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ASanders-Fleming 3/22/07
Name: __________________ Block ____ Date__*_
retake by _____ extra credit____points off___ spelling off___ total____ Grade____
Correct spelling on front 3 times for +1 fixed spelling_____ final points____ Grade___
Mrs. S-F please check # __*_
#All problems are 2 points each unless marked otherwise. CHECK YOUR WORK!
Part I- True/False. Read each statement below carefully. Circle the best answer, “true”, or
“false” and correct the underlined word(s) for one half point of Extra Credit.
true false 1. New ocean crust is formed at a divergent boundary.
true false 2. Rocks found along the Mid-Atlantic Ridge are younger than the oldest known
continental rock.
true false 3. Cooling a material makes it more dense, so it sinks.
true false 4. (1 pt.) The outer core is liquid.
true false 5. Convection currents occur in the asthenosphere of the earth.
true false 6. Non-volcanic mountains are created where plates are moving together
true false 7. The “Ring of Fire” surrounds the Pacific Ocean
true false 8. (1 pt.) Continental plates stay above ocean crust plates because oceanic crust is
true false 9. (1 pt.) Secondary waves travel more slowly than primary waves
true false 10. Iceland is growing in size due to its location on the Mid-Atlantic Ridge
true false 11. Volcanic island arcs form along divergent plate boundaries
true false 12. The theory of plate tectonics explains the mechanism that moves plates
across the mantle
true false 13. (1 pt.) Convection currents are the heat transfer mechanism which move tectonic
Part II. Multiple Choice Please clearly WRITE IN CAPITAL LETTERS ( DO NOT ONLY
CIRCLE-it makes it more difficult to correct) the letter of the the best answer for each question.
__*D__14. The youngest material of the sea floor is found at ___________
A. rifts
B. basins C. trenches D. mid-ocean ridges
points off on pg. 1_____ spelling _____ extra credit _________
pg. 2 ES2
ASF 3/22/07
__*A_15. Continental crust plates are _________ than oceanic plates.
a. less dense and thicker
c. less dense and thinner
b. denser and thicker
d. denser and thinner
__*A__16. The thickest layer of the earth is the:
a. mantle
b. crust
c. outer core
d. inner core
___*D_17. The presence of the same ___________ on several continents supports the idea of
continental drift
A. fossils
B. rock types and mountain ranges
C. neither A nor B
D. both A and B
__*C__18. Where plates slip alongside one another, _______ occur.
A. volcanoes
B. convergent boundaries
C. transform boundaries or faults
D. divergent plate boundaries
Use the diagram below to answer the following question:
__*D_19. Which of the following has formed at A?
A. island arc
B. non-volcanic mountains
C. divergent boundary
D. subduction zone
__*B__20. Which of the following has formed at B?
A. island arc
B. volcanic mountain chain
C. divergent boundary
D. subduction zone
___*B__21. Which of the following is an example of convection?
a. electricity flowing through a copper wire
b. a pot of chili bubbling up while heating on the stove
c. a fresh water stream dumping into a salty lagoon
d. heat spreading out from a radiator
__*C__22. Which movement formed the Hawaiian islands?
A. Two plates spreading apart
B. Two plates coming together
C. The center of a plate passing over a hot spot in the mantle
D. Two plates sliding by each other.
__*B__23. The layer of the earth in which is broken into plates is the:
a. mantle
b. crust
c. outer core
d. inner core
_*A__24. Which one of the following is true?
a. P waves go through all states of matter b. S waves can’t go through solids.
c. P waves move side to side.
d. S-waves travel faster than P waves.
points off so far_____ spelling _____ extra credit______
pg. 3 ES2
ASF 3/22/07
___*D__25. On a map of the world showing where earthquakes have happened, one sees:
a. that they are randomly scattered over the earth's surface.
b. that they occur along plate boundaries.
c. that they occur along the “Ring of Fire” where volcanoes also happen.*pg. 170
d. both b and c
__*B___26. (1 pt.) When did Pangaea split apart?
a. 200 thousand years ago
b. 200 million years ago
c. 200 billion years ago
__*C__27. What one thing is not produced by the collisions of plates?
A. mountains
B. earthquakes
C. caves
D. volcanoes
__*A___28. Two continental plates moving apart first form a
A. rift valley B. convergent boundary
C. mid-ocean ridge
D. transform fault
Use the cross section diagram below to answer the following five questions. The numbers above
the diagram correspond to the points directly below them. Use these numbers to answer the
questions. 1 point for each question
oceanic crust
continental crust
29. At what two numbers would the oldest crust be found?*7__or_*8__
30. At what number is a mid-ocean ridge located?__*3___
31. At what number is a subduction zone located?__*11___
32. At which two numbers would volcanoes occur?___*9___ and ___*10 or 3____
33. (6 pts.)Please name and define the three types of plate boundaries
a.:_____*divergent=plates moving apart________________________
b.______*convergent=plates move together_____________
c.____*transfor m=slide past___________________
34. (2 pts.) Choose one type of plate boundary from #33.__*divergent (rift or MOR)______
a. Name a feature that is formed at that boundary.*convergent=trench, volcanic
mts_____ *or transform=EQ or faults
b. Explain how that feature formed.
over please
points off so far_____ spelling _____ extra credit_______
pg. 4 ES2
ASF 3/22/07
Part IV: For # 35 - 45, please match the following words below to their correct meanings. Not all
will be used. 1 point each.
mid-ocean ridge,
magnetic field,
epicenter, crust,
inner core,
convergent boundary,
Himalayan Mountains, Japan,
Andes Mountains,
subduction zone,
outer core,
transform boundary, divergent
Mid-Atlantic Ridge, San Andreas fault,
Hawaii, hot spot, Ring of Fire, continental drift,
volcanic mountains, non-volcanic mountains,
35. The ___*Himalayas_______ are formed by the collision of the Indian plate and the
Asian plate.
36. __*continental drift____ is the idea that continents have moved horizontally through
the seafloor.
37. At a _____*divergent boundary_______, plates move apart.
38. How iron minerals point in volcanic rocks along the seafloor is evidence that
Earth's_*magnetic field has reversed itself several times in the past.
39. A lack of explanation for continental drift prevented many scientists from believing a single
supercontinent called __*Pangaea_____ existed.
40. A__*subduction_____ is where one plate sinks under another.
41. At one kind of boundary, plates slide by one another. One place where this happens is at
___*San Andreas Fault__ .
42. __*Japan___ is the proper name (“Mary”, not “girl”) of a landform formed by convergent
oceanic and oceanic plates.
43. The earth's thick, plastic-like layer is the ___*asthenosphere
44. The point on the earth’s surface above an earthquake is its __*epicenter___
45. A fixed plume of magma in the mantle which formed the Hawaiian islands is called a
___*hot spot__
46. (1 pt.) Explain how the earth’s magnetic field has changed in the past:*it sometimes
pointed south, now it points north
47 How do matching fossils on either side of the Atlantic ocean indicate that the continents have
moved? *because the animals couldn’t have travelled that far in water
48 (1 pt.)What does the Richter Scale measure?__*earthquakes
49. What does a seismograph show?_*lag time between P and S waves_____
How are earthquakes located using seismic waves.?
points off so far_____ spelling _____ extra credit_______
pg. 5 ES2
ASF 3/22/07
50. (1 pt.)About how fast does the seafloor spread?(circle 1) 2 cm/yr.** 20 cm/yr.**200
51. (3 pts.) Describe the three types of volcanoes by their steepness and type of material:
shield:____*flat and wide, formed from thin lava spreading_____________________
cinder:____*formed from explosive ash and cinders, steep______
strato, or composite:__*formed from layers of cinders and lava, medium steepness__
52. (8 pts.) Name and describe the 4 types of evidence for continental drift:
a.:__*coastlines across oceans fit together____
b.__*fossils match across oceans___________
c.___*climate evidence in places it no longer fits (glacier signs in Africa)_________
d.____*mountains and rocks match across oceans__
53. (3 pts.) On the world map on the back of this page, locate an example of each of the 3 types
of boundaries from # 33. Write the names of the boundary types in the correct locations. extra
credit 1 pt. @: Give the name of the feature formed there and its geographical (proper) name in
its correct location for each boundary type (example: volcanic island arc, New Zealand). Get help
if needed
Extra Credit- up to 2 pts. each. Explain thoughtfully two facts about plate tectonics we learned in
this unit which you studied which were not asked about at all on the test.
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