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1. Know the names and functions of the organs in the following three systems: digestive, respiratory and excretory 2. What is the difference between chemical and mechanical digestion? 3. What is the difference between the small and large intestines? 4. What is chyme? 5. Name the four accessory organs in digestion. 6. What is an enzyme and what is it’s function? 7. What is peristalsis? 8. What are villi and what is their function? 9. What are the 6 types of nutrients needed by the human body? 10. Name four places where sphincters are found. 11. What is the difference between the pharynx and the larynx? 12. What is the job of the diaphragm? 13. What are alveoli? 14. What is the difference between ureters and the urethra? 15. What are nephrons and what do they do? 16. 
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