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Simple Machines
 Simple machines assist us in doing work by creating a
mechanical advantage.
 They do not change the amount of work; they lower
the effort force
 There are 6 types of simple machines: lever, inclined
plane, pulley, wedge, screw, and wheel and axle.
 Most machines are a combination of two or more
simple machines.
Inclined Plane
 Inclined planes are ramps.
 The length of the ramp is the effort distance (de),
while the height of the ramp is the resistance
distance (dr).
 The weight of the object is the resistance force.
 The force you apply is the effort force.
 The length of the ramp is always greater than
the height.
 Pulleys consist of a supporting cable and a rotating
 Pulleys change the size, direction, or both of the input
 An easy way to determine the mechanical advantage of a
pulley is to count the number of strings supporting the
 The weight is the resistance force
 The distance the weight is lifted is the resistance distance.
 The actual distance you pull the cable is the effort
 Levers consist of an arm that rotates around a fixed point
known as the fulcrum.
 There are 3 classes of levers.
 The effort distance is measured from the fulcrum to
where the effort force is applied.
 The resistance distance is measured from the fulcrum to
where the weight (resistance force) is located.