20. Dicrotic notch is a sudden fall and gain in pressure due to recoil of elastic aorta at the snapping shut
of aortic semilunar valve. Observe in Wigger’s diagram.
21. EDV is blood in ventricle after closure of AV valve. ESV is blood in ventricle after closure of SL valve.
22. Abnormal heart sounds are called murmurs and often are caused due to faulty valves.
23. Study figure 33.2 on page 494 and memorize location to auscultate 2 AV valves and 2 SL valves. You
need to tell me left or right 2nd or 5th intercostal space.
24. Pulse pressure = SP – DP
25. Learn the activity 2 palpating superficial pulse points especially pulse point with greatest and least
amplitudes. Page 494-05.
26. Understand the difference between apical and radial pulse.
27. Learn terms related to blood pressure, normal values of systolic and diastolic blood pressure is
120/80mm Hg. We use sphygmomanometer to measure blood pressure in arteries. You heard
sounds of Korotkoff when pressure in cuff became less than systolic pressure.
28. Mean arterial Pressure MAP = diastolic pressure + pulse pressure / 3. I will give you values of SP and
DP to calculate pulse pressure and MAP.
Sensory Physiology
29. Define with examples Phasic and tonic receptors, sensory adaptation, tactile distribution, tactile
localization, Weber’s law, referred pain, conduction deafness, nerve deafness.
30. You used 2 point discrimination for tactile distribution. A body region, like fingertips, with higher
concentration of sensory receptors will have a finer sense of tactile discrimination.
31. You used the pencil point test and asking the subject to touch same spot without seeing it for tactile
32. You studied sensory adaptation to pressure by placing weight on inner side of forearm.
33. You studied heat / cold receptors by placing hands in cold and warm water and bringing them to
water at room temperature. Sense of heat and cold is not absolute but relative.
34. You used watch tick test for measuring auditory acuity and measuring distance from ear you can
hear the ticking. You studied sound localization by detecting the sound is coming from. It is binaural
hearing and brain can detect the slight lag in arrival of sound in farther ear. You studied auditory
adaptation by pinching one arm of stethoscope and later releasing it.
35. Study the placement of handle of tuning fork in Weber and Rinne tests. Relate these tests to type of
deafness that can be detected by them.
36. Define terms accommodation, accommodation reflexes, blind spot, Astigmatism, myopia,
hyperopia, and night blindness.
37. Which muscles of eye bring change in size of pupil? Pupil size get small when you flash light on eyes
– to avoid damage to photoreceptors from excessive light. It also gets smaller when you focus on far
objects – lens requires divergent rays to focus on a near object but only parallel rays to focus on far
objects. Smaller pupil size eliminates divergent rays when focusing on far objects.
38. Muscles in ciliary body contract to relax suspensory ligaments and lens become thick to focus on
near objects. Ciliary muscles relax and suspensory ligaments get tense and pull the lens thin or flat
to focus on far objects.
39. You used Snellen eye chart to measure visual acuity. Normal vision is 20/20; a bigger denominator
indicates poor vision 20/25, 20/70 but a smaller denominator means better than normal vision
40. Complementary colors are pairs of colors that are of opposite hue in some color model. In RGB
model primary and secondary colors are paired as:
41. Red and cyan; green and magenta; blue and yellow.
42. When you stare at a single color for 30-60sec an after image of opposite color is formed when you
look at a white surface just after staring.
43. Learn all the review questions. Learn the anatomy of eye and functions of each part. Cornea has the
greatest refractive power. Night blindness is caused due to deficiency of vitamin A because rod cells
cannot make enough rhodopsin = visual purple pigment needed to see in dim light. Ciliary body
produces aqueous humor and canal of Schlemm drains it into veins.