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Anatomy Fall Semester Review
1. Where are the locations of the following bones?
a. Frontal bone
j. Occipital bone
s. Carpals
b. Femur
k. Parietal bone
t. Metacarpals
c. Fibula
l. Maxilla
u. Patella
d. Sternum
m. Mandible
v. Tarsals
e. Radius
n. Clavicle
w. Metatarsals
f. Mandible
o. True rib
x. Talus
g. Scapula
p. Humerus
y. Calcaneus
h. Phalanges
q. Radius
z. Coccyx
i. Sacrum
r. Ulna
2. Define anatomy.
3. Define physiology.
4. Describe the correct sequence, from simplest to most complex, of the levels of structural organization
in the human body.
a. Which one is most complex?
5. What are the structures and functions of each system in the human body? (Intro ppt)
6. Which system exchanges O2 and CO2?
7. Describe the system that controls and regulates the hormones.
8. Describe the directional terms for anatomy in humans
a. Superior
f. Proximal
b. Inferior
g. Medial
c. Ventral
h. Lateral
d. Dorsal
i. Posterior
e. Distal
j. Anterior
9. Describe the regions of the human body.
10. What is the relationship between the patellar and popliteal regions?
11. Describe the relationship between the thoracic and spinal cavities.
12. What are the body cavities? Can you locate each?
13. Where is the gluteal region?
14. What are the components of the human cell? Describe each component’s function.
15. Describe the types of transport in the human cell.
16. Describe the types of solutions and what can happen to a cell in each.
a. Hypotonic
b. Hypertonic
c. Isotonic
17. Describe the types of tissues and the structure and function of each.
18. What are the layers in the Integumentary system?
19. Describe the functions of the Integumentary system.
20. In order from outside the body to the inside, what is the order of the epidermal layers?
21. List the diseases that can affect the skin and describe each.
22. What does melanin do in the human body?
23. What are the nails and hair made up of and where does it come from in the human body?
24. What are the structures of bones, their locations, and the purpose they serve?
a. Facet
d. Meatus
b. Fossa
e. Sinus
c. Foramen
f. Trochanter
25. Describe the structure and function of the parts of the bone, bone cells included.
26. What are the factors that determine where the bone matrix is remodeled?
27. What are the four stages in the healing of a bone fracture and the sequence?
28. What are the disease mechanisms for bones? (think fractures)
29. What is the order of the ribs? (True ribs, false ribs, floating ribs)
30. List and describe the different joints with an example for each.
31. Describe the types of movement for articulations.
32. Describe the classification of bones based on the shape and structure.
33. Describe the movements of muscles with the following vocabulary:
a. Flexion
i. Supination
b. Extension
j. Pronation
c. Plantar flexion
k. Inversion
d. Dorsiflexion
l. Eversion
e. Abduction
m. Protraction
f. Adduction
n. Retraction
g. Rotation
o. Elevation
h. Circumduction
p. Depression
34. Which muscles demonstrate voluntary muscle contractions? Which perform involuntary muscle
35. Draw and describe the structure of cardiac muscle, smooth muscle, and skeletal muscle.
36. Describe the sarcomere. Which are the A bands, I bands, M lines, Z lines, and H zone?|
37. What is the plasma membrane of a muscle cell called?
38. What type of membrane wraps the fascicle?
39. Where do the axon terminals of a nerve cell and the sarcolemma of a skeletal muscle cell join?
40. What is the mechanical force of a contraction generated by?
41. The gap between the axon terminal of a motor neuron and the sarcolemma of a skeletal muscle cell is called
42. Which muscles close the jaw?
43. Which muscles compress the abdomen?
44. List the muscles on the anterior side of the body from page 52 in the coloring book.
45. List the muscle on the posterior side of the body from page 53 in the coloring book.
45. Which muscle is used for whistling?
46. What is the action of the Orbicularis oris?
47. Which muscles are used in abduction of the arm at the shoulder joint?
48. What motion is used in a “jumping jack”?
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