* Your assessment is very important for improving the workof artificial intelligence, which forms the content of this project
* Your assessment is very important for improving the workof artificial intelligence, which forms the content of this project
INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS SPANISH - BBA Effective Fall 2010 - 2012 Degree Requirements GENERAL EDUCATION Engl 1301, 1302 Foreign Language Literature Liberal Arts 2000 level ONLY Pols 2311, 2312 Hist 1311, 1312 Math 1302 or 1315 Math 1316 Mana 2302 Fine Arts Coms 1301 or 2305 Science (Natural science with lab) TOTAL BUSINESS CORE 6 3 3 6 6 3 3 3 3 3 8 Acct 2301 Acct 2302 Econ 2305 Econ 2306 Fina 3313 Insy 2303 Mana 3318 Mana 4322 Mark 3321 BStat 3321 47 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 TOTAL 30 In addition to the above requirements, a student must fulfill course requirements listed below: DUAL CONCENTRATIONS AND ELECTIVES INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS FOREIGN LANGUAGE ADVANCED COURSES Blaw 4310 Econ 4306, 4321, or 4322 Fina 4324 Mana 4321 Mark 4325 Span 1441, 1442* Span 2313, 2314 Span 3311 or 3312 Span 3314 Span 4334, 4335 Business Electives TOTAL 3 3 3 3 3 15 TOTAL 8 6 3 3 6 12 Students are encouraged to include six hours of Spanish language in this area. Must be approved by Business advisor. 26 TOTAL 12 *Student will be placed in appropriate language level upon completion of a written and/or a verbal competency exam administered by Counseling & Career Development in Davis Hall. Non-heritage speakers should plan to take SPAN 3303 as an advanced business elective. Heritage speakers should plan to take SPAN 3304 and SPAN 3305 in place of SPAN 3303 and SPAN 3314. (Students are expected to consult with the Modern Language advisor concerning Spanish courses.) Students are strongly encouraged to study abroad. The College of Business, the Department of Modern Languages, and the International Office currently work together in assisting student participation in existing exchange programs. Furthermore, the University will continue to develop exchange agreements with other recognized international universities. TOTAL NUMBER OF HOURS REQUIRED FOR A BBA INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS-SPANISH DEGREE GENERAL EDUCATION BUSINESS CORE DUAL CONCENTRATIONS APPROVED ELECTIVES TOTAL 47 30 41 12 130 Web Site: