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Sisterhood of Temple Sholom,
Women of Reform Judaism
Vancouver, Canada
Highlights of Shabbaton Weekend, March 18-19, 2011
By Violeta Moutal, VP Programming
Sisterhood of Temple Sholom, Women of Reform Judaism held their annual
Shabbaton Weekend from March 18-19, 2011, on the theme of Kesher
Ve’Hemshchiyut – Connecting and Continuing. We were honoured to have with us
this weekend two representatives of WRJ Pacific District: Ellen Bick, First VicePresident, and Sandy Gatlin, Immediate Past President.
The weekend featured a Friday night potluck dinner, and Friday and Saturday
Shabbat Services led entirely by members of the Sisterhood and accompanied by
their very own Sisterhood Choir, directed by Joyce Cherry.
At the Friday night service, the choir members wore hats in support of women in the
congregation undergoing chemotherapy treatment. The choir’s repertoire included
three magnificent arrangements by their very own member, singer, musician and
composer Joan Beckow.
Friday evening, Ellen Bick gave an excellent “Drosh” on
the week’s “Parashat” and highlighted WRJ’s special
projects and international achievements.
congregants approached her at the “Oneg” to express their
acknowledgment, appreciation and support of WRJ.
Following the Saturday morning Shabbat service, board members, posed together
with Ellen Bick, to have a group photo taken in front of the open “Arch.” The photo
is being forwarded to the Women of the Wall to show our unwavering support.
Shabbat lunch was followed by a “Live, Live, Learn and
Celebrate Shabbat” lecture by guest speaker, Sandy
Gatlin, on the topic of “Celebrating my Journey,
Growing, Learning and Leading”, which was attended
by over 30 Sisterhood members. She moved many of the
attendees to tears with a heart-warming story of her life
Saturday night social mingling, “Vino and Video”, featured a wine and cheese
reception and the showing of the film “Making Trouble.”
Sunday morning we held a brunch at the home of our President, Alexis Rothchild,
followed by an informal Board meeting. There were approximately 28 women in
attendance, including Ellen Bick and Sandy Gatlin. Sandy Gatlin lead a training
session on the content and breadth of the WRJ and WRJ Pacific websites, and spoke
effectively about leadership development and the roles of board members. Her
presentation was informational and truly inspiring.
Below are some of our member’s comments/highlights in regards to their
participation and experience over the course of the Shabbaton Weekend.
“If the choir sang more often, the congregation would be bigger!”
“This year's Sisterhood service was one of the highlights of my over 30 years of
participation in this wonderful organization.”
“My most moving part of the weekend was the Sisterhood Choir’s decision to wear hats
in support of women dealing with cancer. I was also touched by the number of women
who devoted their time to make the Shabbaton Weekend so successful.”
“I was moved to tears and could barely sing through my tears and the lumps that kept
forming in my throat. My heart is full just thinking about the weekend.”
“My favorite impression was feeling the warmth and kindness of all the women of
Sisterhood. It was a weekend of fun, friendship, co-operation and learning. Looking
forward to the next Shabbaton!”
“While was not able to attend all the Shabbaton weekend events, I loved the part I was
able to attend. I felt the members of the Sisterhood very warm and welcoming. My soul
was soothed to the outstanding music of our Sisterhood Choir. After that the food was
just nice. A balance of fruit and sweets! The Vino and Video was a lot of fun. They
chose a really interesting, yet entertaining movie. I also appreciate all the work the
Sisterhood did to make this the success it was. Can’t wait till next year!”
“It was an inspirational weekend. I was lucky enough to be a member of the choir and I
was moved beyond words by the magic of the music and being a part of the
congregation in a very different way. I, too, had moments of joy and emotion as we
sang our hearts out.
My other main memory is of Sandy Gatlin’s openness and warmth as she told the story
of her unconventional upbringing with respect to Judaism and her connection to
Sisterhood, which brought her to the place she is in today. She brought such honesty
and told her story so simply that I had a lump in my throat and I felt privileged to be in
the circle around her as she spoke on Saturday afternoon.”
“One of the impressive moments on the weekend was the Making Trouble video. I had
heard of some of the women who were represented, and not of others, but without
exception they were extraordinarily strong Jewish women who made a life for
themselves in very difficult circumstances. Given what they were able to do with what
they had, gives us pause to get on with our own lives and make the most of what we
[By ©Violeta Moutal
VP Programming & Choir Member]
I envisioned flying angels
flopping their transparent wings
making their way through an azure starry sky.
I heard their chants, those angelical tunes
Their voices together with mine,
yielding a soulful and divine sound.
At the crescendo, our voices lifted in praise,
attempting to reach heavenly ground,
unchaining the gates, unlocking the souls
of the Divine Presence within us.
The Sechina’s bright light ascending to the sky
expanding our lungs, awakening our hearts,
enhancing our voice and illuminating our eyes.
I delighted myself in the awe of the moment,
And gave thanks to the notes and their sound,
their composer, executor, conductor and singers of songs
connecting Heaven and Earth with a Heavenly hymn.
I realized that I was experiencing true bliss –
an all-encompassing feeling of serene and ecstatic joy
I felt complete, grateful, connected, and loved
and… I was not alone.