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Today’s Agenda:
FCCLA – Deadline FRIDAY!!
Finish Nutrients
Start Fiber
Video – Good Eats
Create Poster
Next Class:
◦ Water and Carbohydrates
Next Week:
◦ Quickbreads (Banana or Pumpkin Bread)
An important nutrient with countless health
Found in plant foods, fiber is a carbohydrate
that is not digested by the body.
Eating fiber has been shown to lower
cholesterol, normalize blood glucose, and
alleviate constipation
Emerging research points to fiber’s role in
lowering risk for heart disease and diabetes.
Increasing your fiber can aid in weight loss
Fiber-rich meals are digested more slowly
and make you feel fuller longer.
Increasing fiber consumption today result in
long-term health benefits
Add fiber while adding flavor and variety to
10 easy ways to add fiber to your diet
1.Choose a wide variety of fiber sources
Plant foods provide two types of fiber:
 Soluble fiber (which increases the feeling of
 Insoluble fiber (which aids the digestive system
and promotes regularity)
 Peas, beans, oats, and fruits are the best sources
of soluble fiber
 Whole grains and vegetables provide insoluble
2. Add fiber to your diet gradually
 Most people eat less than recommended 25
to 38 grams of fiber / day
 Make changes in diet
 Increase fiber gradually to prevent gas and
 Allow your gastrointestinal tract time to
3. Pick whole grain foods over refined
 Whole grain foods are a natural source of dietary
 Whole grains retain the kernel’s fiber-rich outer
shell, known as bran.
 Whole grains also supply an important source of
vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants.
 To identify whole grains, look for these
ingredients on labels:
 Whole wheat, Barley, Oats, Rye, Brown rice,
Buckwheat, Millet, Oatmeal
4.Begin your day with a fiber boost
 Breakfast is the most important meal of the
 Start your day with right kind of fuel
 Choose breakfast cereals with at least 3
grams of fiber per serving
 Opt for whole wheat toast
 Grab a handful of fiber-rich fruits.
5.Pick high-fiber snacks when midday
munchies hit
 Avoid high-calorie, high-fat and low-fiber
options (vending machine)
 Prepack fiber-rich snacks - whole grain
crackers, mixed nuts, and dried figs or
apricots or fruits.
 Popcorn — a whole grain — is another highfiber snack.
6. Add fresh fruit to every meal
 Add to cereal
 Eat as a snack
 Enjoy as a simple dessert
 Fresh fruit is a sweet way to add fiber to your
 The fruits highest in fiber include apples (with
skin), pears, oranges, and strawberries.
7. Load up on legumes
High-fiber legumes including beans, peas,
and lentils are best sources of fiber
Add one serving to your day by incorporating
legumes into salads, soups, and casseroles,
or puree them to make a delicious dip.
8. Explore the globe
American food tends to be lower in fiber than
other ethnic cuisines.
Take your taste buds on an adventure and
add fiber to your diet by dining on Mexican,
Middle Eastern, and Mediterranean fare. Tasty
options include black bean burritos, hummus,
tabouli, spicy bean salads, and whole wheat
With your group, create a poster educating
people about the benefits of carbohydrates
and fiber
Use pictures, words, jokes, cartoons, etc.
Decide on an age group before you start
Could be small children (elementary school age)
Busy adults