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May 2015
Skin Cancer Awareness
May is National Skin Cancer Awareness Month
Did you know...
One in five Americans will develop skin cancer in the course of a lifetime.
There’s no such thing as a ‘healthy’ tan. About 90 percent of Non- Melanoma
cancers and 65 percent of Melanoma cases are associated with exposure to
ultraviolet (UV) radiation from the sun.
Nearly 13 million Americans are living with a history of Non-Melanoma skin
and 800,000 are living with a history of Melanoma, the most dangerous form of
What Can You Do?
Check your skin monthly from head-to-toe. See us every year for a professional skin exam. If
you notice changes to an existing mole or find a new one that looks suspicious, contact us
Treatment Options for Scars and Sun Damage
Scars and sun damage can leave you feeling self-conscious about your appearance. The good
news is that your dermatologist can recommend treatments to address these issues and
improve your skin health. Here is a look at some of the treatments your dermatologist may
recommend for these skin woes.
Scar Treatments
When it comes to scar management, the most important part of the process is determining
what kind of scar you have. Once your dermatologist examines your scar, he or she can then
determine the best treatment approach. For some scars, prescription ointments, creams,
and gels are effective at dulling the appearance. These topical treatments work best for scars
caused by injuries or wounds, such as the scars left behind from surgery. For scars that go
deeper in the skin, laser treatments can help. For instance, laser therapy can be helpful with
pitted scars left behind by acne. If you have a scar that is raised, such as a keloid scar, steroid
injections may be useful. Your dermatologist may use these injections alone or with other
scar treatments.
Sun Damage
The sun can cause a tremendous amount of damage to your skin, from wrinkles and sunspots
to skin cancer. If you have wrinkles or discoloration associated with sun damage, your
cosmetic dermatologist may recommend laser treatments, retinoids, and injectables, like
Botox or dermal fillers. If you have an actinic keratosis—a precancerous skin growth—or skin
cancer caused by sun exposure, retinoids or surgery may be recommended.
The best way of dealing with sun damage is to prevent it in the first place. Talk to your
dermatologist at Advanced Dermatology and Cosmetic Surgery to find out how to protect
your skin from the sun's effects and what treatments you should consider for damage you
already have.
Call 866.202.6832
Immediate appointments available at any of
our 115 locations.
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May 2015
Topical Treatments Used in Dermatology
One way your dermatologist can treat many skin conditions is through topical treatments.
Topical treatments are applied directly to the skin in the affected area. There are many
different kinds of topical treatments, so your dermatologist will select the right one for you
based on your condition. Here is a look at some of the most common topical treatments
prescribed by dermatologists.
Antifungals are topical medications used to treat fungal infections. These work by
disrupting the synthesis of the fungi or by disrupting the cell walls. There are many
different kinds of antifungals available. Your dermatologist will decide which one is right for
you based on the type of fungal infection you have. These medications can be used on
genital yeast infections as well as fungal infections on your skin.
Topical steroid creams are very good at treating skin issues that are related to
inflammation, such as psoriasis and eczema. However, while steroids are very effective,
they are not right for everyone and must be closely monitored. It's important to work with
a dermatologist with extensive experience prescribing steroids to avoid any complications.
Retinoids are used frequently in cosmetic dermatology as well as in skin cancer treatment.
Retinoids are potent concentrations of vitamin A and work by encouraging healthy skin
renewal. Your cosmetic dermatologist may use retinoids for scar management, skin
discoloration treatment, and treatment of photoaging—or skin changes such as lines and
wrinkles that are caused by sun damage. Retinoids are also used to treat actinic keratoses,
which are pre-cancerous skin changes. Still other retinoids are prescribed for treating
psoriasis, stretch marks, hand dermatitis, and alopecia areata. While using retinoids, it's
very important to restrict your sun exposure. Your dermatologist will explain what side
effects to expect and how to manage your medications.
Call 866.202.6832
Immediate appointments available at any of
our 115 locations.