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A verb is a word used to express an action, a condition, or a state of being.
Transitive verb
Intransitive verb
An action verb expresses a physical or mental action. Action verbs may be
transitive or intransitive. A transitive verb transfers the action from the subject
toward a direct object. An intransitive verb does not transfer action, so it does not
have an object.
The goalie caught the ball. (Ball is the direct object.)
The crowd cheered.
A linking verb connects the subject with a word or words that identify or describe
the subject. It can connect the subject with a predicate nominative or a predicate
adjective. Some linking verbs are forms of be, such as am, is, was, and were.
Others express a condition, such as appear, become, feel, look, remain, seem,
sound, and taste.
Sean was the manager. He seemed confident.
An auxiliary verb, also called a helping verb, helps the main verb express action or
make a statement. Auxiliary verbs also help indicate voice, mood, or tense. A verb
phrase is made up of a main verb and one or more helping verbs. Some common
auxiliary verbs are had, been, do, is, might, will, must, could, should, and would.
The forwards are running down the field. (The main verb is running.)
A. Identifying Verbs
Underline the verb or verb phrase in each sentence. In the space above each
underlined word, write A if it is an action verb, L if it is a linking verb, or AUX if it is
an auxiliary verb.
1. The game of lacrosse is popular in many countries.
2. Players move the ball with sticks with net pockets at one end.
3. They score goals in the other team’s goal.
4. Only the goalies may touch the ball.
Copyright © McDougal Littell Inc.
5. Lacrosse was adapted from a Canadian Indian game.
6. The game was originally a rough sport.
B. Identifying Transitive and Intransitive Verbs
Underline the verb or verb phrase in each sentence. On the line, write T for a
transitive verb or I for an intransitive verb.
1. In the past, tennis players usually wore white shorts or dresses.
2. Perhaps the color white represented gentility to the upper class players.
3. Today the rules for tennis wear have changed.
4. The development of the tennis shoe improved tennis wear.
5. Today’s tennis shoe is crafted with comfort and support in mind.
For use with Pupil’s Edition pp. 13–15
More Practice
A. Identifying Verbs
Underline each verb once. If the verb has a direct object or objects, underline the direct
object(s) twice. In the space above each verb, write T for transitive or I for intransitive.
2. Newspaper critics often differ in their evaluations of TV, theater, music, and food.
3. Samuel Langhorne Clemens wrote under the pen name Mark Twain.
4. The galaxies in our universe are moving apart rapidly.
5. The constant drip of calcium carbonate from cave roofs eventually forms
6. Large roadside billboards advertise products and services along some highways.
7. Young children need constant care and attention.
8. Our family has moved three times in the past decade.
9. A strategic plan increased the enterprise’s chances of success.
10. The instructions for the VCR confuse my grandparents.
B. Using Verbs
Refer to the passage below to complete these items.
Sports medicine is a field that provides health care to athletes and other
active people. Sports medicine minimizes the risk of injury, and it treats injuries
that do occur. A team of experts work together in this field. They evaluate
training techniques, diagnose injuries, and determine treatment. Many athletic
teams have arranged for the services of a team physician. The team physician
will provide medical attention for the players. The team’s trainer often assists.
With proper care, athletes may return to playing as quickly as possible. Sports
medicine has improved the general health of athletes.
1. Find examples of two transitive verbs in the passage. On the lines below, write
those verbs and the direct objects that receive their actions.
Transitive verb 1: _________________
Direct object: _________________
Transitive verb 2: _________________
Direct object: _________________
2. Write three action verbs from the passage on the lines below.
3. Write two verb phrases from the passage. Underline the auxiliary verbs in
each phrase.
4. Write the sentence from the passage that contains a linking verb. Underline the
two words that are connected by the linking verb.
5. Find examples of two intransitive verbs in the passage. Write them on the lines
For use with Pupil’s Edition pp. 13–15
Copyright © McDougal Littell Inc.
1. The mayor presented the key to our city to the famous opera star.
A. Writing with Verbs That Can Be Either Transitive or Intransitive
EXAMPLE This batter often hits to left field.
Underline the verb in each sentence. Write T above it if it is transitive or I if it is
intransitive. Then, if it is transitive, use it as an intransitive verb in a sentence of
your own. If it is intransitive, use it as a transitive verb. Write your new sentence
on the line. The new sentences can be about any topic. You may change the form
or tense of the verb if you wish.
This batter often hits home runs.
1. Professional pitchers throw with speed and accuracy.
2. Their pitches reach speeds of well over 90 miles per hour.
3. The manager calls loudly to the pitcher.
4. The batter waves confidently to the crowd.
5. The pitcher shakes his head in response to the catcher’s signal.
6. The ball flies out of the ballpark.
B. Proofreading
The writer of this paragraph was careless and omitted many verbs. Proofread the
paragraph, looking for places where an action verb, a linking verb, or an auxiliary
verb would improve the writing. Then insert this proofreading symbol and write
the verb you wish to add above it.
Copyright © McDougal Littell Inc.
There a wide variety of exciting winter sports. Some are familiar worldwide,
such as ice skating and skiing. However, some not as well known. One example
bobsledding, which is a fast, dangerous sport. A group of Englishmen and Americans
introduced the sport in 1890. Bobsledders down a steep, icy course in sleds.
Another less-known winter sport tobogganing. Tobogganing coasting on
snow on long sleds. Toboggans very fast and may achieve a speed of 60 miles
per hour. Native American hunters often toboggans to carry game over the snow.
Ringette is a team sport that similar to ice hockey. The game invented in
Ontario, Canada. Ringette teams consist of six players, all on ice skates. The
game played on an ice rink. Girls and young women in Canada and the
northern United States enjoy this game. Next winter, you want to try one of
these sports.
For use with Pupil’s Edition pp. 13–15