Download Unit 3 *The Solar System* 6th Grade Space Science

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Unit 3 “The Solar System”
6th Grade Space Science
Key Concepts
Key Concept
 Scientists use models to demonstrate ideas,
explain observations, and make predictions.
Key Concept
 Telescopes allow astronomers to observe
distant objects in space that might otherwise
not be seen.
 Scientific explanations are based on
evidence gathered from observations and
Key Concept
 Planets orbit stars.
 Moons orbit planets.
Key Concept
 The solar system is centered around the Sun
– the only star in the Solar System.
(Heliocentric Model)
 Many diverse objects make up the Solar
Key Concept
 Scientists categorize objects in the Solar
System by characteristics, such as: shape,
and appearance, what they orbit, how large
they are, and how far away their orbits are
from the Sun.
Key Concept
 Not every Solar System object can be easily
 Solar system objects have a wide variety of
Key Concept
 In general, the farther away a planet is from
the Sun, the colder its temperature.
Key Concept
 The inner planets (Mercury, Venus, Earth,
and Mars) are smaller in size than the outer
 The composition of the inner planets is
mostly rocky.
The Inner Planets
Key Concept
 The composition of the outer planets
(Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune) is
mostly gaseous.
 With the exception of Mercury, all the
planets have atmospheres.
The Outer Planets
Key Concept
 The Solar System is mostly empty space and
is very large compared to the objects within
 The Solar System formed from gas and dust,
which gravity drew together into a whirling
Key Concept
 Planets closer to the Sun have smaller orbits
and move more quickly than planets farther
from the Sun.
 Objects in the Solar System are in regular
and predictable motion.
 As seen from Earth, the positions of the
planets and the Sun are always changing.
Test Hint…
 If you know the order of the planets and
whether they are an inner or an outer planet,
then it can help you remember if their:
 Temperature is warmer or colder than Earth.
 Size is larger or smaller than Earth.
 What it is made of – mostly gas or mostly
 Has an atmosphere or has NO atmosphere.
The Solar System