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LXXX.4 (1997)
Conspectus materiae tomorum
LXXI–LXXX (1995–1997)
Agoh, T.
3*. (and L. S k u l a) Kummer type congruences and Stickelberger subideals; 75 (1996),
Ahlswede, R.
2. (and L. H. K h a c h a t r i a n) Maximal sets of numbers not containing k + 1 pairwise
coprime integers; 72 (1995), 77–100.
3. (and L. H. K h a c h a t r i a n) Sets of integers and quasi-integers with pairwise common
divisor; 74 (1996), 141–153.
4. (and L. H. K h a c h a t r i a n) Sets of integers with pairwise common divisor and a factor
from a specified set of primes; 75 (1996), 259–276.
Akiyama, S.
1. On the pure Jacobi sums; 75 (1996), 97–104.
Albu, T.
1. (und F. N i c o l a e) Heckesche Systeme idealer Zahlen und Knesersche Körpererweiterungen; 73 (1995), 43–50.
Allouche, J.-P.
4. (and A. L u b i w, M. M e n dè s F r a n c e, A. J. v a n d e r P o o r t e n, J. S h a l l i t) Convergents of folded continued fractions; 77 (1996), 77–96.
Alon, N.
1. (and P. E r d ő s) Sure monochromatic subset sums; 74 (1996), 269–272.
Arnoux, P.
1. (et C. M a u d u i t) Complexité de suites engendrées par des récurrences unipotentes;
76 (1996), 85–97.
Avidon, M. R.
1. On the distribution of primitive abundant numbers; 77 (1996), 195–205.
Baker, R. C.
10. (and G. H a r m a n) Numbers with a large prime factor; 73 (1995), 119–145.
Balakrishnan, U.
2. (and Y.-F. S. Pé t e r m a n n) The Dirichlet series of ζ(s)ζ α (s + 1)f (s + 1): On an error
term associated with its coefficients; 75 (1996), 39–69.
* The number (say n) preceding each title indicates that the author has already
published n papers in Acta Arithmetica.
Conspectus materiae tomorum LXXI–LXXX (1995–1997)
Balasubramanian, R.
13. (and K. S o u n d a r a r a j a n) On a conjecture of R. L. Graham; 75 (1996), 1–38.
Barrionuevo, J.
1. (and R. M. B u r t o n, K. D a j a n i, C. K r a a i k a m p) Ergodic properties of generalized
Lüroth series; 74 (1996), 311–327.
Bentkus, V.
1. (and F. G ö t z e) On the lattice point problem for ellipsoids; 80 (1997), 101–125.
Beresnevich, V.
1. (and V. B e r n i k) On a metrical theorem of W. Schmidt; 75 (1996), 219–233.
Berndt, B. C.
4. (and H. H. C h a n, L.-C. Z h a n g) Ramanujan’s class invariants and cubic continued
fraction; 73 (1995), 67–85.
Bernik, V. (= Bernik, V. I., Bernik, V. I.)
4. (and V. B e r e s n e v i c h) On a metrical theorem of W. Schmidt; 75 (1996), 219–233.
Bertin, M. J.
6. Sur une conjecture de Pohst; 74 (1996), 347–349.
Beukers, F.
4. (and H. P. S c h l i c k e w e i) The equation x + y = 1 in finitely generated groups; 78
(1996), 189–199.
5. (and D. Z a g i e r) Lower bounds of heights of points on hypersurfaces; 79 (1997),
Bhowmik, G.
2. Evaluation of divisor functions of matrices; 74 (1996), 155–159.
Bleher, P. M.
2a. (and F. J. D y s o n) Erratum to the paper “Mean square limit for lattice points in a
sphere” (Acta Arith. 68 (1994), 383–393); 73 (1995), 199.
Bombieri, E.
7. (and J. M u e l l e r, M. P o e) The unit equation and the cluster principle; 79 (1997),
Bowman, D.
1. Partitions with numbers in their gaps; 74 (1996), 97–105.
Bremner, A.
2. Some special curves of genus 5; 79 (1997), 41–51.
Breulmann, S.
1. (and V. H e l m k e) The covolume of quaternion groups on the four-dimensional hyperbolic space; 77 (1996), 9–21.
Brindza, B.
7. (and Á. P i n té r) On equal values of power sums; 77 (1996), 97–101.
Brüdern, J.
4. A sieve approach to the Waring–Goldbach problem, II. On the seven cubes theorem;
72 (1995), 211–227.
Bruggeman, R. W.
1. Dedekind sums for Hecke groups; 71 (1995), 11–46.
Conspectus materiae tomorum LXXI–LXXX (1995–1997)
Bugeaud, Y.
1. (and K. G y ő r y) Bounds for the solutions of unit equations; 74 (1996), 67–80.
2. (and K. G y ő r y) Bounds for the solutions of Thue–Mahler equations and norm form
equations; 74 (1996), 273–292.
3. On the diophantine equation x2 − pm = ±y n ; 80 (1997), 213–223.
Bundschuh, P.
1a. (and M. W a l d s c h m i d t) Errata to the paper “Irrationality results for theta functions
by Gel’fond–Schneider’s method” (Acta Arith. 53 (1989), 289–307); 78 (1996), 99.
Burgess, D. A.
3. On the average of character sums for a group of characters; 79 (1997), 313–332.
Burr, S. A.
1. (and P. E r d ő s, R. L. G r a h a m, W. W e n - C h i n g L i) Complete sequences of sets of
integer powers; 77 (1996), 133–138.
Burthe, R. J., Jr.
1. Upper bounds for least witnesses and generating sets; 80 (1997), 311–326.
2. The average least witness is 2; 80 (1997), 327–341.
Burton, R. M.
1. (and J. B a r r i o n u e v o, K. D a j a n i, C. K r a a i k a m p) Ergodic properties of generalized Lüroth series; 74 (1996), 311–327.
Carletti, E.
2. (and G. M o n t i B r a g a d i n) On a functional equation satisfied by certain Dirichlet
series; 71 (1995), 265–272.
Carlip, W.
1. (and E. J a c o b s o n) Unbounded stability of two-term recurrence sequences modulo
2k ; 74 (1996), 329–346.
Carter, J. E.
1. Steinitz classes of nonabelian extensions of degree p3 ; 78 (1997), 297–303.
Chaix, H.
2. (et H. F a u r e) Minoration de discrépance en dimension deux; 76 (1996), 149–164.
Chamizo, F.
1. The large sieve in Riemann surfaces; 77 (1996), 303–313.
2. Some applications of large sieve in Riemann surfaces; 77 (1996), 315–337.
Chan, H. H.
1. (and B. C. B e r n d t, L.-C. Z h a n g) Ramanujan’s class invariants and cubic continued
fraction; 73 (1995), 67–85.
2. On Ramanujan’s cubic continued fraction; 73 (1995), 343–355.
Chen, Y. G.
1. (and Š. P o r u b s k ý) Remarks on systems of congruence classes; 71 (1995), 1–10.
2. On addition of two sets of integers; 80 (1997), 83–87.
Chevallier, N.
1. Distances dans la suite des multiples d’un point du tore à deux dimensions; 74 (1996),
2. Meilleures approximations d’un élément du tore T2 et géométrie de la suite des multiples de cet élément; 78 (1996), 19–35.
Conspectus materiae tomorum LXXI–LXXX (1995–1997)
Chou, W.-S.
2. The period lengths of inversive congruential recursions; 73 (1995), 325–341.
Cohn, H.
5. Symmetry and specializability in continued fractions; 75 (1996), 297–320.
Cohn, J. H. E.
8. The Diophantine equation x4 − Dy 2 = 1, II; 78 (1997), 401–403.
Colliot-Thélène, J.-L.
3. (and A. N. S k o r o b o g a t o v, P. S w i n n e r t o n - D y e r) Double fibres and double covers:
paucity of rational points; 79 (1997), 113–135.
Conner, P. E.
1. (and J. H u r r e l b r i n k) On elementary abelian 2-Sylow K2 of rings of integers of
certain quadratic number fields; 73 (1995), 59–65.
2. (and R. P e r l i s, K. S z y m i c z e k) Wild sets and 2-ranks of class groups; 79 (1997),
Conrey, J. B.
2. (and W. D u k e, D. W. F a r m e r) The distribution of the eigenvalues of Hecke operators; 78 (1997), 405–409.
Conway, J. H.
2. (and R. K. G u y, W. A. S c h n e e b e r g e r, N. J. A. S l o a n e) The primary pretenders;
78 (1997), 307–313.
Coray, D. (= Coray, D. F.)
2. (and C. M a n o i l) On large Picard groups and the Hasse Principle for curves and K3
surfaces; 76 (1996), 165–189.
Dąbrowski, R.
1. (and B. F i s h e r) A stationary phase formula for exponential sums over Z/pm Z and
applications to GL(3)-Kloosterman sums; 80 (1997), 1–48.
Dajani, K.
1. (and J. B a r r i o n u e v o, R. M. B u r t o n, C. K r a a i k a m p) Ergodic properties of generalized Lüroth series; 74 (1996), 311–327.
Dartyge, C.
1. Le plus grand facteur premier de n2 + 1 où n est presque premier; 76 (1996), 199–226.
2. Propriétés multiplicatives des valeurs de certains polynômes en deux variables; 78
(1996), 37–74.
Dèbes, P.
3. On a problem of Dvornicich and Zannier; 73 (1995), 379–387.
De Koninck, J.-M.
5. (and I. K á t a i) On the distribution of subsets of primes in the prime factorization of
integers; 72 (1995), 169–200.
Dofs, E.
2. Solutions of x3 + y 3 + z 3 = nxyz; 73 (1995), 201–213.
Drmota, M.
1. (and M. S k a ł b a) Relations between polynomial roots; 71 (1995), 65–77.
Conspectus materiae tomorum LXXI–LXXX (1995–1997)
Duke, W.
2. (and J. B. C o n r e y, D. W. F a r m e r) The distribution of the eigenvalues of Hecke
operators; 78 (1997), 405–409.
Dvornicich, R.
3. (and U. Z a n n i e r) Fields containing values of algebraic functions II (On a conjecture
of Schinzel); 72 (1995), 201–210.
Dyson, F. J.
2a. (and P. M. B l e h e r) Erratum to the paper “Mean square limit for lattice points in a
sphere” (Acta Arith. 68 (1994), 383–393); 73 (1995), 199.
Erdős, P.
47. (et E. S a i a s) Sur le graphe divisoriel; 73 (1995), 189–198.
48. (and N. A l o n) Sure monochromatic subset sums; 74 (1996), 269–272.
49. (and S. A. B u r r, R. L. G r a h a m, W. W e n - C h i n g L i) Complete sequences of sets
of integer powers; 77 (1996), 133–138.
50. (and M. R o s e n f e l d) The factor-difference set of integers; 79 (1997), 353–359.
Everest, G. R.
2. (and K. G y ő r y) Counting solutions of decomposable form equations; 79 (1997), 173–
Evertse, J.-H.
5. An explicit version of Faltings’ Product Theorem and an improvement of Roth’s
lemma; 73 (1995), 215–248.
6. (and K. G y ő r y) The number of families of solutions of decomposable form equations;
80 (1997), 367–394.
Fabiano, A.
1. (and G. P u c c i, A. Y g e r) Effective Nullstellensatz and geometric degree for zerodimensional ideals; 78 (1996), 165–187.
Farmer, D. W.
1. (and J. B. C o n r e y, W. D u k e) The distribution of the eigenvalues of Hecke operators;
78 (1997), 405–409.
Faure, H.
4. (et H. C h a i x) Minoration de discrépance en dimension deux; 76 (1996), 149–164.
Feng, K.
1. Non-congruent numbers, odd graphs and the Birch–Swinnerton-Dyer conjecture; 75
(1996), 71–83.
Ferguson, R.
1. Irreducible polynomials with many roots of equal modulus; 78 (1997), 221–225.
Filaseta, M.
7. (and S. K o n y a g i n) Squarefree values of polynomials all of whose coefficients are 0
and 1; 74 (1996), 191–205.
Fisher, B.
1. (and R. D ą b r o w s k i) A stationary phase formula for exponential sums over Z/pm Z
and applications to GL(3)-Kloosterman sums; 80 (1997), 1–48.
Flynn, E. V.
2. (and N. P. S m a r t) Canonical heights on the Jacobians of curves of genus 2 and the
infinite descent; 79 (1997), 333–352.
Conspectus materiae tomorum LXXI–LXXX (1995–1997)
Folk, D.
1. When are global units norms of units?; 76 (1996), 145–147.
Fouvry, E.
5. (et C. M a u d u i t) Méthodes de crible et fonctions sommes des chiffres; 77 (1996),
6. (and H. I w a n i e c) Gaussian primes; 79 (1997), 249–287.
Funakura, T.
2. On characterization of Dirichlet L-functions; 76 (1996), 305–315.
Gómez Ayala, E. J.
1. Structure galoisienne et corps de classes de rayon de conducteur 2; 72 (1995), 375–383.
Götze, F.
1. (and V. B e n t k u s) On the lattice point problem for ellipsoids; 80 (1997), 101–125.
Goubin, L.
1. Sommes d’exponentielles et principe de l’hyperbole; 73 (1995), 303–324.
Graham, R. L.
5. (and S. A. B u r r, P. E r d ő s, W. W e n - C h i n g L i) Complete sequences of sets of
integer powers; 77 (1996), 133–138.
Grant, D.
1. A proof of quintic reciprocity using the arithmetic of y 2 = x5 +1/4; 75 (1996), 321–337.
Greither, C.
1. On normal integral bases in ray class fields over imaginary quadratic fields; 78 (1997),
Grisel, G.
1. Sur la longueur de la fraction continue de αn ; 74 (1996), 161–176.
Gurak, S.
1. On the last factor of the period polynomial for finite fields; 71 (1995), 391–400.
Guy, R. K.
1. (and J. H. C o n w a y, W. A. S c h n e e b e r g e r, N. J. A. S l o a n e) The primary pretenders; 78 (1997), 307–313.
Győry, K.
14. (and Y. B u g e a u d) Bounds for the solutions of unit equations; 74 (1996), 67–80.
15. (and Y. B u g e a u d) Bounds for the solutions of Thue–Mahler equations and norm
form equations; 74 (1996), 273–292.
16. (and A. S á r k ö z y, C. L. S t e w a r t) On the number of prime factors of integers of the
form ab + 1; 74 (1996), 365–385.
17. (and A. S á r k ö z y) On prime factors of integers of the form (ab + 1)(bc + 1)(ca + 1);
79 (1997), 163–171.
18. (and G. R. E v e r e s t) Counting solutions of decomposable form equations; 79 (1997),
19. On the diophantine equation n
k = x ; 80 (1997), 289–295.
20. (and J.-H. E v e r t s e) The number of families of solutions of decomposable form equations; 80 (1997), 367–394.
Hajdu, L.
1. On a problem of Győry and Schinzel concerning polynomials; 78 (1997), 287–295.
Conspectus materiae tomorum LXXI–LXXX (1995–1997)
Halbeisen, L.
1. (and N. H u n g e r b ü h l e r) Optimal bounds for the length of rational Collatz cycles;
78 (1997), 227–239.
Hall, R. R.
18. (and J. C. W i l s o n, D. Z a g i e r) Reciprocity formulae for general Dedekind–Rademacher sums; 73 (1995), 389–396.
Hamidoune, Y. O.
1. (and G. Zé m o r) On zero-free subset sums; 78 (1996), 143–152.
Harcos, G.
1. Waring’s problem with small prime factors; 80 (1997), 165–185.
Harman, G.
4. (and R. C. B a k e r) Numbers with a large prime factor; 73 (1995), 119–145.
Hasegawa, Y.
1. (and K. H a s h i m o t o) Hyperelliptic modular curves X0∗ (N ) with square-free levels;
77 (1996), 179–193.
Hashimoto, K.
1. (and Y. H a s e g a w a) Hyperelliptic modular curves X0∗ (N ) with square-free levels; 77
(1996), 179–193.
Hattori, T.
1. (and K. M a t s u m o t o) Large deviations of Montgomery type and its application to
the theory of zeta-functions; 71 (1995), 79–94.
Heath-Brown, D. R.
7. A mean value estimate for real character sums; 72 (1995), 235–275.
5a. Acknowledgment of priority; 77 (1996), 405.
8. The density of rational points on cubic surfaces; 79 (1997), 17–30.
Hefez, A.
1. (and N. K a k u t a) Polars of Artin–Schreier curves; 77 (1996), 57–70.
Hellekalek, P.
3. (and H. L e e b) Dyadic diaphony; 80 (1997), 187–196.
Helmke, V.
1. (and S. B r e u l m a n n) The covolume of quaternion groups on the four-dimensional
hyperbolic space; 77 (1996), 9–21.
Helou, C.
1. Norm residue symbol and cyclotomic units; 73 (1995), 147–188.
Hinz, J. G.
6. A generalization of a problem of Chebyshev; 74 (1996), 207–230.
Hirschhorn, M. D.
4. (and J. A. S e l l e r s) On representations of a number as a sum of three triangles; 77
(1996), 289–301.
Holt, J. J.
1. On a form of the Erdős–Turán inequality; 74 (1996), 61–66.
Hooley, C.
3. On a problem of Hardy and Littlewood; 79 (1997), 289–311.
Conspectus materiae tomorum LXXI–LXXX (1995–1997)
Huang, S.-S.
1. Ramanujan’s evaluations of Rogers–Ramanujan type continued fractions at primitive
roots of unity; 80 (1997), 49–60.
Huard, J. G.
1. (and P. K a p l a n, K. S. W i l l i a m s) The Chowla–Selberg formula for genera; 73 (1995),
2. (and K. S. W i l l i a m s, N. Y. Z h a n g) On Tornheim’s double series; 75 (1996), 105–117.
3. (and B. K. S p e a r m a n, K. S. W i l l i a m s) Pascal’s triangle (mod 9); 78 (1997), 331–
Hungerbühler, N.
1. (and L. H a l b e i s e n) Optimal bounds for the length of rational Collatz cycles; 78
(1997), 227–239.
Hurrelbrink, J.
1. (and P. E. C o n n e r) On elementary abelian 2-Sylow K2 of rings of integers of certain
quadratic number fields; 73 (1995), 59–65.
Huxley, M. N.
11. (and W. G. N o w a k) Primitive lattice points in convex planar domains; 76 (1996),
Hwang, H.-K.
1. Asymptotic behaviour of some infinite products involving prime numbers; 75 (1996),
2. Distribution of integer partitions with large number of summands; 78 (1997), 351–365.
Icaza, M. I.
1. Sums of squares of integral linear forms; 74 (1996), 231–240.
Ishibashi, M.
1. The value of the Estermann zeta functions at s = 0; 73 (1995), 357–361.
Ivić, A.
7. On sums involving reciprocals of the largest prime factor of an integer II; 71 (1995),
Iwaniec, H.
15. (and E. F o u v r y) Gaussian primes; 79 (1997), 249–287.
Jacobson, E.
1. (and W. C a r l i p) Unbounded stability of two-term recurrence sequences modulo 2k ;
74 (1996), 329–346.
Jagy, W. C.
1. Five regular or nearly-regular ternary quadratic forms; 77 (1996), 361–367.
Jakubec, S.
1. Connection between the Wieferich congruence and divisibility of h+ ; 71 (1995), 55–64.
2. Congruence of Ankeny–Artin–Chowla type modulo p2 for cyclic fields of prime degree
l; 74 (1996), 293–310.
Jia, C. H. (= Jia, C.)
1. On the Piatetski-Shapiro–Vinogradov Theorem; 73 (1995), 1–28.
2. Almost all short intervals containing prime numbers; 76 (1996), 21–84.
3. On the exceptional set of Goldbach numbers in a short interval; 77 (1996), 207–287.
Conspectus materiae tomorum LXXI–LXXX (1995–1997)
Kaczorowski, J.
11. On the Shanks–Rényi race problem; 74 (1996), 31–46.
Kakuta, N.
1. (and A. H e f e z) Polars of Artin–Schreier curves; 77 (1996), 57–70.
Kan, J.
2. On the number-theoretic functions ν(n) and Ω(n); 78 (1996), 91–97.
Kanemitsu, S.
1. (and M. Y o s h i m o t o) Farey series and the Riemann hypothesis; 75 (1996), 351–374.
Kaniecki, L.
1. On Šnirelman’s constant under the Riemann hypothesis; 72 (1995), 361–374.
Kaplan, P.
6. (and J. G. H u a r d, K. S. W i l l i a m s) The Chowla–Selberg formula for genera; 73
(1995), 271–301.
7. (et Y. M i m u r a) Développement en fraction continue à l’entier le plus proche, idéaux
α-réduits et un problème d’Eisenstein; 76 (1996), 285–304.
8. (et Y. M i m u r a) Développement en fraction continue à l’entier supérieur, idéaux
0-réduits et un problème d’Eisenstein; 78 (1997), 275–285.
Kátai, I.
7. (and J.-M. D e K o n i n c k) On the distribution of subsets of primes in the prime
factorization of integers; 72 (1995), 169–200.
Kerada, M.
1. Une caractérisation de certaines classes d’entiers algébriques généralisant les nombres
de Salem; 72 (1995), 55–65.
Khachatrian, L. H.
2. (and R. A h l s w e d e) Maximal sets of numbers not containing k + 1 pairwise coprime
integers; 72 (1995), 77–100.
3. (and R. A h l s w e d e) Sets of integers and quasi-integers with pairwise common divisor;
74 (1996), 141–153.
4. (and R. A h l s w e d e) Sets of integers with pairwise common divisor and a factor from
a specified set of primes; 75 (1996), 259–276.
Kida, M.
1. Galois descent and twists of an abelian variety; 73 (1995),
√ 51–57.
2. On a characterization of Shimura’s elliptic curve over Q( 37); 77 (1996), 157–171.
Kim, D. S.
1. (and I.-S. L e e) Gauss sums for O+ (2n, q); 78 (1996), 75–89.
2. Gauss sums for O− (2n, q); 80 (1997), 343–365.
Kim, J. M.
1. Class numbers of certain real abelian fields; 72 (1995), 335–345.
Kimberling, C.
1. Numeration systems and fractal sequences; 73 (1995), 103–117.
Kiming, I.
1. On the asymptotics of the number of p-core partitions of integers; 80 (1997), 127–139.
Conspectus materiae tomorum LXXI–LXXX (1995–1997)
Kisilevsky, H. (= Kisilevsky, H. H.)
2. (and F. P a p p a l a r d i) On the exponent of the ideal class groups of imaginary extensions of Fq (x); 72 (1995), 311–321.
Klassen, M. J.
1. (and E. F. S c h a e f e r) Arithmetic and geometry of the curve y 3 + 1 = x4 ; 74 (1996),
Knopfmacher, A.
3. (and J. K n o p f m a c h e r) Metric properties of some special p-adic series expansions;
76 (1996), 11–19.
Knopfmacher, J.
3. (and A. K n o p f m a c h e r) Metric properties of some special p-adic series expansions;
76 (1996), 11–19.
Knopp, M. I.
3. (and M. S h e i n g o r n) On Dirichlet series and Hecke triangle groups of infinite volume;
76 (1996), 227–244.
Kohayakawa, Y.
1. (and T. Ł u c z a k, V. R ö d l) Arithmetic progressions of length three in subsets of a
random set; 75 (1996), 133–163.
Kolountzakis, M. N.
1. On the additive complements of the primes and sets of similar growth; 77 (1996), 1–8.
Komatsu, T.
1. A certain power series associated with a Beatty sequence; 76 (1996), 109–129.
Konyagin, S.
1. (and M. F i l a s e t a) Squarefree values of polynomials all of whose coefficients are 0
and 1; 74 (1996), 191–205.
Korobov, A. N. (Korobov, A. N.)
1. Mnogomernye cepnye drobi i ocenki line$
inyh form; 71 (1995), 331–349.
Kraaikamp, C.
2. (and J. B a r r i o n u e v o, R. M. B u r t o n, K. D a j a n i) Ergodic properties of generalized
Lüroth series; 74 (1996), 311–327.
Kuba, G.
1. The two parameter hyperbola problem; 75 (1996), 277–285.
Labhalla, S.
1. (et H. L o m b a r d i) Transformation homographique appliquée à un développement en
fraction continue fini ou infini; 73 (1995), 29–41.
Laurinčikas, A.
3. (and G. M i s e v ič i u s) On limit distribution of the Riemann zeta-function; 76 (1996),
4. On limit distribution of the Matsumoto zeta-function; 79 (1997), 31–39.
Conspectus materiae tomorum LXXI–LXXX (1995–1997)
Le, M.-H.
8. A note on the diophantine equation x2 + by = cz ; 71 (1995), 253–257.
6a. A correction to the paper “Upper bounds for class numbers of real quadratic fields”
(Acta Arith. 68 (1994), 141–144); 72 (1995), 399.
xm − 1
9. (and L. Y u) On the diophantine equation
= y n ; 73 (1995), 363–366.
10. On the diophantine equation D1 x4 − D2 y 2 = 1; 76 (1996), 1–9.
11. A note on the number of solutions of the generalized Ramanujan–Nagell equation
x2 − D = kn ; 78 (1996), 11–18.
Lee, I.-S.
1. (and D. S. K i m) Gauss sums for O+ (2n, q); 78 (1996), 75–89.
Leeb, H.
1. (and P. H e l l e k a l e k) Dyadic diaphony; 80 (1997), 187–196.
Lemmermeyer, F.
3. Ideal class groups of cyclotomic number fields I; 72 (1995), 347–359.
4. (and M. M i g n o t t e, A. P e t h ő) On the family of Thue equations x3 − (n − 1)x2 y −
(n + 2)xy 2 − y 3 = k; 76 (1996), 245–269.
5. Rational quartic reciprocity II; 80 (1997), 273–276.
Lev, V. F.
2. Distribution of lattice points on hyperbolic surfaces; 75 (1996), 85–95.
Liu, C. L.
1. On character sums of rational functions over local fields; 75 (1996), 195–204.
Liu, H.-Q.
8. Divisor problems of 4 and 3 dimensions; 73 (1995), 249–269.
Liu, J. Y.
1. (and T. Z h a n) On sums of five almost equal prime squares; 77 (1996), 369–383.
Loh, W. K. A.
1. Limitation to the asymptotic formula in Waring’s problem; 74 (1996), 1–15.
Lombardi, H.
1. (et S. L a b h a l l a) Transformation homographique appliquée à un développement en
fraction continue fini ou infini; 73 (1995), 29–41.
Louboutin, S.
5. Corps quadratiques à corps de classes de Hilbert principaux et à multiplication complexe; 74 (1996), 121–140.
Lubelski, S.
7. Supplément à la bibliographie des travaux de S. Lubelski publiée dans le volume 4
(1958), p. 1–2; 78 (1997), 305.
Lubiw, A.
1. (and J.-P. A l l o u c h e, M. M e n dè s F r a n c e, A. J. v a n d e r P o o r t e n, J. S h a l l i t)
Convergents of folded continued fractions; 77 (1996), 77–96.
Łuczak, T.
1. (and Y. K o h a y a k a w a, V. R ö d l) Arithmetic progressions of length three in subsets
of a random set; 75 (1996), 133–163.
Conspectus materiae tomorum LXXI–LXXX (1995–1997)
Luo, W.
2. Zeros of Hecke L-functions associated with cusp forms; 71 (1995), 139–158.
Manoil, C.
1. (and D. C o r a y) On large Picard groups and the Hasse Principle for curves and K3
surfaces; 76 (1996), 165–189.
Martin, G.
1. The least prime primitive root and the shifted sieve; 80 (1997), 277–288.
Matsumoto, K.
7. (and T. H a t t o r i) Large deviations of Montgomery type and its application to the
theory of zeta-functions; 71 (1995), 79–94.
Matthews, K. R.
5. Minimal multipliers for consecutive Fibonacci numbers; 75 (1996), 205–218.
Mauduit, C.
2. (et J. R i v a t) Répartition des fonctions q-multiplicatives dans la suite ([nc ])n∈N , c > 1;
71 (1995), 171–179.
3. (et P. A r n o u x) Complexité de suites engendrées par des récurrences unipotentes; 76
(1996), 85–97.
4. (et E. F o u v r y) Méthodes de crible et fonctions sommes des chiffres; 77 (1996), 339–
McIntosh, R. J.
1. On the converse of Wolstenholme’s Theorem; 71 (1995), 381–389.
Mendès France, M.
12. (and J.-P. A l l o u c h e, A. L u b i w, A. J. v a n d e r P o o r t e n, J. S h a l l i t) Convergents
of folded continued fractions; 77 (1996), 77–96.
Merriman, J. R.
1. (and S. S i k s e k, N. P. S m a r t) Explicit 4-descents on an elliptic curve; 77 (1996),
Meurman, T.
5. The mean square of the error term in a generalization of Dirichlet’s divisor problem;
74 (1996), 351–364.
Mignotte, M.
6. A note on the equation axn − by n = c; 75 (1996), 287–295.
7. (and A. P e t h ő, F. L e m m e r m e y e r) On the family of Thue equations x3 −
(n − 1)x2 y − (n + 2)xy 2 − y 3 = k; 76 (1996), 245–269.
Miki, H.
2. On Shioda’s problem about Jacobi sums II; 73 (1995), 373–377.
Mimura, Y.
2. (et P. K a p l a n) Développement en fraction continue à l’entier le plus proche, idéaux
α-réduits et un problème d’Eisenstein; 76 (1996), 285–304.
3. (et P. K a p l a n) Développement en fraction continue à l’entier supérieur, idéaux 0réduits et un problème d’Eisenstein; 78 (1997), 275–285.
Misevičius, G.
1. (and A. L a u r i nč i k a s) On limit distribution of the Riemann zeta-function; 76 (1996),
Conspectus materiae tomorum LXXI–LXXX (1995–1997)
Mollin, R. A.
4. Quadratic polynomials producing consecutive, distinct primes and class groups of
complex quadratic fields; 74 (1996), 17–30.
Monti Bragadin, G.
2. (and E. C a r l e t t i) On a functional equation satisfied by certain Dirichlet series; 71
(1995), 265–272.
Mootha, V. K.
1. On the set of numbers {14, 22, 30, 42, 90}; 71 (1995), 259–263.
Moree, P.
2. On the divisors of ak + bk ; 80 (1997), 197–212.
Mozer, n (= Moser, J.)
20. Gipoteza Rimana dl nekotoryh qaste$
i funkcii ζ(s) i nova formula
dl π(x); 80 (1997), 297–310.
Mueller, J.
2. (and E. B o m b i e r i, M. P o e) The unit equation and the cluster principle; 79 (1997),
Müller, W. (= Müller, W. B.)
3. On the average order of the lattice rest of a convex body; 80 (1997), 89–100.
Nesterenko, Yu. V.
2. (and T. N. S h o r e y) Perfect powers in products of integers from a block of consecutive
integers (II); 76 (1996), 191–198.
Nicolae, F.
1. (und T. A l b u) Heckesche Systeme idealer Zahlen und Knesersche Körpererweiterungen; 73 (1995), 43–50.
Niederreiter, H.
8. (and C. P. X i n g) Low-discrepancy sequences obtained from algebraic function fields
over finite fields; 72 (1995), 281–298.
9. (and C. P. X i n g) A construction of low-discrepancy sequences using global function
fields; 73 (1995), 87–102.
10. (and C. X i n g) Explicit global function fields over the binary field with many rational
places; 75 (1996), 383–396.
11. (and C. P. X i n g) Cyclotomic function fields, Hilbert class fields, and global function
fields with many rational places; 79 (1997), 59–76.
Noda, T.
1. An application of the projections of C ∞ automorphic forms; 72 (1995), 229–234.
Nongkynrih, A.
1. On prime primitive roots; 72 (1995), 45–53.
Nowak, W. G.
2. (and M. N. H u x l e y) Primitive lattice points in convex planar domains; 76 (1996),
Ono, K.
2. Euler’s concordant forms; 78 (1996), 101–123.
3. (and L. S z e) 4-core partitions and class numbers; 80 (1997), 249–272.
Conspectus materiae tomorum LXXI–LXXX (1995–1997)
Pappalardi, F.
1. (and H. K i s i l e v s k y) On the exponent of the ideal class groups of imaginary extensions of Fq (x); 72 (1995), 311–321.
Patterson, S. J.
1. The asymptotic distribution of Kloosterman sums; 79 (1997), 205–219.
Perelli, A.
3. (and J. P o m y k a ł a) Averages of twisted elliptic L-functions; 80 (1997), 149–163.
Perlis, R.
1. (and P. E. C o n n e r, K. S z y m i c z e k) Wild sets and 2-ranks of class groups; 79 (1997),
Pestour, M.
1. Valeurs en s = 1 de fonctions L; 78 (1997), 367–376.
Pétermann, Y.-F. S.
3. (and U. B a l a k r i s h n a n) The Dirichlet series of ζ(s)ζ α (s + 1)f (s + 1): On an error
term associated with its coefficients; 75 (1996), 39–69.
Pethő, A.
4. (and M. M i g n o t t e, F. L e m m e r m e y e r) On the family of Thue equations x3 −
(n − 1)x2 y − (n + 2)xy 2 − y 3 = k; 76 (1996), 245–269.
Pfister, A.
1. Small zeros of quadratic forms over algebraic function fields; 79 (1997), 221–238.
Pinner, C. G.
1. (and J. D. V a a l e r) The number of irreducible factors of a polynomial, II; 78 (1996),
Pintér, Á.
2. (and B. B r i n d z a) On equal values of power sums; 77 (1996), 97–101.
Ploch, P.
2. Verschwindungssätze, die bei der Berechnung der Dimension des Vektorraums der
Spitzenformen zur Modulgruppe n-ten Grades und Stufe q > 2 auftreten; 71 (1995),
Poe, M.
1. (and E. B o m b i e r i, J. M u e l l e r) The unit equation and the cluster principle; 79
(1997), 361–389.
Pomykała, J.
2. (and A. P e r e l l i) Averages of twisted elliptic L-functions; 80 (1997), 149–163.
van der Poorten, A. J.
8. (and J.-P. A l l o u c h e, A. L u b i w, M. M e n dè s F r a n c e, J. S h a l l i t) Convergents of
folded continued fractions; 77 (1996), 77–96.
Porubský, Š.
4. (and Y. G. C h e n) Remarks on systems of congruence classes; 71 (1995), 1–10.
Pucci, G.
1. (and A. F a b i a n o, A. Y g e r) Effective Nullstellensatz and geometric degree for zerodimensional ideals; 78 (1996), 165–187.
Conspectus materiae tomorum LXXI–LXXX (1995–1997)
Qin, H.
2. The 4-rank of K2 OF for real quadratic fields F ; 72 (1995), 323–333.
Ramachandra, K.
7a. (and A. S a n k a r a n a r a y a n a n, K. S r i n i v a s) Addendum to Ramachandra’s paper
“Some problems of analytic number theory, I”; 73 (1995), 367–371.
20. (and A. S a n k a r a n a r a y a n a n, K. S r i n i v a s) Problems and results on αp − βq; 75
(1996), 119–131.
21. Fractional moments of the Riemann zeta-function; 78 (1997), 255–265.
Rankin, R. A.
6. Burnside’s uniformization; 79 (1997), 53–57.
Rhin, G.
3. (and C. V i o l a) On a permutation group related to ζ(2); 77 (1996), 23–56.
4. (and C. J. S m y t h) On the Mahler measure of the composition of two polynomials;
79 (1997), 239–247.
Ribet, K. A.
1. On the equation ap + 2α bp + cp = 0; 79 (1997), 7–16.
Rivat, J.
1. (et C. M a u d u i t) Répartition des fonctions q-multiplicatives dans la suite ([nc ])n∈N ,
c > 1; 71 (1995), 171–179.
Rödl, V.
1. (and Y. K o h a y a k a w a, T. Ł u c z a k) Arithmetic progressions of length three in subsets of a random set; 75 (1996), 133–163.
Rosenfeld, M.
1. (and P. E r d ő s) The factor-difference set of integers; 79 (1997), 353–359.
Ruzsa, I. Z.
9. Solving a linear equation in a set of integers II; 72 (1995), 385–397.
10. Sumsets of Sidon sets; 77 (1996), 353–359.
Saias, E.
3. Entiers sans grand ni petit facteur premier III; 71 (1995), 351–379.
4. (et P. E r d ő s) Sur le graphe divisoriel; 73 (1995), 189–198.
Sankaranarayanan, A.
5. (and K. R a m a c h a n d r a, K. S r i n i v a s) Addendum to Ramachandra’s paper “Some
problems of analytic number theory, I”; 73 (1995), 367–371.
6. (and K. R a m a c h a n d r a, K. S r i n i v a s) Problems and results on αp − βq; 75 (1996),
Saradha, N.
2. (and T. N. S h o r e y, R. T i j d e m a n) On the equation x(x + 1) . . . (x + k − 1) =
y(y + d) . . . (y + (mk − 1)d), m = 1, 2; 71 (1995), 181–196.
3. (and T. N. S h o r e y, R. T i j d e m a n) On values of a polynomial at arithmetic progressions with equal products; 72 (1995), 67–76.
Sárközy, A.
14. (and K. G y ő r y, C. L. S t e w a r t) On the number of prime factors of integers of the
form ab + 1; 74 (1996), 365–385.
15. (and K. G y ő r y) On prime factors of integers of the form (ab + 1)(bc + 1)(ca + 1); 79
(1997), 163–171.
Conspectus materiae tomorum LXXI–LXXX (1995–1997)
Schaefer, E. F.
1. (and M. J. K l a s s e n) Arithmetic and geometry of the curve y 3 + 1 = x4 ; 74 (1996),
Schinzel, A.
51. Errata to “On reducible trinomials” (Dissertationes Mathematicae 329 (1993)); 73
(1995), 399–400.
52. On the Mahler measure of polynomials in many variables; 79 (1997), 77–81.
Schlickewei, H. P.
5. (and W. M. S c h m i d t) The intersection of recurrence sequences; 72 (1995), 1–44.
6. Equations in roots of unity; 76 (1996), 99–108.
7. (and F. B e u k e r s) The equation x + y = 1 in finitely generated groups; 78 (1996),
8. (and C. V i o l a) Polynomials that divide many trinomials; 78 (1997), 267–273.
Schmid, W. Ch.
1. (and R. W o l f) Bounds for digital nets and sequences; 78 (1997), 377–399.
Schmidt, W. M.
16. (and H. P. S c h l i c k e w e i) The intersection of recurrence sequences; 72 (1995), 1–44.
Schmitt, S.
1. Computation of the Selmer groups of certain parametrized elliptic curves; 78 (1997),
Schneeberger, W. A.
1. (and J. H. C o n w a y, R. K. G u y, N. J. A. S l o a n e) The primary pretenders; 78 (1997),
Schwarz, W.
3. A note on Catalan’s equation; 72 (1995), 277–279.
Sellers, J. A.
1. (and M. D. H i r s c h h o r n) On representations of a number as a sum of three triangles;
77 (1996), 289–301.
Shallit, J. (= Shallit, J. O.)
2. (and J.-P. A l l o u c h e, A. L u b i w, M. M e n dè s F r a n c e, A. J. v a n d e r P o o r t e n)
Convergents of folded continued fractions; 77 (1996), 77–96.
Sheingorn, M.
2. (and M. I. K n o p p) On Dirichlet series and Hecke triangle groups of infinite volume;
76 (1996), 227–244.
Shimada, T.
2. Fermat quotient of cyclotomic units; 76 (1996), 335–358.
Shorey, T. N.
18. (and N. S a r a d h a, R. T i j d e m a n) On the equation x(x + 1) . . . (x + k − 1) = y(y +
d) . . . (y + (mk − 1)d), m = 1, 2; 71 (1995), 181–196.
19. (and N. S a r a d h a, R. T i j d e m a n) On values of a polynomial at arithmetic progressions with equal products; 72 (1995), 67–76.
20. (and Yu. V. N e s t e r e n k o) Perfect powers in products of integers from a block of
consecutive integers (II); 76 (1996), 191–198.
Conspectus materiae tomorum LXXI–LXXX (1995–1997)
Siksek, S.
1. (and J. R. M e r r i m a n, N. P. S m a r t) Explicit 4-descents on an elliptic curve; 77
(1996), 385–404.
Skałba, M.
2. (and M. D r m o t a) Relations between polynomial roots; 71 (1995), 65–77.
Skinner, C. M.
1. Solvability of p-adic diagonal equations; 75 (1996), 251–258.
Skorobogatov, A. N.
1. (and J.-L. C o l l i o t - T hé lè n e, P. S w i n n e r t o n - D y e r) Double fibres and double covers: paucity of rational points; 79 (1997), 113–135.
Skula, L.
3. (and T. A g o h) Kummer type congruences and Stickelberger subideals; 75 (1996),
Sloane, N. J. A.
2. (and J. H. C o n w a y, R. K. G u y, W. A. S c h n e e b e r g e r) The primary pretenders;
78 (1997), 307–313.
Smart, N. P.
1. (and J. R. M e r r i m a n, S. S i k s e k) Explicit 4-descents on an elliptic curve; 77 (1996),
2. (and E. V. F l y n n) Canonical heights on the Jacobians of curves of genus 2 and the
infinite descent; 79 (1997), 333–352.
Smati, A.
3. (and J. W u) Distribution of values of Euler’s function over integers free of large prime
factors; 77 (1996), 139–155.
de Smit, B.
1. Primitive elements in integral bases; 71 (1995), 159–170.
Smyth, C. J.
3. (and G. R h i n) On the Mahler measure of the composition of two polynomials; 79
(1997), 239–247.
Soriano, F.
1. Classes logarithmiques ambiges des corps quadratiques; 78 (1997), 201–219.
Soundararajan, K.
1. (and R. B a l a s u b r a m a n i a n) On a conjecture of R. L. Graham; 75 (1996), 1–38.
Spearman, B. K.
2. (and J. G. H u a r d, K. S. W i l l i a m s) Pascal’s triangle (mod 9); 78 (1997), 331–349.
Spiro-Silverman, C. (= Spiro-Silverman, C. A., Spiro, C.)
4. Groups of cubefree order; 71 (1995), 209–227.
Srinivas, K.
2. (and K. R a m a c h a n d r a, A. S a n k a r a n a r a y a n a n) Addendum to Ramachandra’s
paper “Some problems of analytic number theory, I”; 73 (1995), 367–371.
3. (and K. R a m a c h a n d r a, A. S a n k a r a n a r a y a n a n) Problems and results on αp−βq;
75 (1996), 119–131.
Stambul, P.
1. A generalization of Perron’s theorem about Hurwitzian numbers; 80 (1997), 141–148.
Conspectus materiae tomorum LXXI–LXXX (1995–1997)
Stanchescu, Y.
1. On addition of two distinct sets of integers; 75 (1996), 191–194.
Stevenhagen, P.
1. On a problem of Eisenstein; 74 (1996), 259–268.
Stewart, C. L.
1. (and K. G y ő r y, A. S á r k ö z y) On the number of prime factors of integers of the form
ab + 1; 74 (1996), 365–385.
2. (and R. T i j d e m a n) On the greatest prime factor of (ab+1)(ac+1)(bc+1); 79 (1997),
Stopple, J.
2. Theta and L-function splittings; 72 (1995), 101–108.
3. Theta series for indefinite quadratic forms over real number fields; 72 (1995), 299–309.
Sun, Z. W.
2. Covering the integers by arithmetic sequences; 72 (1995), 109–129.
Swinnerton-Dyer, P. (= Swinnerton-Dyer, H. P. F.)
4. (and J.-L. C o l l i o t - T hé lè n e, A. N. S k o r o b o g a t o v) Double fibres and double covers: paucity of rational points; 79 (1997), 113–135.
Sze, L.
1. (and K. O n o) 4-core partitions and class numbers; 80 (1997), 249–272.
Szmidt, J.
2. (and J. U r b a n o w i c z, D. Z a g i e r) Congruences among generalized Bernoulli numbers; 71 (1995), 273–278.
Szymiczek, K.
3. (and P. E. C o n n e r, R. P e r l i s) Wild sets and 2-ranks of class groups; 79 (1997),
Tamura, J.
2. A class of transcendental numbers having explicit g-adic and Jacobi–Perron expansions of arbitrary dimension; 71 (1995), 301–329.
Tanaka, T.
1. Algebraic independence of the values of power series generated by linear recurrences;
74 (1996), 177–190.
Taya, H.
2. On cyclotomic Zp -extensions of real quadratic fields; 74 (1996), 107–119.
Thunder, J. L.
2. (and J. W o l f s k i l l) Algebraic integers of small discriminant; 75 (1996), 375–382.
Tijdeman, R.
11. (and N. S a r a d h a, T. N. S h o r e y) On the equation x(x + 1) . . . (x + k − 1) = y(y +
d) . . . (y + (mk − 1)d), m = 1, 2; 71 (1995), 181–196.
12. (and N. S a r a d h a, T. N. S h o r e y) On values of a polynomial at arithmetic progressions with equal products; 72 (1995), 67–76.
13. (and C. L. S t e w a r t) On the greatest prime factor of (ab + 1)(ac + 1)(bc + 1); 79
(1997), 93–101.
Conspectus materiae tomorum LXXI–LXXX (1995–1997)
Tsang, K.-M.
2. Mean square of the remainder term in the Dirichlet divisor problem II; 71 (1995),
Tsumura, H.
1. On a direct sum decomposition of the Dem’yanenko matrix; 77 (1996), 71–76.
Tsuyumine, S.
1. On values of L-functions of totally real algebraic number fields at integers; 76 (1996),
Tudesq, C.
1. Etude d’un terme d’erreur lié à la fonction totient de Jordan; 80 (1997), 61–75.
Tzanakis, N.
5. Solving elliptic diophantine equations by estimating linear forms in elliptic logarithms.
The case of quartic equations; 75 (1996), 165–190.
Urbanowicz, J.
3. (and J. S z m i d t, D. Z a g i e r) Congruences among generalized Bernoulli numbers; 71
(1995), 273–278.
Vaaler, J. D.
2. (and C. G. P i n n e r) The number of irreducible factors of a polynomial, II; 78 (1996),
Vaughan, R. C.
5. (and T. D. W o o l e y) A special case of Vinogradov’s mean value theorem; 79 (1997),
Vazzana, A.
1. On the 2-primary part of K2 of rings of integers in certain quadratic number fields;
80 (1997), 225–235.
Viola, C.
3. (and G. R h i n) On a permutation group related to ζ(2); 77 (1996), 23–56.
4. (and H. P. S c h l i c k e w e i) Polynomials that divide many trinomials; 78 (1997), 267–
Voloch, J. F.
2. An analogue of the Weierstrass ζ-function in characteristic p; 79 (1997), 1–6.
Voutier, P.
1. An effective lower bound for the height of algebraic numbers; 74 (1996), 81–95.
Waldschmidt, M.
6a. (and P. B u n d s c h u h) Errata to the paper “Irrationality results for theta functions
by Gel’fond–Schneider’s method” (Acta Arith. 53 (1989), 289–307); 78 (1996), 99.
7. Approximation simultanée par des produits de puissances de nombres algébriques; 79
(1997), 137–162.
Walsh, P. G.
2a. Corrections to “A quantitative version of Runge’s theorem on diophantine equations”
(Acta Arith. 62 (1992), 157–172); 73 (1995), 397–398.
Watt, N.
2. Short intervals almost all containing primes; 72 (1995), 131–167.
Conspectus materiae tomorum LXXI–LXXX (1995–1997)
Wen-Ching Li, W.
1. (and S. A. B u r r, P. E r d ő s, R. L. G r a h a m) Complete sequences of sets of integer
powers; 77 (1996), 133–138.
Williams, K. S.
17. (and J. G. H u a r d, P. K a p l a n) The Chowla–Selberg formula for genera; 73 (1995),
18. (and J. G. H u a r d, N. Y. Z h a n g) On Tornheim’s double series; 75 (1996), 105–117.
19. (and J. G. H u a r d, B. K. S p e a r m a n) Pascal’s triangle (mod 9); 78 (1997), 331–349.
Wilson, J. C.
2. (and R. R. H a l l, D. Z a g i e r) Reciprocity formulae for general Dedekind–Rademacher
sums; 73 (1995), 389–396.
Wolf, R.
1. (and W. Ch. S c h m i d) Bounds for digital nets and sequences; 78 (1997), 377–399.
Wolfskill, J.
2. (and J. L. T h u n d e r) Algebraic integers of small discriminant; 75 (1996), 375–382.
Wooley, T. D.
2. (and R. C. V a u g h a n) A special case of Vinogradov’s mean value theorem; 79 (1997),
Wu, J.
3. (and A. S m a t i) Distribution of values of Euler’s function over integers free of large
prime factors; 77 (1996), 139–155.
Xing, C. P. (= Xing, C.)
1. (and H. N i e d e r r e i t e r) Low-discrepancy sequences obtained from algebraic function
fields over finite fields; 72 (1995), 281–298.
2. (and H. N i e d e r r e i t e r) A construction of low-discrepancy sequences using global
function fields; 73 (1995), 87–102.
3. (and H. N i e d e r r e i t e r) Explicit global function fields over the binary field with many
rational places; 75 (1996), 383–396.
4. (and H. N i e d e r r e i t e r) Cyclotomic function fields, Hilbert class fields, and global
function fields with many rational places; 79 (1997), 59–76.
Xu, F.
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