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Label the parts of the chromosome:
What is the purpose of Mitosis?
What are the 3 main parts of
the cell cycle?
During which part of Interphase
does the DNA get replicated?
What are the 4 parts of mitosis?
During which stages of mitosis can
can chromosomes be seen?
During which phase of mitosis has
the nuclear envelope breaking
During which phase of mitosis has the
chromosomes line up along the equator of
the cell?
During which phase of mitosis has the
chromosomes split apart and head towards
the poles?
During which phase of mitosis does the
spindle fibers break down and the nucleus
reforms around the chromatids?
What is cytokinesis?
How is cytokinesis different for animals
and plants? Draw a picture for each
If your human body cell with 46
chromosomes went through MITOSIS,
how many chromosomes would each
daughter cell contain?
Label each of the following and state
which phase it is in.
The checkpoints help to regulate the cell
cycle. What are the three checkpoints?
If a cell becomes mutated, it may
continue replicating and bypassing cell
cycle regulations. What is created when
this happens? What are the two different
types? What makes them different?
What is the special term given for
when cancer spreads?
What is the purpose of meiosis?
How is Meiosis and Mitosis Similar?
How are Mitosis and Meiosis
Identify the parts of Meiosis: The
stage of PMAT and identify if it is I or II
A. _________________ B. _______________________
Identify the parts of Meiosis: The
stage of PMAT and identify if it is I or II
D. ___________________
E. ______________________
F. ____________________________
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