Download 7th Classifying Rocks Quiz Vocabulary: 1. rock

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7th Classifying Rocks Quiz
1. rock forming mineral – 20 minerals make up most of Earth’s crust
2. origin – the way in which a rock forms
3. basalt – dark colored rock that is lower in silica content than granite
4. grain – particles of minerals, other rocks
5. igneous rocks – form from cooling magma or lava
6. granite – a light colored rock that is high in silica
7. silica – made up of oxygen and silicon
8. metamorphic rock – forms when rock is changed by heat and pressure
9. sedimentary rock – forms when particles of rocks, remains of plants and animals pressed or cemented
10. texture – the look, feel of rocks surface
Study points:
Igneous rocks – formed from cooling magma or lava. Examples are: basalt or granite
Sedimentary rocks – formed when small particles or rocks or the remains of dead plants and animals are
pressed together. Examples are: conglomerate and breccia
Metamorphic rocks – forms when a rock is changed by heat and pressure. Examples: quartzite and gneiss
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