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The Java API includes a class named ArrayList.
The introduction to the ArrayList class in the
Java API documentation is shown below.
◦ java.util.AbstractCollection<E>
 java.util.AbstractList<E>
 java.util.ArrayList<E>
The ArrayList class is sort of a hybrid. As its
name implies, it has array-like
characteristics, as well as characteristics that
can be described as list-like.
It has a wide variety of methods that allow
you to manipulate its elements in many
different ways.
In the interests of brevity, none of these
methods are presented here.
Some will be used in the example code which
will follow. If necessary, you should take a
look in the Java API documentation to see
what methods are available and to get
information on the use of specific methods.
In order to use an ArrayList in a program it
has to be imported with the following
◦ import java.util.ArrayList;
The declaration of an ArrayList can use angle
bracket notation to specify what kinds of
elements it contains. For example, the
following line of code in a program would
declare and construct an instance of an
ArrayList with the name myCollection that
contained elements which were references to
instances of the Cup7 class:
◦ ArrayList<Cup7> myCollection = new
If it is desirable for the ArrayList to contain
simple types like integers or doubles, the
values should be stored in instances of the
wrapper classes Integer and Double, and
references to these objects can be elements
of the ArrayList.
◦ ArrayList<Double> yourCollection = new
◦ It’s using the ‘Double’ class, not the ‘double’ type.
To traverse all of the elements of a simple
array, it would be customary to use a for loop
where the loop index cycles through values
for the array subscript.
An ArrayList is different. Its elements can be
traversed using a “for each” loop. Here is a
simple example illustrating the “for each”
syntax. Note that in reality, the word “each”
does not appear in it. It is given this name to
distinguish it from a simple for loop.
◦ For(Cup7 someCup : myCollection) {
In the for statement a local reference named “someCup” is
The for statement also contains a colon followed by the
name of the ArrayList to be accessed, in this example
named myCollection.
The type of the local reference agrees with the type of the
elements of the ArrayList. The loop runs through all of the
elements of myCollection, successively assigning
references of its elements to the local reference, someCup.
Notice that the loop delivers access to successive elements
of the collection, but it is not possible to call methods on
the collection itself.
This means that it is not possible to add elements to, or
remove them from the collection when using this syntax.
Traversing the elements of a collection like an ArrayList is
known as iteration.
The Java API includes interfaces named Iterator and
Iterable. These are specifications that support working
with the elements of an ArrayList while traversing it.
The Iterable interface contains one method, named
iterator(). Calling this method on an ArrayList returns a
reference to an iterator.
When obtaining the iterator, in order for your code to be
consistent, you want to use angle bracket notation to
specify what kinds of elements the iterator is dealing with.
If myCollection contains Cup7 elements, then declaring
and obtaining an iterator for it would take this form:
◦ Iterator<Cup7> myIterator = myCollection.iterator();
Three different methods can be called on an
◦ boolean hasNext()
 Returns true if the iteration has more elements.
◦ E next()
 Returns the next element in the iteration.
◦ void remove()
 Removes from the underlying collection the last element
returned by the iterator (optional operation).
These three methods make it possible to iterate
through an ArrayList checking to see whether
there is a “next” element, getting that element if
there is one, and removing it if desired.
Here is an example using a while loop based
on myCollection containing references to the
Cup7 class.
◦ Iterator<Cup7> myIterator =
Cup7 someCup;
while(myIterator.hasNext()) {
someCup =;
if (someCup.getSeedCount() <= 0)
The iterator for the collection is obtained
before the loop, and the test for continuing to
loop is a call to hasNext().
In the body of the loop, the call to next()
returns a reference to the next element, and
the call to remove() causes that element to be
removed from the collection.
The example removes from myCollection all
elements, all cups, which contain 0 or fewer
The following example accomplishes the
same thing more compactly using a for loop.
◦ for(Iterator<Cup7> myIterator =
myCollection.iterator(); myIterator.hasNext();)
if(( <= 0)
The first part of the for statement obtains the
iterator for the collection.
The second part of the for statement causes the
iteration to continue as long as there is another
element in the collection.
Notice that the for loop is structured to contain
three different things separated by semicolons,
but it only contains two things and there is a
concluding semicolon before the closing
The body of this loop is more compact than the
while loop example. It removes an element
without making use of a temporary reference.