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By: Ema Hays and Sharon Marciante
Diagram food web
Yellow- Savanna
Green- Not Savanna
Between latitude
15° North and 30
degrees S
Ecological Pyramid of
Predator, Parasitism,
Competition, Mutualism
Herbivores of
They all had to adapt to having plants
with no water.
Plants in the Savanna
• The Curcuma Hides when it
is growing.
• The Liatris scariosa var.
nieuwalndii can live with
well-drained soils.
Plant in the savanna cont.
• Shrubs have to be able
to grow with no water.
• The Camassia quamash
is able to grow with
little amounts of water.
• Death Camas
have to grow
with no water.
Carnivores in Savanna
during the
Will migrate for
Description of Savanna
• A savanna is a rolling
grassland scattered with
shrubs and isolated trees,
which can be found
between a tropical
rainforest and desert
• Savannas get all their rain in the summer months.
• There is an annual precipitation of 10 to 30 inches
(100 to 150 cm) of rain. From December to February
hardly any rain falls at all.
The threat in Savanna
• Savannas land use currently includes fully nomadic pastoralism,
semi-nomadic pastoralism, subsistence cultivation with no cash
crop, and cash crop cultivation (including ranch, estate and
plantation farming). In addition to food, fibre and wood
production, savannas are also used for mining, national parks,
tourism and urban developments. Human usage of the savanna
biome is increasing, which can lead to degradation of vegetation
and soil resources, resulting in nutrient losses and shifts in water
balance and availability. Brazilian cerradão contains over 800
species of trees and shrubs alone; approximately 40% of the
cerradão and llanos has now been cleared or altered for
agricultural uses with crops such as coffee, soybeans, rice, corn
and beans.
The benefits of Savanna
• 1) To protect and provide habitat for migratory birds - Savannas provide
habitat for over 100 species of birds. Brown thrashers, blue-winged teal, yellow
warblers, and bluebirds make colorful additions to the savanna landscape
• 2) To protect and provide habitat for threatened and endangered species
• 3) To support a natural diversity of plants and animals on refuge lands Savannas support a wonderful variety of living things. White-tailed deer, wild
turkeys, wild lupine, mourning cloak butterflies, and the eastern hognosed
snake all make their homes on Necedah's savanna habitats.
Wetlands in savanna
• The tropical Savanna has many wetlands