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Add picture of periodic table
 Periodic Table
 A chart that shows each of the
known elements – the elements are
grouped based on their properties.
What can I learn about matter from the Periodic
 chemical symbol
 Each box represents one type
of matter (one element)
The chemical symbol
represents the element and is
written as either one (capital)
letter or two letters (the first
capital and the second
 element name
Element names don’t always
“match” their chemical symbols
because they had Latin names.
What can I learn about matter from the Periodic
 atomic number
 The atomic number is found
at the top of the box.
The atomic number is the
number of protons in one atom
of that element.
The atomic number increases
as you go across a period (row).
What can I learn about matter from the Periodic
 atomic mass
 The atomic mass is found at
the bottom of each box.
Atomic mass is measured in
AMU which stands for Atomic
Mass Units – atoms are very
small, and so AMU are much
less than milligrams.
What can I learn about matter from the Periodic
 valence electrons
 Columns on the Periodic Table
are called groups.
Elements in each group have the
same number of valence electrons.
Each group has elements with
similar properties because they
have the same number of valence
Group #1 are the alkali metals,
and they are very reactive.
Group #17 are the noble gasses
and they are non-reactive.
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