* Your assessment is very important for improving the workof artificial intelligence, which forms the content of this project
* Your assessment is very important for improving the workof artificial intelligence, which forms the content of this project
Heritage Motor Centre Sustainability Assessments Total Energy Costs 3 1 5 Introduction Purchase of new LED lights will also have a direct effect on the kWh usage for the HMC. Even though the change is fairly obvious when considering that during the new lights will only be operating at 100W. Having said that, the graph below shows the effect on the total kWh usage of the site. After the first 4 years (recouping outlay) it is estimated that the total energy costs for the HMC will be reduced significantly as it is shown in the graph below. The Heritage Motor Centre is keen to, and has the potential to, engage in a variety of more sustainable and cost-saving changes in the near future. These range from low to high cost infrastructural changes. One of larger changes recommended by the recent Ecological Assessments would be the replacement of current lighting with more environmentally friendly lights which operate at lower wattage. 8000.0 119160 7000.0 Currently the lights under consideration are operating at 400W whilst the proposed lights only use 100W Here is an estimate of the accumulated savings for the HMC for 11.2 years which is the expected installation lifetime, the kWh usage and energy costs for the site per year. Capital expenses and maintenance costs have also been considered in the calculations. 6000.0 5000.0 120000 101388 4000.0 100000 3000.0 117640 2000.0 80000 1000.0 60000 0.0 2 Usage in kWh Accumulated Savings over 11 years Current energy cost per annum (£) 40000 Proposed energy cost per annum (£) Energy Costs 20000 50000.0 0 45736.1 39525.7 25347 Base Year 4 CO2 Emissions After Changes kWh 40000.0 33315.3 30000.0 27105.0 CO2 emissions follow a similar pattern as energy costs. It is estimated that the new lights which will operate at significantly lower kWh will manage to reduce the emissions by more than 39 tonnes per year. 20894.6 20000.0 14684.2 8473.9 10000.0 2263.5 0.0 Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5 Year 6 Year 7 Year 8 Year 9 Year 10 Year 11 60000.0 53190.2 -3946.9 50000.0 -10000.0 -10157.3 40000.0 6 Comments The figures are based on estimates provided by the Edmudson Electrical and Harry Smith. They calculated that the purchase of the new lights will cost £22587 and it will save 75% of energy usage per year. As a result, these numbers should be considered with caution. -16367.6 30000.0 -20000.0 Expected whole-of-life savings 13297.5 20000.0 10000.0 Repayment on capital outlay will take appx 3.6 years with overall savings of appx £45,736 on energy bills (at current rate) over an 11 year period. 0.0 This is only one change out of numerous other potential projects HMC could be involved with. Combining all of them would make a truly significant change. Base Year After Changes CO2 Emissions This figure is a good estimate of the investment’s rate of return and projected savings but will of course vary according to the many other variables involved in such a large project. The Marches Network