Download 6th Grade Earth Systems Water Cycle Unit NGSS

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6th Grade
Earth’s Systems
Common Core Standards:
06-ESS2-1. Develop a model to describe the cycling of Earth’s materials and the flow of energy that drives this process.
[Clarification Statement: Emphasis is on the processes of mel ting, crystallization, weathering, deformation, and
sedimentation, which act together to form minerals and rocks through the cycling of Earth’s materials.] [Assessment
Boundary: Assessment does not include the identification and naming of minerals.]
06-ESS2-4. Develop a model to describe the cycling of water through Earth’s systems driven by energy from the sun and
the force of gravity. [Clarification Statement: Emphasis is on the ways water changes its state as it moves through the
multiple pathways of the hydrologic cycle. Examples of models can be conceptual or physical.] [Assessment Boundary: A
quantitative understanding of the latent heats of vaporization and fusion is not assessed.]
06-ESS2-1 Develop and use a model to describe phenomena.
06-ESS2-4 Develop a model to describe unobservable mechanisms.
Time Frame:
One Week
Learning Targets:
I can develop a model to describe the cycling of Earth’s materials and the flow of energy that drives this process.
I can develop a model to describe the cycling of water through Earth’s systems driven by energy from the sun and the
force of gravity.
I can develop and use a model to describe phenomena.
I can develop a model to describe unobservable mechanisms.
Day 1:
Bell work: List three things you know about the water cycle.
I Do:
Teacher goes over the learning targets for the unit.
The class reviews the rules for the science lab.
Teacher revisits the students’ prior knowledge of the water cycle and its stages: evaporation, transpiration,
condensation, and precipitation.
Teacher explains that the class will be constructing a water cycle chamber to demonstrate the stages of the water cycle.
Teacher has students collect materials for the science experiment for their group.
Clear containers with lids
Sugar crystals (colored- red or blue does best)
We Do:
Students follow the steps to set up their experiment.
1. Use the clay to construct a mountain in their clear containers. Do not touch the mountain to the top of the
2. Place water around the mountain in the container.
3. Put the sugar crystals at the top of the mountain.
4. Close the container. (Label the container with your group name.)
You Do:
Students then draw a representation of the water cycle chamber in their science notebooks. Explaining what the
different parts of the chamber represent.
Students then draw a representation of the water cycle chambe r in their science notebooks. Students explain what the
different parts of the chamber represent.
Students then draw a representation of the water cycle chamber in their science notebooks. Students explain what the
different parts of the chamber represent.
Higher Order Thinking Questions:
How can this chamber demonstrate the water cycle?
What do you predict will happen when the water cycle chamber is left near the window?
Day 2:
Bell work: What are the stages of the water cycle?
I Do: Teacher goes over the learning targets for the unit. Teacher shows the classroom a diagram of the water cycle.
Classroom discussion on the state of the water (solid, liquid, gas) is at each stage in the cycle. Discuss what propels th e
water cycle to continue (sun, gravity, and earth’s hot interior). Discuss where most of the water is located oceans (about
We Do: Students check their water cycle chambers and draw what they observe in their science notebooks. Students
describe their chambers in words.
Cloud in a Jar (Teacher Demonstration- Created by Laura Candler
• large clear glass jar - at least one gallon, preferably larger
• gallon-sized storage bag or plastic wrap
• large rubber band
• wooden match
• ice cubes
• very hot water
1. A few minutes before you begin the demo, warm the jar by partially filling it with hot water. Leave the water in the j ar
until right before you are ready to use it.
2. Put a handful of ice cubes into the plastic bag or a pouch made from plastic wrap. Keep the bag of ice handy so you
can grab it during step 5 of the activity.
3. When you are ready to begin the demo, swirl the warm water around the sides of the jar to clear any condensation.
Then pour out that water and pour several cups of very hot or boiling water back into the jar.
4. Light the match and drop it into the jar. The water will extinguish the flame and a smal l amount of smoke will rise
from the surface of the water.
5. Quickly place the bag or plastic pouch with the ice cubes over the top of the jar so that it hangs down into the jar
slightly. Pull the sides of the plastic bag down over the mouth of the jar and secure with a rubber band or the jar lid.
6. Allow students to move closer to the jar to observe the formation of the cloud. If you look closely, you'll see the warm
moist air condensing and swirling in the area near the top of the jar where it comes in contact with the
bag of ice. Watch the jar for several minutes and it will fill with a mini cloud.
7. If you wait long enough, you will also see precipitation inside the jar as the water droplets become so large that they
drip from the bottom of the plastic bag. Remind students that the bag of ice isn't leaking; the dripping water is from the
warm, moist air inside the jar cooling and condensing. Eventually the water droplets become so big and heavy that they
are pulled down by gravity.
Follow-up Questions
• What does each part of the cloud in a jar system represent in the real water cycle?
(Answer: Hot water in the bottom of the jar represents water on the earth's surface; ice cubes at the top of the jar
represent cooler atmosphere at high elevations; smoke from match is the particles in the atmosphere from both natural
and man-made sources: water dripping from the top is precipitation)
• How is the process of creating a mini cloud similar to the way real clouds are formed?
(Answer: Rising moist air cools and condenses around particles in the air forming water droplets. Droplets collect and
fall as precipitation.)
• How is the process of creating a mini cloud different from the way real clouds are formed?
(Answer: Water sources on the earth are not hot, the sun provides the energy for the natural water cycle, there are no
ice cubes in the atmosphere, particles in the air could be from dust, pollution, forest fires, etc.)
• Did you see any precipitation in the jar? If so, what caused it?
(Water dripping from the bag forms when moist air rises, cools, and condenses into droplets. The droplets gather
together and become heavy and then gravity pulls them down.)
• Where in the jar did evaporation, condensation, and precipitation occur?
(Evaporation - water molecules escape from the surface of the hot water and become water vapor; condensation cooling water vapor condenses into liquid water at the top of the jar where it's cool; precipitation - water dripping from
the ice)
You Do:
Then the students experiment with evaporation and condensation in small groups.
Changing State: Condensation (Middle School Chemistry:
Prepare for the demonstration about 5–10 minutes before class.
Materials for the demonstration
•2 clear plastic cups
•Room-temperature water
•Ice cubes
•Gallon-size zip-closing plastic bag
1. Place water and ice cubes into two identical plastic cups.
2. Immediately place one of the cups in a zip-closing plastic bag and get as much air out of the bag as possible. Close the
bag securely. Two glasses of ice water: one inside a Ziploc bag, the other not.
3. Allow the cups to sit undisturbed for about 5–10 minutes.
Expected results: The cup inside the bag should have very little moisture on it because not much water vapor from the
air was able to contact it. The cup exposed to air should have more moisture on the outside because it was e xposed to
the water vapor in the air, which condensed on the outside of the cup.
2. Show students the two cold cups of water and ask why water appears on the outside of only one of them.
Show students the two cups you prepared and ask:
Which cup has the most moisture on the outside of it? (Students should realize that the cup exposed to more air has the
most moisture on the outside of it.) Why do you think the cup that is exposed to more air has more water on the
outside of it? Make sure students understand that this moisture came from water vapor in the air that condensed on the
outside of the cup. Remind students that water vapor is one of the gases that make up air. The cup in the bag has very
little to no moisture on it because it is exposed too much less air. Less air means less water vapor. Some people think
that the moisture that appears on the outside of a cold cup is water that has leaked through the cup. How does this
demonstration prove that this idea is not true? Because there is little to no moisture on the outside of the cup in the
bag, students should conclude that water could not have leaked through the cup. If the moisture came from leaking,
there would be water on the outside of both cups.
3. Introduce the process of condensation.
If students do not know what the process of condensation is, you can tell them it is the opposite of evaporation. In
evaporation, a liquid (like water) changes state to become a gas (water vapor). In condensation, a gas (like water vapor)
changes state to become a liquid (water).
Explain that as water molecules in the air cool and slow down, their attractions overcome their speed and they join
together, forming liquid water. This is the process of condensation.
Ask students:
What are some examples of condensation? Coming up with examples of condensation is a bit harder than examples of
evaporation. One common example is water that forms on the outside of a cold cup or the moisture that forms on car
windows during a cool night. Other examples of condensation are dew, fog, clouds, and the fog you see when you
breathe out on a cold day. You may have made a cold window “cloudy” by breathing on it and then drawn on the
window with your finger. Where do you think that cloudiness comes from? Help students realize that the moisture on
the window, and all of the examples of condensation they gave, comes from water vapor in the air. A real cloud is made
up of tiny droplets of water. Where do you think they come from? The water in a cloud comes from water vapor in the
air that has condensed.
Give each student an activity sheet.
Have students answer questions about the demonstration on the activity sheet. They will also record their observations
and answer questions about the activity. The Explain It with Atoms & Molecules and Take It Further sections of the
activity sheet will either be completed as a class, in groups, or individually depending on your instructions. Look at the
teacher version of the activity sheet to find the questions and answers.
5. Have students collect a sample of water vapor and observe the process of condensation.
Question to investigate
What happens when water vapor condenses?
Materials for each group
•1 short wide-rimmed clear plastic cup
•1 tall smaller-rimmed clear plastic cup
•Hot water (about 50 °C)
1. Fill a wide clear plastic cup about ⅔ full of hot tap water. Place the tall cup upside down inside the rim of the bottom
cup as shown.
One cup filled with water, and another cup placed upside down on top of it, so that the mouths of each cup are facing
each other, and the cups together form an enclosed space.
2. Watch the cups for 1–2 minutes.
3. Use a magnifier to look at the sides and top of the top cup.
4. Take the top cup off and feel the inside surface.
Expected results: The top cup will become cloudy-looking as tiny drops of liquid water collect on the inside surface of the
Discuss with students what they think is happening inside the cups.
Ask students:
What do you think is on the inside of the top cup? Students should agree that the insid e of the top cup is coated with
tiny drops of liquid water. How do you think the drops of water on the inside of the top cup got there? Students should
realize that some of the water in the cup evaporated, filling the inside of the top cup with invisible water vapor. Some of
this water vapor condensed into tiny drops of liquid water when it condensed on the inside of the top cup.
Explain that water vapor leaves the hot water and fills the space above, contacting the inside surface of the top cup.
Energy is transferred from the water vapor to the cup, which cools the water vapor. When the water vapor cools
enough, the attractions between the molecules bring them together. This causes the water vapor to change state and
become tiny drops of liquid water. The process of changing from a gas to a liquid is called condensation.
7. Show an animation to help students understand what happens when gases condense to their liquid state.
Show the animation Condensation.
Explain that the fast-moving molecules of water vapor transfer their energy to the side of the cup, which is cooler. This
causes the water vapor molecules to slow down. When they slow down enough, their attractions overcome their speed
and they stay together as liquid water on the inside surface of the cup.
Discuss how to design an experiment to find out whether increased cooling of the water vapor affects the rate of
The goal of this discussion is to help students better understand the experimental design outlined in the proce dure.
Ask students:
How could we set up an experiment to see if making water vapor even colder affects the rate of condensation?
How can we get the water vapor we need for this experiment? Students may suggest collecting water vapor as in the
previous activity or collecting it over a pot of boiling water or some other way. Will we need more than one sample of
water vapor? Should we cool one sample of water vapor, but not the other? Help students understand that they will
need 2 samples of water vapor, only one of which is cooled. How will we cool the water vapor? Students may have
many ideas for cooling water vapor, like placing a sample in a refrigerator or cooler filled with ice, or placing a sample of
water vapor outside if the weather is cool enough. How will you know which sample of water vapor condensed faster?
By comparing the size of the drops of water formed in both samples, students can determine whether cooling water
vapor increases the rate of condensation.
9. Have students do an activity to find out whether cooling water vapor increases the rate of condensation.
Question to investigate: Does making water vapor colder increase the rate of condensation?
Materials for each group
•2 short wide-rimmed clear plastic cups
•2 tall smaller-rimmed clear plastic cups
•Hot water (about 50 °C)
1. Fill two wide clear plastic cups about ⅔ full of hot tap water.
2. Quickly place the taller cups upside down inside the rim of each cup of water, as shown.
3. Place a piece of ice on top of one of the cups.
Two cup stacks. On the left, the cup stack has an ice cube on top.
4. Wait 2–3 minutes.
5. Remove the ice and use a paper towel to dry the top of the cup where the ice may have melted a bit.
6. Use a magnifier to examine the tops of the two upper cups.
Expected results: There will be bigger drops of water on the inside of the top cup below the ice.
10. While waiting for results, have students predict whether increased cooling will increase the rate of condensation.
Ask students to make a prediction:
•What effect do you think adding the ice cube will have on the rate of condensation?
•Explain on the molecular level, why you think extra cooling might affect the rate of condensation.
11. Discuss students’ observations and draw conclusions.
Ask students:
Which top cup appears to have more water on it? The cup with the ice. Why do you think the cup with the ice has bigger
drops of water on the inside than the cup without ice? When the water vapor is cooled by the ice, the water molecules
slow down more than in the cup without the ice. This allows their attracti ons to bring more molecules together to
become liquid water. Does cooling water vapor increase the rate of condensation? Yes. What evidence do you have
from the activity to support your answer? Students should realize that the bigger drops of water on the top cup with the
ice indicate a greater amount of condensation. Because the water vapor in both sets of cups was condensing for the
same length of time, the water vapor in the cup with the bigger drops must have condensed at a faster rate.
12. Explain examples of condensation on the molecular level.
Ask students:
Fogging up a cold window, when you breathe out, there is water vapor in your breath. When you breathe on a cold
window in the winter, the window gets tiny droplets of moisture on it or “fogs up.” What happens to the molecules of
water vapor as they get near the cold window? The water molecules in your breath are the gas water vapor. They slow
down as they transfer some of their energy to the cold window. The attractions between the slower-moving water vapor
molecules bring them together to form tiny droplets of liquid water. Warm breath in cold air. When you breathe out in
the winter, you see “smoke,” which is really a fog of tiny droplets of liquid water. What happens to the molecules of
water vapor from your breath when they hit the cold air? The water vapor in your breath is warmer than the outside air.
The water vapor molecules transfer energy to the colder air. This makes the water vapor molecules move more slowly.
Their attractions overcome their motion and they join together or condense to form liquid water. Evaporation and
condensation in the water cycle. One common place you see the results of evaporation and condensation is in the
weather. Water vapor in the air (humidity), clouds, and rain are all the result of evaporation and condensation. What
happens to the water molecules during the evaporation and condensation stages of the water cycle? Energy from the
sun causes water to evaporate from the land and from bodies of water. As this water vapor moves high into the air, the
surrounding air cools it, causing it to condense and form clouds. The tiny droplets of water in clouds collect on bits of
dust in the air. When these drops of water become heavy enough, they fall to the ground as rain (or hail or snow). The
rain flows over the land towards bodies of water, where it can evaporate again and continue the cycle.
Student responses to questioning from the experiments.
Draw and label the parts of the Mini Water Cycle demonstration. Then explain what caused the cloud to form inside the
jar. Use the words condensation, evaporation, and precipitation in your explanation.
Draw and label the parts of the Mini Water Cycle demonstration. Then explain what caused the cloud t o form inside the
jar. Use the words condensation, evaporation, and precipitation in your explanation.
Higher Order Thinking Questions:
What does each part of the cloud in a jar system represent in the real water cycle?
How is the process of creating a mini cloud similar to the way real clouds are formed?
How is the process of creating a mini cloud different from the way real clouds are formed?
Did you see any precipitation in the jar? If so, what caused it?
Where in the jar did evaporation, condensation, and precipitation occur?
Does making water vapor colder increase the rate of condensation?
Fogging up a cold window, when you breathe out, there is water vapor in your breath. When you breathe on a cold
window in the winter, the window gets tiny droplets of moisture on it or “fogs up.” What happens to the molecules of
water vapor as they get near the cold window?
What happens to the water molecules during the evaporation and condensation stages of the water cycle?
Day 3:
Bell work:
Draw and label the water cycle.
I Do:
Teacher goes over the learning targets for the unit. Teacher then goes over the vocabulary of crystallization.
Changing State: Freezing ( )
1. Show students that liquid water expands when it freezes to become solid ice.
Teacher Preparation
•Place 50 milliliters of water into a plastic 100 ml graduated cylinder and place it in the freezer overnight.
•The next day, bring it into class and show students that the level of ice is higher than the level of water you started
with. Explain to students that as water freezes, it expands and takes up more space than it did as liqui d water.
Show the movie Ice Bomb: This video is from the Chemistry Comes Alive! Series and is used with permission from the
Division of Chemical Education of the American Chemical Society.
Ask students:
Why do you think freezing water in the metal container caused it to burst? Water molecules move further apart when
water freezes. This movement caused the metal container to burst. Why are roads likely to develop potholes during cold
winters? Hint: Think about what happened to the metal container. When water gets in small cracks in the road and
freezes it expands and breaks the asphalt. When this continues to happen below the surface, it eventually forms a
Ask students:
What do you think happens to water molecules when liquid water changes to solid ice? Students learned that when
water vapor is cooled, attractions between water molecules cause them to condense and become liquid water. Students
may say that the water molecules slow down enough that their attractions hold them together as ice.
Note: Students may say that water molecules get closer together to form ice. Water is unusual because its molecules
move further apart when it freezes. The molecules of just about every other substance move closer together when they
We Do:
Changing State: Freezing ( )
Have students chill a metal can so that ice forms on it.
Question to investigate: How can you make the water vapor in air condense and then freeze?
Materials for each group
•Empty clean metal soup can
•Metal spoon or sturdy stick
•Paper towel
Materials for the teacher
•Duct tape
Teacher preparation: Use pliers to bend sharp edges on the can down. Then cover the rim with 2–3 layers of duct tape
to prevent possible injuries.
1. Dry the outside of a can with a paper towel.
2. Place 3 heaping teaspoons of salt in the bottom of the can. Fill the can about halfway with ice.
3. Add another 3 heaping teaspoons of salt.
A large teaspoon of salt is added to a cup filled with ice
4. Add more ice until the can is almost filled and add another 3 teaspoons of salt.
5. Hold the can securely and mix the ice-salt mixture with a metal spoon or sturdy stick for about 1 minute. Remove the
spoon, and observe the outside of the can. Do not touch it yet. A student uses a wooden spoon to stir the mixture of
salt and ice
6. Wait 3–5 minutes. While you wait, watch the animations.
Note: After completing Step 5, you may choose to have students place a thermometer inside the can. The temperature
of the salt and ice mixture will be below the normal freezing point of water, which is 0 °C.
Expected results: A thin layer of ice will appear on the outside of the can. Students may also see liquid water on the
upper part of the can where it isn’t as cold.
3. Discuss student observations and ask how the attractions and motion of molecules can explain the changes in state.
Ask students:
Look at and touch the outside of the can. What do you observe? A thin layer of ice covers the coldest part of the can.
Some small drops of water may appear higher on the can where it is not as cold. Describe what happens to water
molecules as they move from being water vapor near the can to ice on the can. Water vapor molecules in the air near
the can cooled when energy from the air transferred to the cold can. These water molecules slowed down, condensed to
liquid water, and then froze to become ice. Your can might have some water and some ice on the outside of it. Explain
how this is possible. Tiny drops of water appear on the part of the can above the ice because the molecules slow down
and condense to liquid water. Ice appears on the colder part of the can because the water vapor that came in contact
with this part of the can was cooled so much that it froze.
You Do:
Create a what we did and What We Learned Chart over today’s activities.
What we did and What We Learned Chart
Answers to questions
What we did and What We Learned Chart
Higher Order Thinking Question:
Why do you think freezing water in the metal container caused it to burst?
Why are roads likely to develop potholes during cold winters?
How can you make the water vapor in air condense and then freeze?
What do you observe?
Describe what happens to water molecules as they move from being water vapor near the can to ice on the can.
Day 4:
Bell work:
Why is the water cycle important to your everyday life?
Students complete the student science probe “What’s in the Bubbles?” (Uncovering Student Ideas Vol 2 page 65)
Students complete the student science probe “Wet Jeans?” (Uncovering Student Ideas Vol 1 page 155)
I Do: Teacher goes over the learning targets for the unit.
Teacher goes over the student probes to check students understanding.
Students will watch a video from Bill Nye the Science Guy about the water cycle. Video runs about 23 minutes.
Students will answer a video response sheet as they view the video.
We Do:
Readers' Theater Script: Water Cycle Adventure ( )
This 10-minute readers' theater play traces water in its never-ending cycle. Students read the script as they perform the
play. Neither props nor scenery is necessary. There are 19 characters, but in a small class, students can easily play more
than one part. The students could even write their own water cycle adventure.
Sun (who is also the narrator)
Ocean water drop 1
Ocean water drop 2
Water vapor 1
Water vapor 2
Snowflake 1
Snowflake 2
Glacier ice 1
Glacier ice 2
Stream water 1
Stream water 2
River water 1
River water 2 Reservoir water 1
Reservoir water 2
Tap water 1
Tap water 2
Water in drain pipe
Sewage processing plant
The Sun: Our story starts in the ocean. We are watching two drops of water.
Ocean water drop 1: It's getting hot here in the ocean - I don't think I can swim any more. I'm feeling light and airy! I
think the Sun's doing it to me.
The Sun: I can't help it - I'm hot and full of energy. That's what I do, and I do it so well, don't I?
Ocean water drop 2: Yes, you do, but I think I'm getting dizzy and there isn't even a whirlpool here. I'm feeling so
strange! I think I'll just float for a while - no more swimming for me.
Ocean water drop 1: Uh oh! You're not floating in the water anymore, you're floating in the air - you're not a drop of
water either - you're water vapor now.
Water Vapor 1: What's water vapor?
Water Vapor 2: It's water, but it's a gas. You've evaporated and turned into a gas - and so have I. Let's fly up high!
Water Vapor 1: I feel like joining the others and forming a crowd.
Water Vapor 2: I think you mean a cloud, not a crowd. Okay, let's condense.
Water Vapor 1: What does that mean?
Water Vapor 2: Condensing means that we'll change back into a liquid (water, of course). Then we'll be part of a cloud.
Cloud: Okay, now we're a beautiful, fluffy cloud. Let's fly over the land and watch the goats. Take a look at those
beautiful mountains! But now I'm feeling heavy and cold. I think I'm going to snow!
Snowflake 1: Hey, what's got six arms and there's nothing exactly like it in the whole world?
Snowflake 2: Me - I'm so special. You, too, of course. We're both snowflakes. Hey, where are you going now?
Snowflake 1: I can't stop falling - you're falling too. But where are we going?
Snowflake 2: Down.
Snowflake 1: Thanks - I knew that. It looks like we're taking a trip to the mountains. I hope you know how to ski.
Snowflake 2: Well, it looks like we're stuck on a glacier - I wonder why they're called rivers of ice.
Glacier Ice 1: I'm getting crushed here. Now I'm ice - this is NOT my favorite part of the water cycle.
Glacier Ice 2: We're only moving at about one foot a year. This is going to be soooooo boring - it's a long way to the
Glacier Ice 1: You'd better get used to it, we're stuck on this glacier for a while.
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------The Sun: A long, long, long time later, two very bored drops of water emerge from the bottom of the glacier. I haven't
been much help to them lately.
Stream water 1: Wow, I've finally melted!
Stream water 2: Me too - I'm free at last. What a change, we were practically standing still, and now we're shooting the
Stream water 1: Watch out for that rock! And that waterfall!
Stream water 2: Ouch! I've had enough of this. Can we go home now?
Stream water 1: We don't have a home. At least we're out of the mountains. The water's getting deeper. What's going
on here?
River water 1: You can slow down now - we're in a river. And we're getting warmer.
River water 2: I like this. Not too fast and not too slow.
River water 1: Let's go down this side stream - it looks clear and clean.
Reservoir water 1: Okay. We're in a reservoir now - we'll be flowing through huge pipes soon - I've been here before.
Reservoir water 2: Here they are. It's dark and spooky in these pipes. How do we get out of here?
Reservoir water 1: Just go with the flow.
Tapwater 1: There's a light at the end of the tap - we're in a sink. Eew - that kid is brushing her teeth!
Tapwater 2: I hope she doesn't drink us - it's really weird when that happens.
Tapwater 2: Whew, that was a close call. Looks like we're whirlpooling down the drain. Hold you r nose!
Water in drain pipe: More dark pipes - but these pipes are really smelly. We must be in the sewer under the city. Boy do
I need to take a bath.
Sewage processing plant: I heard that. I'm a sewage processing plant. You've come to the right place . I'm so amazing
that I can even give bath water a bath! Now you're all filtered and clean - just take that pipe to the sea.
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------Ocean water drop 1: We're finally back in the ocean. You know, I've done this trip a million times, and every time it's
Ocean water drop 2: I was well water in Washington once.
Ocean water drop 1: I was in a typhoon in Thailand twice.
Ocean water drop 2: I was rain in Rwanda.
Ocean water drop 1: I was snow in Siberia.
Ocean water drop 2: We've all been snow in Siberia. But I was in a puddle in Pakistan.
Ocean water drop 1: I was in a lake in Louisiana.
Ocean water drop 2: I was in a swamp in Switzerland.
Ocean water drop 1: There are no swamps in Switzerland. But a long, long time ago, I was sleet that fell on the snout of a
T. rex.
Ocean water drop 2: Showoff. I rained on a plain in Spain, and I seeped through the soil. and went into a cave, and was
groundwater for 500 years.
Ocean water drop 1: Boooorrrrrring.
Sun: Hi there! It's me again. Did you miss me? I know you did.
Ocean water drop 1: I feel so hot and dizzy!
Ocean water drop 2: Oh no, it's starting all over again!
Ocean water drop 1: I wonder where we'll go this time?
You Do:
Create a song, poem, play, or poster that teaches about the water cycle.
Video response sheet
Create a song, poem, play, or poster that teaches about the water cycle.
Students complete the student science probe “What’s in the Bubbles?” (Uncovering Student Ideas Vol 2 page 65)
Students complete the student science probe “Wet Jeans?” (Uncovering Student Ideas Vol 1 page 155)
Create a song, poem, play, or poster that teaches about the water cycle.
Higher Order Thinking Question:
Why is the water cycle important to your everyday life?
Students complete the student science probe “What’s in the Bubbles?” (Uncovering Student Ideas Vol 2 page 65)
Students complete the student science probe “Wet Jeans?” (Uncovering Student Ideas Vol 1 page 155)
Day 5:
Bell work: Did you study for this test on the water cycle? If so, how long?
I Do: Teacher goes over the learning targets for the unit. Teacher explains that students have been learning about the
water cycle and will now be given the opportunity to demonstrate that knowledge.
You Do: Students complete the summative assessment on the water cycle test that covers standards 6.ESS2-1, 6.ESS.24, 6.EESS2-1, 6.EE2-4
Students complete the summative assessment on the water cycle test that covers standards 6.ESS2-1, 6.ESS.2-4,
6.EESS2-1, 6.EE2-4
Students complete the summative assessment on the water cycle test that covers standards 6.ESS2-1, 6.ESS.2-4,
6.EESS2-1, 6.EE2-4