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Unit 6 Rome Assessment
1. Which of these stories about ancient Rome is
a myth?
A. Latins were Rome's first settlers.
B. Rome's founders were raised by wolves.
C. Etruscans conquered early Rome.
D. Rome's people shared Greek religion.
6. In the Roman Republic, patricians referred to
2. The Etruscans had gladiator fights. What does
this tell you about Etruscan society?
A. It was a democratic society.
B. It was a society of equals.
C. It was a society with slaves.
D. It was a kingdom.
7. Which would a plebeian most likely say?
3. If you were an ancient Greek and traveled to
Rome, what might you see that was familiar?
A. gladiators
B. sculptures
C. irrigation trenches
D. arches
8. Why did plebeians want laws to be written?
4. Which is an example of how Rome was affected
by contact with other countries?
A. Romans blended the gods of other peoples
with their own.
B. Romans built buildings exactly like Greek
C. Romans refused to accept slave fighting as
a sport.
D. Romans built aqueducts exactly like
Etruscan aqueducts.
Which reason best explains why the Romans
were influenced by Greeks and Etruscans?
A. Romans society existed before Greek and
Etruscan societies.
B. Roman society valued different peoples and
C. Rome was geographically near Greece and
D. Rome was economically dependent on
Greece and Etruria.
A. the wealthy landowners.
B. the majority of the people.
C. everyone but slaves.
D. everyone who was male.
A. "I'm glad I don't serve in Rome's Senate."
B. "In the Republic, I own my own land."
C. "I fight Rome's wars, but I can't vote."
D. "In the Republic, I serve as a priest."
A. so their children could learn to read in Roman
B. so the patricians couldn't pass new laws too
C. so their land would be protected from the gov’t
D. so the patricians couldn't change laws too easily
9. Who made up the majority of early Roman society?
A. patricians
B. priests
C. plebeians
D. craftspeople
10. Why did the plebeians leave Rome in 494 B.C.E.?
A. to demand political rights
B. to avoid military service
C. to earn higher wages
D. to replace the judges
11. What was the final change that made plebeians
A. the right to serve as senators and consuls
B. the right to write down laws
C. the right to pass laws for all Romans
D. the right to choose their own king
12. What power did Rome fight during the Punic
A. Sicily
B. Gaul
C. Carthage
D. Macedonia
13. What was the outcome of Julius Caesar's
battle with Pompey?
A. There were no more civil wars.
B. Spartacus led a slave rebellion.
C. The Senate ordered Caesar to leave.
D. The Roman Republic ended.
14. What was the Pax Romana?
A. a long peace enforced by Roman power
B. a treaty ending the civil wars in Rome
C. a large territory controlled by Rome
D. a title given to Octavian by the Senate
15. How did Rome's expansion affect the
A. The plebeians got more land.
B. The plebeians got more slaves.
C. More plebeians had to serve in the army.
D. More plebeians had to set up colonies.
16. The people who killed Julius Caesar wanted to
give power back to the Senate, but their actions
had an unexpected effect. What was it?
A. the beginning of a civil war
B. the beginning of the Punic Wars
C. the beginning of Rome's expansion
D. the beginning of Rome's wealth
17. Which sea did the Romans come to call "our
A. Black Sea
B. Caspian Sea
C. Mediterranean Sea
D. Aegean Sea
18. What was one serious consequence of Rome's
early expansion?
A. It had to rebuild the cities it conquered.
B. It had to maintain a large, permanent army.
C. It had to send administrators far from
D. It had to reeducate many new citizens.
19. Rome was at the center of the Roman Empire.
What was at the center of Rome?
A. the Forum
B. the Agora
C. the Coliseum
D. the Vatican
20. As the empire grew, Romans were exposed to
many new religions. How did they respond?
A. They accepted the new religions unless
they threatened the emperor's power.
B. They punished those who practiced the
new religions unless they changed their
C. They forced the people who practiced the
new religions to accept Roman gods.
D. They welcomed the new religions because
they were bored with their own.
21. What best describes Roman housing?
A. The rich lived in large houses that had no
B. The rich lived in large houses made of
stone and marble.
C. The poor lived in apartments made of
wood and marble.
D. The poor lived in apartments with indoor
22. Why did the Roman emperors give the poor
"bread and circuses"?
A. so the poor wouldn't eat meat
B. so the poor could make more money
C. so the poor wouldn't rebel
D. so the poor could learn to read
26. What was one reason powerful Romans might
not have liked what Jesus said?
A. Jesus said Romans should set their slaves
B. Jesus said Romans should not honor their
C. Jesus said that following one's heart was
more important than following the law.
D. Jesus said wealth would keep a person out
of heaven.
27. How did the Jews differ from other people of
the Roman Empire?
A. They believed in only one god.
B. They rebelled against Roman rule.
C. They lived very far away from Rome.
D. They had an ancient culture.
23. Who made the decisions at Roman trials?
A. the victim
B. a senator
C. the emperor
D. a jury
24. What phrase best describes Rome in the first
century C.E.?
A. harmony among all people
B. equality between men and women
C. conflict between slaves and peasants
D. contrast between rich and poor
25. What did spectators watch at the Circus
A. chariot races
B. boxing matches
C. circus acts
D. gladiator games
28. What are the gospels?
A. prophecies foretelling the birth of Jesus
B. books that influenced Jesus
C. Jesus' speeches to his followers
D. accounts of Jesus' life
29. What was Paul's message to non-Jews?
A. Jesus is the savior of the Jews.
B. Non-Jews should become Jews.
C. Non-Jews will find their own savior.
D. Jesus is the savior for everyone.
30. What was one reason early Christians were
persecuted by Rome?
A. They wanted to overthrow the empire.
B. They refused to pay taxes to the
C. They denied that the emperor was a god.
D. They supported the poor against the rich.
31. The basis of the ideal of natural law is that
A. we all have rights.
B. we must not break the law.
C. we all have power.
D. we must not fight with others.
32. The Transcontinental Railroad was
completed in the United States in 1869. Trans is
a Latin prefix meaning
A. across
B. under
C. before
D. together
33. What political process did the Roman Empire
never master?
A. orderly election of senators
B. effective collection of taxes
C. nonviolent succession of emperors
D. prompt appointment of officials
34. What was the function of aqueducts?
A. to carry water into the city
B. to support vaults and domes
C. to provide entrance into stadiums
D. to celebrate military victories
35. What was the most important thing in life,
according to Stoicism?
A. to obey the gods
B. to enjoy life to the fullest
C. to have a good character
D. to serve others