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Dry Eye & Blepharitis Treatment
BLEPHARITIS (BLEF-ar-eye-tiss)
Blepharitis is a common inflammation of the eyelids caused by toxins from skin bacteria. It is the most common cause of chronic
infection of the external eye. The bacteria typically infect the oil producing glands inside the eyelids. Symptoms may include dryness, burning, gritty feeling, and itching of the eyelid margins. Common signs may include crusting deposits on the eyelid margin
and eyelashes, redness of the eyelid margins and loss of eyelashes. This tends to be chronic in nature and typically requires ongoing treatment including eyelid hygiene, topical medications, and in advanced cases, sometimes oral tetracycline.
Soak a clean face cloth in tap water that is as warm as possible without inducing further irritation. Wring out excess water and
place the warmed face cloth over the affected area. The warmth and moisture of the hot compress will tend to decrease tenderness, increase comfort and increase blood circulation in the affected area which is needed for healing. Repeat this procedure often
in the early stages of treatment and gradually reduce frequency as your symptoms decrease.
For prolonged treatments, an inventive method is to warm a potato, or a hard-boiled egg, and placed it within a warm wet
washcloth. This method prolongs treatment and avoids the inconvenience of frequently re-wetting a washcloth.
A physical massage of the upper and lower eyelids is often helpful to stimulate oil glands, called meibomian glands, inside the
eyelids. These glands are responsible for producing important lubrication of the ocular surface. Due to many factors, including
environmental influences, some of these glands can decrease oil production or even become blocked. A decrease in production
may cause dry eye symptoms and crusty lid margins. Blocked glands may also cause discomfort and localized redness of the eyelid
or eyelid margin.
Using clean fingertips physically massage your eyelids with frequency. This can also be preceded by a warm compress. If eyelid
redness is localized, the massage can be done with a single finger placing back-and-forth pressure on the affected area.
We are generally not taught to scrub or rub our eyelids, however a gently daily hygiene massage in the shower is a good daily
habit to maintain optimum eyelid function.
Cleansing therapy treatments to the eyelids and surrounding areas of the eyebrows and even the scalp can remove toxins and
increase normal secretions from glands within the eyelids. Commercial eyelid cleaners are specifically designed for the delicate
tissues of the eye. If eyelid scrub solutions or foams are not available diluted no tears baby shampoo may be substituted.
With your eyes closed, scrub each eye using side-to-side strokes for approximately 15 seconds. Be careful not to rub your eye
directly but get as close to the eyelash line as possible. Rinse with warm tap water and pat dry. Repeat this procedure twice daily.
Call my office if you experience excessive irritation from this procedure.
Although there may be no direct relationship to the causes of conditions that necessitate eyelid hygiene techniques, it is also
prudent in more advanced cases to wash hair daily with dandruff control shampoo.
Lubricating eye drops and gels improve the lubrication of the eye as the eyelid blinks over the front surface of the eye. A gel has
a higher viscosity than a drop and comforts the eye for a longer period of time. The consistency of lubrication drops, and especially gels, may blur vision temporarily. Since your diagnosis requires the use of these lubricating products to comfort your eyes they
may be used at regular intervals during the day, evening, and are especially helpful before bedtime. It is important to note that it
is generally not recommend using solutions that also include properties that claim to remove ocular redness.
While artificial tears can reduce dry eye symptoms, they do not cure the dry eye condition. Certain nutrients can also increase
the quantity and quality of tears. Specifically, these include omega fatty acids and antioxidants. It is difficult to achieve therapeutic levels of these nutrients in the diet so supplementation is usually necessary. I will be pleased to recommend specific products
for this nutritional supplementation.
Restasis® is an ophthalmic solution that can reduce dry eye symptoms when used twice a day for a long period of time. Many
times this medication will take 1-3 months before any appreciable improvement is noticed.
For more information and educational videos about Blepharitis check out
Liverpool/Baldwinsville: (315) 622-3500
Fayetteville: (315) 445-9856