Download Budget Chart FY2014-FY2017 - Trust for America`s Health

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Trust for America's Health Analysis of HHS
Last Updated 5/1/2017
This document represents some key public health related
programs and is not meant to be all encompassing
*Please note that when a program received PPHF money, the PPHF total is listed
in a separate column and is also included the overall budget authority for that
Centers for Disease Control & Prevention
Total Program Level
Total Discretionary (budget authority)
Infectious Diseases (including mandatory VFC):
Immunization & Respiratory Diseases (Total)
Section 317 Immunization
Influenza Planning & Response
HIV/AIDS, STDs, Viral Hep & TB Prevention
HIV/AIDS Research & Domestic
HIV School Health
Viral Hepatitis
Emerging & Zoonotic Infectious Diseases#
Core Infectious Diseases
Emerging Infectious Disease
Antimicrobial Resistance Initiative
VectorBorne Diseases
Chronic Fatigue
Epidemiology and Lab Capacity
National Healthcare Safety Network
Healthcare Associated Infections
Food safety
Advanced Molecular Detection & Response to ID
Health Promotion:
Preventive Health & Health Services Block Grant
Chronic Disease Prevention/Health Promotion (total)
Prevention Research Centers
Heart Disease & Stroke
National Diabetes Prevention Program
Cancer Prevention & Control
Breast and Cervical Cancer
Colorectal Cancer
Division of Nutrition, Physical Activity & Obesity
High-Obesity Regions
Hospitals Promoting Breastfeeding
School Health
Healthy Weight Task Force / Early Child
Million Hearts
Birth Defects, Disability & Health
Environmental Health and Injury:
Environmental Health
Environmental Health Laboratory
Environmental Health Tracking Network
Asthma Control Program
Healthy Homes (Childhood Lead Poisoning)
Climate Change
Built Environment & Health Initiative
Injury Prevention and Control
National Violent Death Reporting System
Unintentional Injury
Elderly Falls
FY14 Omnibus
(Discretionary +
FY 15 Omnibus
(Discretionary +
FY16 Omnibus
(Discretionary + FY 17 Omnibus LHHS
PPHF) (Discretionary + PPHF)
Trust for America's Health Analysis of HHS
Last Updated 5/1/2017
This document represents some key public health related
programs and is not meant to be all encompassing
*Please note that when a program received PPHF money, the PPHF total is listed
in a separate column and is also included the overall budget authority for that
FY14 Omnibus
(Discretionary +
FY 15 Omnibus
(Discretionary +
Centers for Disease Control & Prevention
Injury Prevention Activities
Prescription Drug Overdose
Illicit Opioid Use Risk Factors
Global Health
Global Public Health Protection
Global Disease Detection and Emergency Response
Global Public Health Capacity
CDC-Wide Activities
Preventive Health & Health Services Block Grant
Public Health Preparedness and Response:
Strategic National Stockpile
State & Local Preparedness & Response
PHEP Cooperative Agreements
Centers for Public Health Preparedness
All Other State & Local Capacity
CDC Preparedness & Response Capacity
Assistant Secretary for Preparedness & Response:
Preparedness & Emergency Operations
National Disaster Medical System (NDMS)
Hospital Preparedness Grants
BARDA (Advanced Research & Development)
Project BioShield SRF
Policy and Planning
Medical Reserve Corps
Pandemic Influenza:
CDC (Influenza)
Substance Abuse & Mental Health Administration
Substance Abuse Block Grant
Grants to Prevent Prescription Drug/Opioid Overdose Death
Food and Drug Administration
Note: All total values (typically marked in blue) are accurate; however, we have only included select programs to list below them.
1 The President's request for FY15 CDC budget lines includes the Working Capital
Fund, a permanent line within each funding line that replaces a separate business
services line. As a result, the President's budget request for CDC cannot be
years.realignment of global health
^In the FY2015
budget, thewith
FY2016 Influenza Planning & Response includes $15M in pandemic influenza
supplemental balances for CDC global influenza activities
In FY2016, Congress combined the PHEP and "All Other State & Local Capacity"
lines to equal $660M but directed CDC to maintain FY15 levels for technical
assistance. Those lines are broken out in this chart to maintain consistency.
FY16 Omnibus
(Discretionary + FY 17 Omnibus LHHS
PPHF) (Discretionary + PPHF)
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