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September 26-30, 2016
HOMEWORK-This is the first item on the agenda for my class
EVERY day.
1-4 Cornell notes due Wednesday glued in to INB pg. 36-39
Chapter 1 Study Guide due 9/29/15
Chapter 1 test 9/29/15
Chapter 1 Reflection in INB- Signed by Parents due on 9/29/16complete the questions and glue in to your INB on pg. 41- answer the
questions on pg. 40
9/29/16 Chapter 1 Interactive Notebook
Vocabulary Dictionary due 10/21
Chapter 2 Vocabulary dictionary words due 10/7
1-4 Cornell notes due Wednesday
glued in to INB pg. 36-39
Chapter 1 Study Guide due
Chapter 1 test 9/29/15
Chapter 1 Reflection in INBSigned by Parents due on 9/29/16
9/29/16 Chapter 1 Interactive
Vocabulary Dictionary due 10/21
Chapter 2 Vocabulary dictionary
words due 10/7
Content Objective: Students will
be able to (SWBAT)… Learn about
Scientific models while completing
your Cornell notes.
Language Objective:
Students will be able to
(SWBAT)… Share warm ups with
SP using sentence frame & 4 L’s.
Fill in your Cornell notes, write &
complete study questions and
Why? Scientist use models to help
them communicate in science.
Sentence Frames
“I concluded… (use information
from the question in your
“I determined… (use
information from the question
in your answer).”
“I ascertained… (use
information from the question
in your answer).”
“I verified… (use information
from the question in your
“ I deduced…(use information
from the question in your
1. What is a model?
2. What are the 3 types of
models discussed in the text.
3. What is one limitation of
using a model?
HOMEWORK-This is the first items on the agenda
for my class EVERY day.
Chapter 1 Study guide due 9/27
Chapter 1 Test 9/27/15
Chapter 1 Reflection Activity in INB signed by your
parents due 9/27/16. Complete the questions & glue
in on pg. 37 of your INB and answer the question on
pg. 36
Chapter 1 Interactive Notebook is due 9/27
Chapter 2 Vocabulary due 9/29/16
HomeworkChapter 1 Study guide due
Chapter 1 Test 9/27/15
Chapter 1 Reflection
Activity in INB signed by
your parents due 9/27/16
Chapter 1 Interactive
Notebook is due 9/27
Chapter 2 Vocabulary due
Content Objective:
Students will be able to
(SWBAT)… Review
Chapter 1 information for
the Chapter 1 test.
Language Objective:
Students will be able to
(SWBAT)…Study with TF
for 5 minutes in
preparation for the
review game.
Why? You need to be
prepared for the test.
Sentence Frames
“I concluded… (use
information from the
question in your answer).”
“I determined… (use
information from the
question in your answer).”
“I ascertained… (use
information from the
question in your answer).”
“I verified… (use
information from the
question in your answer).”
Warm Ups
What are you going to
do tonight to study
for the test?
What is a model?
What are the 3 types
of models discussed in
HOMEWORK-This is the first items on the agenda for my class
EVERY day.
Scale drawing due Wednesday glued in to INB pg. 43
1-4 Cornell notes due Wednesday glued in to INB pg. 36-39
Chapter 1 Study Guide due 9/29/15
Chapter 1 test 9/29/15
Chapter 1 Reflection in INB- Signed by Parents due on 9/29/16
Glued in on pg. 41-answer the questions on pg 40
9/29/16 Chapter 1 Interactive Notebook
Vocabulary Dictionary due 10/21
Chapter 2 Vocabulary dictionary words due 10/7
HomeworkScale drawing due Wednesday glued in to
INB pg. 40
1-4 Cornell notes due Wednesday glued in
to INB pg. 36-39
Chapter 1 Study Guide due 9/29/15
Chapter 1 test 9/29/15
Chapter 1 Reflection in INB- Signed by
Parents due on 9/29/16
Glued in on pg. 41
9/29/16 Chapter 1 Interactive Notebook
Vocabulary Dictionary due 10/21
Chapter 2 Vocabulary dictionary words
due 10/7
Content Objective: Students will be able
to (SWBAT)… Learn about the how scale
applies to models in science.
Language Objective:
Students will be able to (SWBAT)…Share
warm ups with SP using sentence frame
and the 4 L’s.
Complete a scale of drawing. Discuss with
your SP how scale is related to models
Why? Scientist use models to represent
every day objects & phenomenon.
Sentence Frames
“I concluded… (use
information from the
question in your answer).”
“I determined… (use
information from the
question in your answer).”
“I ascertained… (use
information from the
question in your answer).”
“I verified… (use
information from the
question in your answer).”
Warm Ups
1. What are the 6 steps in
the scientific methods?
2. What is the mnemonic
device for the metric
3. 23 g _________ mg
HOMEWORK-This is the first items on the
agenda for my class EVERY day.
Chapter 2 vocabulary due on 9/29/16
HomeworkChapter 2 vocabulary due
Content Objective:
Students will be able to
(SWBAT)… Demonstrate
understanding of Chapter 1
material by completing a
Language Objective:
Students will be able to
(SWBAT)… Study with
SP/TF for 5 minutes before
the test.
Why? I have to see if you
understand the information
from Ch. 1
Sentence Frames
“I concluded… (use
information from the
question in your answer).”
“I determined… (use
information from the
question in your answer).”
“I ascertained… (use
information from the
question in your answer).”
“I verified… (use
information from the
question in your answer).”
Warm Ups
No warm ups Chapter 1
HOMEWORK-This is the first items on the agenda for my
class EVERY day.
Chapter 1 Study Guide due 9/29/15
Chapter 1 test 9/29/15
Chapter 1 Reflection in INB- Signed by Parents due on
Glued in on pg. 41
9/29/16 Chapter 1 Interactive Notebook
Vocabulary Dictionary due 10/21
Chapter 2 words due 10/7
Chapter 1 Study Guide due
Chapter 1 test 9/29/15
Content Objective: Students
will be able to (SWBAT)…
Review Chapter 1 information
for the Chapter 1 test.
Chapter 1 Reflection in INBSigned by Parents due on
Glued in on pg. 41
Language Objective:
Students will be able to
(SWBAT)…Student with TF for
5 minutes in preparation for
the review game.
9/29/16 Chapter 1 Interactive
Vocabulary Dictionary due
Chapter 2 words due 10/7
Why? You need to be prepared
for the test.
Sentence Frames
“I concluded… (use
information from the
question in your answer).”
“I determined… (use
information from the
question in your answer).”
“I ascertained… (use
information from the
question in your answer).”
“I verified… (use
information from the
question in your answer).”
Warm Ups
1. What do you plan to
do to study for the
2. How much time do
you plan to study for
the test.
3. At the end of Kahoot
today you should
know what you need
to study.-Please
write the
sentence on your
warm up page.
HOMEWORK-This is the first items on the agenda
for my class EVERY day.
Chapter 2 vocabulary due 9/29
Characteristics of Living Things Station lab due
Chapter 2 vocabulary due 9/29
Characteristics stations lab
due Friday
Content Objective: Students
will be able to (SWBAT)…
Learn about the vocabulary
necessary to discuss the
characteristics that all living
things have in common.
Language Objective:
Students will be able to
(SWBAT)…Share warm ups
with SP using sentence frame
and the 4 L’s.
Choral respond to vocabulary
words, write a definition,
academic sentence and draw a
Why? You share 6 things in
common with other living things
Sentence Frames
“I concluded… (use
information from the
question in your answer).”
“I determined… (use
information from the
question in your answer).”
“I ascertained… (use
information from the
question in your answer).”
“I verified… (use
information from the
question in your answer).”
Warm Up
1. What is the function of
a cell?
The function of a cell is…
2. What is homeostasis?
Homeostasis is…
3. How can you be safe
during an experiment?
In order to be safe
during an experiment you
need to…
..\..\15-16 School Year\Chapter 2\Chapter 2
Vocab all sections.pptx
HOMEWORK-This is the first items on the
agenda for my class EVERY day.
Vocabulary Dictionary due 10/21
Chapter 2 words due 10/7
Read Chapter 2 Section 1 pg. 52-55
Vocabulary Dictionary due
Chapter 2 words due 10/7
Read Chapter 2 Section 1
pg. 52-55
Content Objective:
Students will be able to
(SWBAT)… Demonstrate
understanding of Chapter
1 material by completing a
Language Objective:
Students will be able to
(SWBAT)… Study with
SP/TF for 5 minutes
before the test.
Why? I have to see if you
understand the
information from Ch. 1
Sentence Frames
“I concluded… (use information
from the question in your
“I determined… (use
information from the question
in your answer).”
“I ascertained… (use
information from the question
in your answer).”
“I verified… (use information
from the question in your
“ I deduced…(use information
from the question in your
Warm Ups
None- Chapter 1 Test
HOMEWORK-This is the first items on the
agenda for my class EVERY day.
Characteristics of living things stations lab due
Chapter 2 Study Guide due 10/11
Chapter 2 test 10/11
Characteristics of living
things stations lab due
Chapter 2 Study Guide
due 10/11
Chapter 2 test 10/11
Content Objective:
Students will be able to
(SWBAT)… Learn about
the characteristic of
living things by exploring
during the stations lab.
Language Objective:
Students will be able to
(SWBAT)… Share warm
ups with SP using
sentence frame & 4 L’s.
Work with TF to complete
each station of the lab.
Why? You are living!!
Sentence Frames
“I concluded… (use
information from the
question in your answer).”
“I determined… (use
information from the
question in your answer).”
“I ascertained… (use
information from the
question in your answer).”
“I verified… (use
information from the
question in your answer).”
Warm ups- No warms
Stations Lab
HOMEWORK-This is the first items on the agenda
for my class EVERY day.
Complete your summary of the weekend.
2-1 Cornell notes due 10/4
Vocabulary Dictionary due 10/21
Chapter 2 words due 10/7
Chapter 2 Study Guide due 10/11
Chapter 2 test 10/11
Complete your summary of the
2-1 Cornell notes due 10/4
Content Objective: Students
will be able to (SWBAT)…Learn
about the 6 characteristics all
living things have in common.
Vocabulary Dictionary due
Chapter 2 words due 10/7
Language Objective:
Students will be able to
(SWBAT)…Choral respond to
vocabulary word necessary to
discuss living organisms.
Fill in Cornell notes, complete
study questions & summary
Chapter 2 Study Guide due
Chapter 2 test 10/11
Why? You are alive!
Sentence Frames
“I concluded… (use
information from the
question in your answer).”
“I determined… (use
information from the
question in your answer).”
“I ascertained… (use
information from the
question in your answer).”
“I verified… (use
information from the
question in your answer).”
Warm Ups
1. What is the function of a
The function of a cell is…
2. What is homeostasis?
Homeostasis is…
3. How can you be safe
during an experiment?
In order to be safe during
an experiment you need to…
This week in science I learned…
Models in Science
Limitations of models
6 characteristics of living things
Stimuli + examples
Complete your summary over the weekend.
Characteristics of living things stations lab due
Chapter 2 Study Guide due 10/11
Chapter 2 test 10/11
Complete your summary over
the weekend.
Characteristics of living things
stations lab due Friday.
Chapter 2 Study Guide due
Chapter 2 test 10/11
Content Objective: Students
will be able to (SWBAT)…
Learn about the characteristic
of living things by exploring
during the stations lab.
Language Objective:
Students will be able to
(SWBAT)… Share warm ups
with SP using sentence frame &
4 L’s.
Work with TF to complete each
station of the lab.
Why? You are living!!
Sentence Frames
“I concluded… (use
information from the
question in your answer).”
“I determined… (use
information from the
question in your answer).”
“I ascertained… (use
information from the
question in your answer).”
“I verified… (use
information from the
question in your answer).”
None- Stations Lab
This week in science I learned…
6 characteristics of living things
Stimuli + examples
Reproduction- asexual vs sexual reproduction
Content Objective: Students will
be able to (SWBAT)… Learn about
the characteristics that all living
things have in common.
Language Objective:
Students will be able to
(SWBAT)… Share warm ups with
SP using sentence frame & 4 L’s.
Read 2-1 & complete Cornell notes.
Why? You should know what you
have in common with other
organisms on this planet.
Content Objective: Students will
be able to (SWBAT)…Learn about
the vocabulary necessary to
discuss living things.
Language Objective:
Students will be able to
(SWBAT)… Share warm ups with
SP using sentence frame & 4 L’s.
Choral respond to vocabulary,
write a definition, academic
sentence & draw a picture.
Why? You should know what you
have in common with other
organisms on this planet.
Proteins are made of
smaller units called
All living things are a
combination of which six
What is the difference
between a simple &
complex carbohydrate?
Content Objective:
Students will be able to
(SWBAT)… Learn about the
6 characteristic of living
Language Objective:
Students will be able to
(SWBAT)… Share warm ups
with SP using sentence
frame & 4 L’s.
Summarize the
characteristics of living
things on your poster.
Why? You are living!!
Warm Ups
1. What is the function
of a cell?
Warm Ups
1. What is stimuli and
give three examples?
2. What is homeostasis?
2. What is the
difference between
asexual reproduction &
sexual reproduction?
3. How can you be safe
during an experiment?
3. What is the function
of DNA?
1. What is stimuli and give
three examples?
Stimuli is _______ and 3
examples are________.
2. What is the difference
between asexual reproduction
& sexual reproduction?
The difference between sexual
and asexual reproduction is…
3. What is the function of
The function of DNA is…
What is the difference
between a producer &
What is the function of a
cell membrane?
What are the 4
necessities of life?
..\Chapter 2\Chpt 2. 6
Characteristics of Living
Warm Ups
1. What is metabolism?
Metabolism is….
2. What does DNA stand
DNA stands for …
3. What is the difference
between theory & law (pg.
The difference between
theory and law is…