Download Air Pressure versus Altitude Name: Background: We live in the

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Air Pressure versus Altitude
Name: ______________________________________
Background: We live in the troposphere, which is like living at the bottom of the ocean. The only difference is that our
‘ocean liquid’ is air. Above us at sea level is air all around. As we get farther from sea level in altitude there is less ‘air’ so
the pressure will change with altitude. Use the data in the chart and make a graph showing the air pressure at each
altitude. Facts: There are 14.7 pounds of pressure per square inch at sea level which is equal to 29.92 inches of mercury
on a barometer (instrument that measures air pressure).
Data Table:
When you have finished making your graph, answer the following questions:
1. Where is pressure the highest? __________________________________________________________________
2. What layer of the atmosphere has the highest pressure? _____________________________________________
3. What happens to air pressure as altitude increases? _________________________________________________
4. Between which altitudes is the greatest amount of pressure lost? ______________________________________
5. What ‘force’ is keeping the air pressure greater towards the surface? ___________________________________
Air Pressure Graph:
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