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• Alkaloids Introduction and Importance to Humans = small organic molecules (secondary metabolites) of plants which contain nitrogen (ussually in a ring) -­‐ alkaloids are pharmaceutically significant -­‐ traditional and modern uses (25%/75% of drugs) -­‐ neurological effects, role of nitrogen -­‐ potent toxins and defenses -­‐ chemical ecology and co-­‐evolution with insects -­‐ many human physiological effects and uses Quinine (Cinchona officinalis) -­‐ antibiotics (anti-­‐malarial) Morphine (Papaver somniferum -­‐ painkiller (analgesic) Taxol -­‐ (Taxus brevifolia) -­‐ anticancer drug Vinblastine (Catharanthus roseus) -­‐ anticancer drug Coniine (Conium maculatum) -­‐ toxin Nicotine (Nicotiana tabacum) -­‐ insecticide, stimulant Atropine (Atropa belladonna) -­‐ dilate pupils Cocaine (Erythroxylon coca) -­‐ Caffeine (Coffea arabica) -­‐ stimulant Tubocurarine (Chondodenron tomentosum) -­‐ muscle relaxant -­‐ examples of mechanism of action: -­‐ block neuroreceptors (morphine, codeine) -­‐ block reuptake of neuroreceptor (cocaine-­‐dopamine) -­‐ disrupt cytoskeleton -­‐ tubulin (taxol) -­‐ mimic neurotransmitter action (nicotine-­‐acetylcholine) -­‐ block signaling (cAMP phosphodiesterase -­‐ caffeine) • Features and Characteristics -­‐ N makes them basic in solution -­‐ structurally diverse: 12,000+ structures -­‐ 20% of all plant species have alkaloids -­‐ concentrated in specific plant taxa (families, genera, species), but scattered around the plant kingdom -­‐ biosynthetically diverse (different amino acids) -­‐ strong biological effects (see ecological examples) 2
• Alkaloid Families and General Rules for Biosynthesis -­‐ families classified by ring structure -­‐ derived from amino acids [exception: purine alkaloids] Key amino acid for alkaloid synthesis: tyrosine -­‐-­‐> morphine, codeine (poppy alkaloids) tryptophan -­‐-­‐> quinine (quinoline alkaloids) vinblastine (indole alkaloids) glutamate (via ornithine) -­‐-­‐> cocaine (tropane alkaloids) -­‐-­‐ > nicotine (tobacco alkaloids) -­‐-­‐ > senecionine (pyrrollizidine alkaloids) aspartate -­‐> nicotine (other portion) xanthine (from purine nucleotide synthesis) -­‐> caffeine, theobromine (purine alkaloids) -­‐ also: protoalkaloids (N not in ring) & pseudoalkaloids (N added later) -­‐ non-­‐protein amino acids can be toxic, but are not alkaloids 3
General features of alkaloid biosynthesis: -­‐ many biosynthetic steps are required -­‐> complex structures -­‐ any one plant accumulates a mix of related alkaloids -­‐ usually begins with decarboxylation (eg) tyr -­‐> tyramine -­‐ central intermediate can give rise to different final products: (i.e. -­‐ strictosidine for the diverse quinoline alkaloids -­‐ reticuline, for isoquinoline and poppy alkaloids) -­‐ organ specific synthesis / storage (bark, roots, flowers) -­‐ often in cell specific synthesis / storage (latex ducts and laticifers (poppy alkaloids), epidermis (Vinca alkaloids), idioblasts) Example 1 -­‐ Localization of enzymes for poppy alkaloids in roots, phloem parenchyma, laticifers, and idioblasts: Example 2 -­‐ Case study of dimeric monoterpene indole terpenoid alkaloids (MIAs) from Vinca -­‐ sequestered within cells and special structures -­‐ biosynthesis of components in different cell types (phloem parenchyma, epidermis, idioblasts (see Roepke et al. PNAS 107 p.15291 (2010): -­‐ distribution of catharanthine in epidermis, and potential of dimeric subunit linkages during wounding and defense reactions 4
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