Download Items most likely to appear on a bone practical Axial skeletal system

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Items most likely to appear on a bone practical
Axial skeletal system:
Frontal bone-supraorbital foramen
Temporal Bone – zygomatic process, mastoid, external acoustic meatus, styloid process, internal acoustic meatus
Maxilla-zygomatic process, infraorbital forman, alveolar process, inferior orbital fissure, palatine process, incisive fossa.
Mandible- mental foramen, mandibular condyle, alveolar process, coronoid process, mandibular notch
Sphenoid - Greater wings, lesser wings, pterogoids, foramen ovale, foramen spinosum, foramen rotundum.
Ethmoid- crista galli,
Lacrimal bone- lacrimal fossa
Zygomatic- temporal process
Palatine- greater and lesser palatine foramina
Parietal-parietal foramen (not always present)
Occipital- foramen magnum, occipital condyle, jugular foramen, carotid foramen
Sutures: Coronal, Sagittal, Lambdoid, Squamous, sphenofrontal, occipitomastoid.
What 7 bones make up the orbit?
Vertebral column:
Cervical vertebra (7) - Atlas (C1) - superior articular facet, transverse process, transverse foramen, vertebral foramen
Axis (C2)- odontoid process (dens), superior articular facet, lamina, spinous process.
C3-C7 - lamina, pedicle, vertebral foramen, transverse foramen, transverse process,
Spinous process, inferior articular process. Cervical vertebra are the only ones with
transverse foramen.
Thoracic vertebra (12) - spinous process, vertabral foramen, transverse process, lamina, pedicle, transverse costal
facet, inferior and superior articular process and facet. Angled spinous process to identify
Lumbar vertebra (5) - spinous process, vertabral foramen, lamina, pedicle - flat spinous process
Sacrum (fused 5) – sacral canal
Coccyx (fused 3-4)- small - apex
Know true (1-7) from false (8-12) and floating ribs.
Parts of rib: angle of rib, tubercle, neck, head.
How to tell right from left. Rounded side up, sharp side down, (costal groove) down, tubercle and angle towards back.
Sternum - manubrium, body, xiphoid process
Appendicular Skeleton
Clavicle-acromial end, sternal end, conoid tubercle (rt from left – conoid tubercle back, acromial end lateral)
Scapula- acromion process, coracoid process, glenoid cavity, suprascapular notch, lateral border, spine, infraspinous
fossa, supraspinous fossa. (rt from left: spinous posterior, glenoid cavity lateral)
Humerus-head, greater tubercle, lesser tubercle, inter-tubercular sulcus, deltoid tuberosity, radial fossa, coronoid
fossa, capitulum, trochlea, olecranon fossa, surgical neck.
(rt from left: head lateral, olecranon fossa posterior)
Radius - styloid process, head, radial tuberosity, ulnar notch
Ulna - olecranon process, trochlear notch, coronoid process, head, styloid process
Carpals: Scaphoid, Lunate, Triquetral, Pisiform, trapezium,Trapezoid, Capitate, Hamate
Mnemonic: Some lovers try positions that they can’t handle
Metacarpals- thumb =1 , pinky = 5
Phalanges - proximal, middle and distal
Ischium – obturator foramen, sciatic notch, ischial ramus, ischial spine,
Ilium- iliac crest, iliac fossa, iliac spines (ant, sup, post, ) iliac tuberosity, acetabulum
Pubis- pubic symphysis
Femur- head, fovea capitis, greater (and lesser) trochanter, medial, lateral condyle, gluteal tuberosity, neck,
Tibia- lateral condyle, intercondylar eminence, anterior crest, medial malleolus, fibular notch, solineal line, ant. crest
Fibula- head, lateral malleolus,
Tarsals: talus, calcaneus, navicular, medial cuneiform, middle cuneiform and lateral cuneiform, cuboid
mnemonic device: tiger cubs need milcc
Metatarsals – # 1= big , # 5 = small
phalanges – proximal, middle and distal
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