Download Fluids Unit Review MC

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Question 1
The density of a 1-kg block of aluminum is 2700 kg/m3.
What is the density of a 4-kg block of aluminum?
a) 1350 kg/m3
b) 2700 kg/m3
c) 5400 kg/m3
d) 10,800 kg/m3
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Question 2
The density of aluminum is 2700 kg/m3. What is the
mass of a block of aluminum that has a volume of
4 m3?
a) 1350 kg
b) 2700 kg
c) 5400 kg
d) 10,800 kg
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Question 3
Which of the following devices often make use of a
hydraulic press?
a) Car lifts
b) Dentist chairs
c) Automobile brakes
d) All of the above
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Question 4
For the hydraulic lift shown, if the force on piston 1 is
100 N, and A2 is 100 times larger than A1, then how
much force does piston 2 exert?
a) 1 N
b) 100 N
c) 1000 N
d) 10,000 N
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Question 5
What is the change in water pressure as you
descend 1 m deeper into water? The density of
water is 1000 kg/m3.
a) –10,000 N/m2
b) –1000 N/m2
c) 1000 N/m2
d) 10,000 N/m2
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Question 6
Suppose the air pressure in a diving bell is 3.0 atm. How high is
the water in the bell and how deep is the bottom of the bell?
a) The water is 2.0 m high in the bell and the bottom is 12 m
below the water surface.
b) The water is 2.7 m high in the bell and the bottom is
23 m below the water surface.
c) The water is 3 m high in the bell and the bottom is 36 m
below the water surface.
d) Not enough information is given to solve this problem.
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Question 7
If a block with a volume of 1 m3 is submerged in water
(ρ = 1000 kg/m3), what will be the total upward
buoyant force on it?
a) 100 N
b) 1000 N
c) 10,000 N
d) We cannot determine this without knowing the
density of the block.
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Question 8
If two small holes are punched at the same level in a
full bottle of water, the water will:
a) Exit both holes with the same speed.
b) Exit both holes with the same angle.
c) Exit both holes with the same pressure.
d) All of the above.
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Question 9
Two small holes are punched in a full bottle of water.
Hole 1 is higher than hole 2. The water out of hole 2
a) Exit more slowly than the water out of hole 1.
b) Exit at the same speed as the water out of hole 1.
c) Exit more rapidly than the water out of hole 1.
d) Not enough information is given to determine the
answer to this question.
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Question 10
The buoyant force is directly proportional to:
a) The mass of the fluid.
b) The surface area of the object.
c) The acceleration of gravity.
d) None of the above.
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Question 11
If an object's density is less than the fluid's density,
a) The object will sink.
b) The object may either sink or float.
c) The object will float.
d) It depends on the shape of the object.
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Question 12
If an object's density is greater than the fluid's density,
a) The object will sink.
b) The object may either sink or float.
c) The object will float.
d) It depends on the shape of the object.
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