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Unit 8: Infectious Disease
Part 1: Human Interaction with Microorganisms &
1. I can define the terms microorganism and pathogen.
3. I can give examples of how the human body depends upon microorganisms
2. I can explain the difference between pathogens such as bacteria, virus,
fungi and parasites and give examples of different diseases they cause
4. I can explain how the immune system defends against pathogens
Part 2: Prevention & Treatment
Part 3: Non Infectious Disease &.
1. I can distinguish between prevention and
treatment and give examples of treatments
used for different pathogens.
2. I can define vaccine and explain how a vaccine
3. I can explain the role a healthy lifestyle plays
in preventing disease
4. I can define antibiotic resistance and explain
how human actions cause it.
1. I can differentiate between infectious and
noninfectious disease.
2. I can give examples of different non
infectious diseases.
3. I can explain cancer and how the immune
system helps defend against it.
4. I can describe how noninfectious disease
can be a result of genetics, lifestyle
choices and/or environmental factors.
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