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How to prepare for a DBA in World History?
Things to keep in mind:
All classes have standards that must be mastered BEFORE a DBA.
Mastery occurs when you read the entire lessons and have completed your Travel Journal notes with accuracy
(in your own words)
Please see below to find the standards for World History (standards are also the Objectives for each lesson):
Step 1: Click on Course Information
Step 2: Click on “Standards”
Step 4: View/Identify the standards for
each lesson
Step 3: Click on the Module Title
(whichever module you are working on)
See table below
You should be able to answer the sample questions below before calling your instructor. All sample
questions = the objectives in question format.
Please note, the sample questions below are not necessarily the questions you will be asked; however,
these questions should help to guide your thinking/studying
Module 8
•describe the connection between the Mandate of
Heaven and the Tang and Song dynasties
•describe the contributions of the Tang and Song
•identify key figures from the Tang and Song dynasties
•interpret choropleths or dot-density maps to explain
the distribution of population
•explain the rise and expansion of the Mongol Empire
•explain the Mongol Empire’s effects on peoples of Asia
and Europe
•discuss the achievements of Genghis and Kublai Khan
•identify the causes and effects of Chinese isolation and
the decision to limit foreign trade in the 15th century
•describe the rise and fall of the ancient East African
kingdoms of Kush and Axum
•describe Christianity’s development in Ethiopia
•explain the significance of the Silk Road and maritime
routes across the Indian Ocean to the movement of
goods and ideas among Asia, East Africa, and the
Mediterranean Basin
•describe traditional economies
•describe elements of those economies that led to the
rise of a merchant class and trading partners
•describe the human and physical geography of West
•describe the importance of ecosystems in West Africa
•describe the history of ancient African kingdoms
•describe the contributions of ancient African kingdoms
to history
Objectives in question format
-What is the Mandate of Heaven and how does it explain the
rise/fall of the Tang and Song dynasties?
-What did the Tang and Song invent/contribute while in
-Can you name important people during the time of the Tang
and Song rule?
-See map below this table (view pages below this table)
-How did the Mongol Empire rise and how did it expand?
-What influence did the Mongols have on Asia and Europe?
-What were the important achievements/contributions of
Genghis Khan and Kublai Khan
-What caused the Ming dynasty to isolate itself from the rest
of the world? What is the negative impact of isolation of a
-How did the Kush dynasty rise and fall? How did the empire
of Axum rise and fall?
-How did Christianity development (start) in Ethiopia?
-How important was the silk road/sea routes to ancient
civilizations? How did the use of trade (cultural diffusion)
benefit the ancient civilizations?
-What is a traditional economy?
-How did the empire of Ghana use the merchants to their
-What is the geography of West Africa like and how did this
affect the people of the ancient world?
-Why are places like: the Serengeti grasslands, Aldabra Atoll,
and Avenue of Baobabs important ecosystems? Why should
we protect them?
-How did the empires of Ghana, Mali, and Songhai rise/fall?
-What did the empires of ancient Africa invent/contribute?
See the maps below that you should be able to address
Use the map above to determine what patterns you find about the population of people in ancient China.
Questions to consider:
1. Where are most people on the map?
2. Why are people concentrated in certain areas of the map?
3. What features on the map do you see that could influence the reason why people have selected to
live in a certain area?
Below is a “dot-density” map.
Question to consider:
What can you tell about the population of people?
Where are they primarily located? In what area and why?
One more to consider/analyze:
Question to consider about this map:
1. What do the colors mean?
2. What do the percentages mean?
3. What do you notice about the population of China between 750-1250? Did anything change?