Download Unit 6: Birth of A Nation 1. The United States is what type of

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Unit 6: Birth of A Nation
1. The United States is what type of government?
2. This document set up the first national government in the United States…
Articles of Confederation
3. During what war was the Articles of Confederation first ratified?
Revolutionary War
4. Under the Articles of Confederation, how many votes did each state have in deciding
laws? 1
5. The Articles of Confederation established what type of government? Strong/Weak
6. Why was the Northwest Ordinance important?
It established a plan to allow new territories to become states
7. Why did the Articles of Confederation give states more power than the national
government? Fearful of a powerful national government abusing the rights of the people
8. What weakness of the Articles was corrected in the U.S. Constitution by establishing a
three branch government? No executive or court system
9. Shay’s Rebellion demonstrated what weakness of the national government under the
Articles of Confederation? Could not draft an army
10. What weakness of the Articles could be evident in the situations above.
No national court system to settle disputes between the states
11. According to the Virginia Plan, representation in Congress would be based on..population
12. The main responsibility of Congress as defined by the U.S. Constitution is to…
Make laws for the nation
13. An important challenge facing the Constitutional Convention was how to balance the…
Needs of large and small states
14. The Great Compromise was settled a dispute over what? Representation in Congress
15. The U.S. Constitution set up a Federal System (Federalism) of government where
National government and states share power
16. The framers designed a system of checks and balances to
Make sure no branch becomes more powerful
Questions 17 to 19 will ask you to interpret a chart based on the 3/5th’s Compromise
20. The judicial branch is responsible for interpreting laws
21. What is the purpose of the first ten amendments to the U.S. Constitution?
Protect the rights of the people from a powerful central government
22. What document helped to established the idea of separation of church and state found
in the 1st amendment of the Bill of Rights? Virginia Statute of Religious Freedom
23. What colonial document inspired many of the ideas found in the U.S. Bill of Rights?
Virginia Declaration of Rights
24. Who was the author of the Virginia Declaration of Rights? George Mason
25. In what amendment to the U.S. Constitution would you find the list of the five
freedoms guaranteed to all citizens? 1st
26. Who was the President when the two-party system emerged? John Adams
27. Who was the President when the federal court system was established?
George Washington
28. What President bought Louisiana from France? Thomas Jefferson
29. What President warned European nations not to interfere with issues pertaining to the
Western Hemisphere? James Monroe
30. The War of 1812 resulted in the United States gaining — respect of European nations
31. The Monroe Doctrine was a warning to — European nations
Who Am I?
Benjamin Banneker
An African American
An astronomer and surveyor
Helped to design the nation’s capital
33. Which of the following Presidents did NOT live in Washington, D.C. during his term of
office? George Washington
34. Which of the following Presidents was NOT from Virginia? John Adams
35. Under what president did an expedition explore land purchased from France?
Thomas Jefferson