Download 1. Study pages 66-97. 2. Study vocabulary flashcards. a. Mass

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1. Study pages 66-97.
2. Study vocabulary flashcards.
a. Mass Movement
 What processes wear down and build up Earth’s surface?
 Erosion
 Sediment
 deposition
 What are the different types of mass movement?
 Mudflows
 Landslides
 Slumps
 Creep
o What force moves this material?
b. Water erosion
 How does moving water cause erosion?
 Run-off
a. Know the 5 factors that affect the amount of run-off in an area
 Understand how streams form:
a. Rills
b. Gullies
c. Streams
d. tributaries
 What land features are formed by water erosion and deposition?
 Formed by water erosion:
a. Valleys
b. Waterfalls
c. Flood plain
d. Meanders
e. Oxbow lakes
 Formed by water deposition:
a. Deltas
b. Alluvial fans
 Groundwater erosion
 Causes chemical weathering of underground rocks
 Know how caves form
a. Stalactites
b. Stalagmites
 Karst topography
c. Glacial Erosion
 How do glaciers form and move?
 What are the 2 types of glaciers?
 How do glaciers cause erosion and deposition?
 Glacial Erosion
a. Plucking
b. Abrasion
c. Horn
d. Cirque
e. Arête
f. U-shaped valley
 Glacial Deposition
a. When does a glacier deposit its sediment?
b. Till
c. Moraine
d. Drumlin
e. Kettle lake
d. Wave erosion
 How do waves cause erosion and deposition?
 Erosion by waves
a. Impact and abrasion
b. Headland
 Landforms created by wave erosion
a. Wave-cut cliff
b. Sea cave
c. Headland
d. Sea arch
e. Sea stack
 Deposits by waves:
a. Beaches
b. Sandbars
c. Barrier beaches
d. Spits
i. What is longshore drift?
e. Wind Erosion
 How does wind cause erosion and deposition?
 Deflation and abrasion
 Deposits by wind
 Sand dunes
 Loess deposits
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