Download Biome: North American Prairie Notes Organizer KEY

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Grade 07
Unit: 06 Lesson: 01
Biome: North American Prairie Notes Organizer KEY
Sources (List books or websites used.):
Geography & Climate
Location: Middle of the U.S.
Description: Once covered
land from Canada to Mexico
and from Illinois to Rocky
7000 species of plants and
Adaptations - Describe how it
helps the organism survive.
Interactions - List interactions
between biotic and abiotic
components of the biome.
Plant species: Tall grass,
mixed grass, short grass,
some trees, flowering plants
Plant: Deep roots on the grass Biotic: Large food web with
help hold the soil in place.
lots of animals
Animal species: Pronghorn,
mule deer, elk, black bears,
coyotes, fox, badgers, black
footed ferrets, rabbits,
burrowing owls, eagles,
hawks, grouse, ducks, song
birds, insects, snakes,
spiders, bison
Animal: Hooves on the bison
help protect their feet.
Deep roots on the plants hold
the soil.
Soil type: Deep and fertile
Precipitation: 10–30 inches of
rain per year
Temperature range: Summer
temperatures can be well
over 38°C (100 degrees
Fahrenheit), while winter
temperatures can be as low
as -40°C (-40 degrees
Climate: Hot summers, cold,
snowy winters
©2012, TESCCC
Abiotic: The amount of rain
determines the grass height.
Fires cause new plant growth.
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