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Before the Bell
 Enter quietly
 Pick up notebook from back of the room
 Have a seat when the bell rings
 “We’re about to go waaay back, back into time…”
(Anyone know what song this comes from?)
1. Make a list of everything you did today that probably
wouldn’t have been possible in the 17th century
2. How do you think scientists were able to make such
remarkable observations given low technology?
3. If you did not have a telescope or map of space, etc.
how could you calculate the sizes of planets?
Tips for Success
 Come to class on time and prepared
 Take notes in class!
 Pay attention during videos in class!
 Review powerpoints online!
 Review ALL worksheets & videos before an exam
(Study sheet, flash cards, Review game)
Notebook Checks
 Date EVERY page
 Number EVERY page
 Update Table of Contents!
 Know: List everything you know about life in the past
 Want to Know: List everything you want to know
about life in the past
 Learn: Fill in at the end of class based on what you
learned today
Brain Break
 Who are 5 famous people (dead or alive) you would
like to have a conversation with or hang out with?
 Why did you choose these people?
Unit 3: History of Astronomy
 Today & Tomorrow: Ancient Astronomy
 Lifestyles of the rich and the famous and their theories
 Essential Questions:
 What was life like in ancient Greece?
 Who were these “famous” people?
 How did they develop knowledge of the cosmos?
 What did they postulate?
Ancient Astronomy: COPY
 Astronomy is not the property of any one culture,
civilization or era
 Same ideas, tools, and misconceptions have been
invented and reinvented by people all over the world
 Astronomy born because people wanted to understand
where we came from and how we fit into the cosmos
Ancient Greece
 College/Career Prep Class: Read mini article on
Ancient Greece
 As read underline or highlight important
information that tells you what life was like in ancient
 Time: 10 min
Journal Entry
 If time travel were possible, would you rather live in
ancient Greece or Charlotte in modern day?
 Explain using details from the article and what
you have experienced so far
Famous People
 Will record notes on 5 people
 Discuss:
 How long would you have to observe the stars in order to
determine the motion of the Sun?
 How would you go about doing this without the aid of
Observations _ Notes to Copy
 Greek astronomers observed the sky with the naked
 Throughout the night, they saw the stars move across
the sky
 Over the course of a month, they saw the phases of the
Moon change
 Astronomers noticed the planets but were not sure
how they traveled
 To the naked eye, planets vary in brightness and do
not remain in the same place in the sky
 The planets seem to wander around the celestial
 The word planet derives from the Greek word planetes,
meaning “wanderer”
 Planets never stray
from the ecliptic
 Planets usually travel
from East West
 However, there is a
time when the planet’s
eastward motion stops
and the planet appears
to move westward
before reversing again
 Astronomers knew that the retrograde motion was
related to brightness of the planet
 The challenge was to find a solar model that explained
the motion of all of the planets
 They hypothesized that the brightness is due to the
distance from earth
 Could this be possible?
Quick Write
 Letter to astronomers explaining if it is possible for
brightness to be related to distance from planets
 What else could cause the brightness
Retrograde Animation
Key Vocab
 Prograde Motion- East West motion of stars
 Retrograde Motion- the “backward” loops of the
Exit Ticket
 What did you learn today about ancient Greece?
 What did you learn today about a famous astronomer?