Download 1. An example of a genotype is… 2. How are genes, chromosomes

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1. An example of a genotype is…
2. How are genes, chromosomes and DNA related to one another?
3. Look at page 309. What are the symbols for the following: girl, boy, infected
boy, carrier female, marriage, and death? What does it mean to be a carrier?
4. What is the genotype for a male with colorblindness?
5. What is the phenotype of the animal on pages 366-367?
6. What is the haploid number of a human gamete?
7. What is the diploid number of a human cell?
8. How do you go from a diploid cell to a haploid cell in humans? (What process?)
9. Genetic variation is…. (what causes it?)
10. What is the difference between meiosis and mitosis? Gametes and Daughter cells?
11. A somatic cell is… (an example is…)
12. If a red flower is crossed with a white flower and all of their offspring are pink,
what mode of inheritance are you seeing?
13. Give an example of a heterozygous genotype.
14. Give an example of a homozygous recessive genotype
15. Cross a homozygous dominant female with a heterozygous male (show the
punnett). What is the percent of the children (probability) will be homozygous
16. A married couple has two female children. What are the odds that their next child
will be a girl too?
17. A gene can be expressed in different forms called…(they are dominant or
18. What are the sex chromosomes of a female? Male? Who determines the sex of an
19. How is a liver cell different then a bone cell? (think at a molecular level)
20. What are the four laws of Mendel?
21. Cancer is defined as…
22. Are all mutations harmful? When are mutations inherited?
23. If a chicken is showing both black AND white spots, what mode of inheritance
are you seeing?
24. What is a gene pool?
25. In terms of individuals and populations, who evolves? Fast or slow?
26. Natural selection is… (What must take place for it to occur?)
27. Embryonic development of fish, reptiles, and mammals is very similar because…
28. What is the difference between convergent evolution and divergent evolution?
29. What is meant by punctuated equilibrium? Gradualism?
30. Darwin wrote a book entitled…
31. Before Darwin’s ideas, what did people believe?
32. Adaptations are… (examples would include…)
33. What is the difference between the following terms: homologous structures and
vestigial structures? Examples include…
34. What evidence supports the theory of evolution?
35. What does the “Endosymbiont Theory” suggest?
36. When did the Earth form?
37. In what order did organisms populate it (focus on kingdoms)?
38. In what order did animals populate Earth?
39. To be “fit” means…
40. Autotrophs get their energy from ________ while heterotrophs get their energy
from ________
41. Examples of abiotic and biotic factors include…
42. In terms of movement, how does energy flow? Nutrients?
43. What are examples of consumers, producers, decomposers, and where do they get
their food?
44. What is an ecosystem?
45. What is the difference between a niche and a habitat? Examples…
46. How does a climax community relate to succession?
47. What are the two most important factors for creating climate?
48. Examples of fossil fuels include… (How are fossil fuels created?)
49. When is a growth rate positive? Negative? Zero?
50. On page 51, there is a picture of a ….
51. On page 50 there is a food chain given (in the text). Identify the trophic levels
52. Biodiversity is the idea that… (Which biome is the most diverse? Least?)
53. The 10% law discusses…
54. What happens in each of the following: water cycle, nitrogen cycle and carbon
55. Populations can have exponential growth or continuous growth. Draw a graph for
each. Then discuss what is happening in each stage of the curves. Be sure to
discuss carrying capacity.
56. In terms of high or low latitude, where would I find a tundra? Deciduous forest?
Desert? Rainforest?
57. What is the difference between an organism, community, population, and
58. Examples of density dependent factors include…
59. Examples of density independent factors include…
60. Symbiosis is the idea that…. (what is the difference between parasitism,
mutualism and commensalism)?
61. What is meant by a “non-native” species?
62. What is meant by “green house effect?” Why cycle does it evolve? Where do
most “green house” emissions come from?
63. What is a trophic level?