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By: Nick Worobij
What was the French
 The French Revolution was a period in history
of France covering the years 1789-1799, in
which the monarchy was overthrown and
radical restricting was forced upon the
Roman Catholic Church. The people of
France resented the monarchy and the
privileged. Leaders were Georges Jacques
Danton, Lucie Simplice Camille Benoist
Desmoulins, Maxililien Francois Marle Isodore
de Robespierre.
Why the Revolution come about?
The French Revolution came about because of
economic problems-France was going
bankrupt. Social problems-French society
was stuck in a feudal role. Religious
problems-rigid control by the church of many
aspects of French society. The revolution took
10 years before it was finally over. When the
revolution was over, Napoleon took power.
Who fought in the French
 The upper class versus the middle class.
 Liberty, equality, fraternity were the cries of
the French Revolution.
 The early revolutionaries in France were
influenced by the American Revolution.
Who won the Revolution???
 The middle class won the revolution and
defeated the monarchy.
 The result of the revolution was abolition and
replacement of the French monarchy with a
radical democratic republic.
The END!!
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