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An Outstanding Answer
 Read through the two paragraphs answering
the question, “What is the symbolism of the flies
in the novel?”
 Using three colours, highlight examples of
the three Assessment Objectives:
 Evidence (A01)
 Language Analysis (A02)
 Context & Interpretations (A03)
Language Analysis
• Understanding the GCSE Assessment Objectives (AO)
• Analysing key words and phrases to construct points
The forest near them burst into uproar. Demoniac figures
with faces of white and red and green rushed out
howling, so that the littluns fled screaming. Out of the
corner of his eye, Ralph saw Piggy running. Two figures
rushed at the fire and he prepared to defend himself but
they grabbed half-burnt branches and raced away along
the beach. The three others stood still, watching Ralph;
and he saw that the tallest of them, stark naked save for
paint and a belt, was Jack.
Jack being the antagonist of the novel represents the opposite of Ralph.
Whilst Ralph provides shelter, security and optimism, Jack spreads
savagery and fear like a virus amongst the characters. Savagery is the
quality of being fierce, brutal or cruel. Similarly, a virus can be brutal as
it can harm or damage ones health. Golding represents these two
themes through the character Jack. For example Ralph is reluctant to call
Jack by his name, instead refers to Jack as ‘him’. This dehumanises him,
and makes him a savage as savages usually don’t have names and are
just referred as monsters. This also represents that Jack was not liked or
feared as the name is not spoken perhaps because his name brings
apprehension so therefore caused impact to the children of the island.
This supports him being portrayed as a virus. In addition to being a
savage and a virus Golding also displays Jack as a villain as a villain is
also someone feared. A villain is a character whose evil actions or
motives are important to the plot, which Golding demonstrates through
Piggy questioning “what makes things break up”, which Ralph later
answers as Jack being the reason. This reflects that Jack broke the
civilisation, which was destructive and was part of his evil plan to
become the leader of the boys.
Burst into uproar
Demoniac figures
Faces of white and red and green
Rushed out howling
Littluns fled screaming
Piggy running
Two figures rushed
Home Stuff
 Mark your given paragraph by annotating it
using AO1, A02 & A03
 Correct spelling, punctuation & grammar
 Provide at least two suggestions for
improved language analysis