Download Proposed National Key Result Areas (NKRAS) for the 12th Five Year

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Proposed National Key Result Areas (NKRAS) for the 12th Five Year Plan(WORK IN PROGRESS)
Economic Growth Sustained
Poverty & Inequality Reduced
Percentage of domestic financing to total expenditure
Annual average fiscal deficit (% of GDP) over plan period
Domestic Credit (as % of GDP)
Value of Annual Non-hydro exports
Annual /Average Real GDP Growth
Share of non-hydro sectors to GDP
Annual Average growth rate of real GDP per capita
Annual growth rate of real GDP per employed person
Total government revenue as a percentage of GDP
Debt service as a percentage of exports of goods and services
Household per capita income
Proportion of the population living below the national poverty line
Growth rates of household expenditure or income per capita among the bottom 40
per cent of the population and the total population
Proportion of people living below 50 per cent of median income
Proportion of Population Living below Multidimensional Poverty Line
Gini Coefficient
Urban Poverty Rate
2% of GDP for targeted poverty programs
Culture & Traditions Preserved and
Climate Resilient Development and
Sustainable Utilization of Natural
Resources Enhanced
Quality of Education Improved
Speak native language
Cultural Participation
Zorigchusum skills index
Driglam Namzha
Family Index
Community Relationship Index
Green House Gas Emission
Population status of umbrella species (Tiger)
Proportion of forest area under sustainable forest management
Percentage of bodies of water with good ambient water quality
Ecological Issues Index
Responsibility towards environment
Water Security Index
Migration rate of highlanders
% Graduates Employed (irrespective of when they graduated)
% of TVET graduates employed within 1 year of graduation
% of Tertiary Education Institutes accredited by regional/international
accreditating bodies
Percentage of students scoring the mean learning outcome scores in classes III,VI
and X
Student-Teacher Ratio( Maths and Science teachers period per week)
Percentage of youth with information and communications technology (ICT) skills
Values Index
Knowledge Index
Food and Nutrition Security
Disaster Resilience and
Preparedness Strengthened
Efficiency of Public Services
Women and Girls Empowered
Percentage of area under sustainable* agricultural practices
% of agricultural land with functional irrigation
Cereal Self-sufficiency
Agriculture Productivity (yield per acre/per farmer)
Food Imports (as % of merchandise imports)
Prevalence of moderate or severe food insecurity in the population, based on the
Food Insecurity Experience Scale (FIES)
Prevalence of stunting (height for age <-2 standard deviation from the median of the
World Health Organization (WHO) Child Growth Standards) among children under
5 years of age
Prevalence of malnutrition (weight for height >+2 or <-2 standard deviation from
the median of the WHO Child Growth Standards) among children under 5,
disaggregated by type (wasting and overweight)
No. of National Command and Evacuation Centres
Number of agencies that have integrated disaster risk reduction development
strategies and early warning systems in plans and policies
Response time (no. of hours within which emergency response time reaches site of
Average Service Delivery TAT for most commonly availed G2C and G2B services
Average Annual performance rating of government agencies >90 %
Services Index
Government Performance Index
Citizens' confidence in judicial services
Women's participation rate in National & LG elections
Ratio of female to male in tertiary education
Female youth unemployment
Productive & Gainful Employment
Corruption Reduced
Democracy Strengthened
Decentralization Strengthened
Healthy, Safe and Caring Society
National Unemployment Rate
Youth unemployment rate
% of regular paid employee
Total employment generated
Labor Force Participation Rate
Percentage of youth (aged 15-24) not in education, employment or training
National Integrity Index
Corruption Perception Index - Transparency International
Performance of Government in fighting corruption
Voter turnout
Political Participation
Fundamental Rights Index
Share of capital budget allocation to LGs
Share of Total HR Budget to Local Governments
Proportion of civil servants at Local Governments
Life Expectancy Rate
Suicide rate
Annual number of road traffic fatalities
Incidence of Non Communicable Diseases
Crime Rate
Targetted Interventions towards senior citizens, youth in conflict with laws, persons
with disability
General Mental Health
Life Satisfaction Index
Positive emotion Index
Safety Index
Livability and Sustainability of
Thromdes and other Human
Settlements Improved
Proportion of urban population living in informal settlements or inadequate
Proportion of the population that has convenient access to public transport
General Waste produced per capita per year
Amount of Waste Recycled at National Level
Amount of Waste Recycled in each Thromde
Total Amount of Waste Generated
Total Amount of Waste disposed through landfill
Annual mean levels of fine particulate matter in Thromdes
The average share of the built-up area of Thromdes that is open space for public use
for all
% of households with access to water and sanitation facilities
Percentage of households with 24 hours of safe drinking water supply
No. of Gungtongs in rural areas